Litters of 15 or more piglets sounds good until you only wean 10. Mark Knauer reviews production practices and survival data, focusing on improving piglet birth weights to ensure better live-ability. Source: National Hog Farmer, August 9, 2018. Link. Piglet birth weight has clear associations with production throughput and efficiency. An increase of one piglet per litter is … [Read more...]
Get the most from manure
Farmers have started harvesting including cutting hay, wheat and oats and mowing field edges to allow for better air circulation. This is also time when manure can be broadcast on fields. Sara Brown previews an app that calculates a manure application rate, based on the choice of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limits and the N, P, and potassium (K) that will be applied to the … [Read more...]
How gut health promotes animal welfare in monogastrics
Jackie Roembke reviews how changes in production systems and animal welfare expectations challenge nutritionists and producers to maintain healthy animal populations. Focusing on immunity first to reduce antibiotic use requires a gut health perspective. With 70 percent of an animal’s immunity concentrated in the gut, fostering a strong gastrointestinal system will improve its … [Read more...]
Modern technology helping to manage smelly pigs
The battle between swine producers and their neighbors over the hog production smells may be getting some new technology beyond tree and bush windbreaks. Electrostatic precipitator technology from commercial industries is being tested at Iowa Select Farms. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 19, 2018. Link. John Stinn, environmental projects manager, says, “the electrostatic … [Read more...]
30-year milestone for World Pork Expo in the books
“It’s hard to believe Expo has been around for 30 years,” says Jim Heimerl, NPPC president and producer from Johnstown, Ohio. “Just as the U.S. pork industry has evolved over the years, so too has Expo.” In search of new ideas and solutions for today and tomorrow, more than 20,000 producers, employees and industry professionals attended the 2018 World Pork Expo. Among the … [Read more...]
GlobalVetLINK Joins Amazon Web Services for cloud solutions
GlobalVetLink (GVL), Ames, Iowa, has migrated its online animal health documentation platform to Amazon Web Services (AWS) joining companies such as Airbnb, Netflix and GE. The transition from a traditional data center to AWS allows GVL to better support current users, improve certificate creation, enhance technology and features and gain help with customer data security and … [Read more...]
World Pork Expo underway (slide show)
The World Pork Expo closes tomorrow at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. It is the world’s largest gathering dedicated to swine production. You can learn more at Source: National Hog Farmer, June 5, 2018. Link. Willie Vogt walked around the expo as preparations were being made for the opening on Wednesday, June 6, 2018. In addition to new technology … [Read more...]
Flies spread PEDV year-round
Pig producers have another good reason to think about fly control. A study conducted earlier this year confirms that even a few flies have the ability to infect pigs with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV). Source: PORK, May 23, 2018. Link. This new research shows flies pose a year-round risk for disease transmission, creating a new paradigm. A disease risk reduction … [Read more...]
Virtual pig farm tour educates grade-schoolers (includes video)
The Nebraska Farm Bureau virtual field trip program recently helped second grade students in Nebraska experience some swine production steps. Students used the internet to interact with the swine producer and learn more about where their food comes from. Source: Nebraska Farm Bureau, May 11, 2018. Link. Getting an up-close look at a pig is not something everyone gets the … [Read more...]
Tom Gillespie, DVM, named among 2018 Pork Masters
Passionate aptly describes Dr. Tom Gillespie. Whether it is the pigs, production challenges, pork producers or global industry colleagues he can be counted on to help make pork production more efficient, safe and valuable. He is always ready for the next challenge. Source: National Hog Farmer, May 22, 2018. Link. For Gillespie, communication is one of the major challenges … [Read more...]
Erin Brenneman sharing farm life with a new generation
Our industry is blessed to have passionate advocates like Erin Brenneman, the city girl turned pig farmer and social media maven. Her story is lived out across the country on farms and livestock production locations, but few dedicate themselves to educating a new generation. This is a must-read for animal health pros. Brenneman’s passion helps people from all backgrounds … [Read more...]
Smithfield: every pig, every pen, every day (includes video)
Consumer pressure and perceptions routinely challenge animal care and food production practices. To support the release of the Animal Care section of its "2017 Sustainability Report," Smithfield released a new 360-degree virtual reality video, which transports viewers to one of the company's wean-to-finish hog farms. The company recently used the technology to take viewers … [Read more...]
30-plus years of pork industry milestones, issues
Neil Dierks, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council, reflects on the development of the pork industry. He highlights these issues as the most memorable: Mandatory pork checkoff Pseudorabies eradication program H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009 Application of technology Animal ID/premise ID Growth of exports Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome … [Read more...]
The view from the gut
There has been ongoing confusion about microbe management in the gut. Continuous research is helping determine which bugs are good or bad, what happens during the production cycle and how antibiotics affect gut microflora. We determined that recent information published by National Hog Farmer would be best presented in its entirety. Animal health pros can anticipate parallel … [Read more...]
What did veterinarians learn at AASV? (slideshow)
It has only been five weeks, but the American Association of Swine Veterinarians 2018 annual meeting may seem a distant memory. Realistically, there has likely been little time to act on the information learned there. Now is a good time to refresh the action items from the meeting, discuss them with colleagues and industry representatives. Source: National Hog Farmer, March … [Read more...]
Bacon: America’s meat candy (includes slides)
For bacon’s sake! For years, we’ve been in the age of bacon mania where consumers can’t get enough of delicious cured pork belly and bacon-flavored foods. Sara Brown shares a slide deck that shows bacon’s rise to fame. Source: Pork, March 26, 2018. America's favorite meat has a long history of making people smile. … [Read more...]
Wild pig invasion affects Japan
Southern U.S. residents aren’t alone in their frustrations with wild pig invasions. Rural Japan is inundated by them and the problem is growing. As the country’s aging population dies or moves from farms, wild pigs quickly move into the abandoned rice patties and buildings. The feral critters have been common in southern parts of the country for years, showing up in train … [Read more...]
Stockmanship: natural talent or learned skill?
Raising livestock has become a skilled trade with the advent of more technology being deployed in livestock operations. Cheryl Day discusses the challenges and opportunities of training a new swine industry work force in the art of stockmanship. Source: National Hog Farmer, February 13, 2018. Looking at textbook definitions, animal husbandry is the science of breeding and … [Read more...]
Vaccine or vaccine failure?
It’s hard to put a price tag on preventing an animal from suffering, says Cheryl Day, National Hog Farmer editor, in her comments about the February issue. Her team has collected a series about vaccination and herd health that is worth review, regardless of what species dominates your time. These articles include: What would the world be like if we didn’t vaccinate pigs? … [Read more...]
Survey shines light on pork industry’s biosecurity investment
A new survey study from Iowa State University (ISU) reveals the challenges of biosecure swine production and the variations of adoption of biosecure measures. It also highlights opportunities to help increase biosecurity measures. For animal health pros, the challenges in these results further underscore the themes of compliance across all species. Specifically, note the … [Read more...]
46th annual Iowa Pork Congress sells out (slide show)
Iowa Pork Congress, one of the first livestock events of year takes place annually. The activities and seminars address the issues of the pork market, production challenges and often set the tone for the upcoming year. Among the notable topics Cheryl Day highlights are: Are we manure poor? Increasing the Pork Checkoff rate Trade and exports Pork and table fare … [Read more...]
Space, a new frontier in nursery pig management
There has been significant research studying the effects of space allowances on grow-finish pigs. But little information is available regarding the effects on them. With increasing concerns for animal welfare and getting weaned pigs off to a good start, finding appropriate space allowances based on animal behavior, health and performance considerations will be … [Read more...]
Human capital an issue for hog industry
Human capital has long been a challenge for the protein sector overall, but has recently become a real concern for the swine business within industry and academia, said Maynard Hogberg, Iowa State University. He noted the pressing issue for both is that of the increasing need for scientifically trained personnel. This comes at a time when there are fewer swine faculty within … [Read more...]
2017 swine research reviewed
Sow space, boar pheromones, sow barn energy consumption, cool sows and flu’s cyclical nature are part of topics reviewed in this research-specific issue of National Hog Farmer. Flipping through the pages exposes a picture of the intensity of maintaining swine health while improving production conditions with the pigs in mind. Source: National Hog Farmer, December … [Read more...]
Senecavirus A gaining a foothold in the U.S. swine industry
Dr. Jack Shere, a DVM with USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, is concerned about the increasing prevalence of Senecavirus A (SVA) in the U.S. swine herd. SVA is a disease that mimics Foot and Mouth disease (FMD). This is why producers need to be more vigilant than ever when they see signs of blisters or lesions on pigs’ skin . Source: Pork, December 8, … [Read more...]
PEDV, PDCoV have taught hard lessons
Aaron Lower, DVM, reminds us that the swine industry is embarking on its fifth winter of managing porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine deltacoronavirus. As we enter the seasonal epidemic, it is important to review the key exclusion and management principles learned over the past five years. Source: National Hog Farmer, November 22, 2017. Sit down with your production … [Read more...]
Producers learning to live with VFD
Those in the swine business discovered in the last year that the VFD process is more than just having a veterinarian’s signature on a piece of paper. Because there is no allowance for using feed-grade medications in an off-label manner, veterinarians completing the VFDs have had to pay extreme attention to every detail on the label, including the dose, duration of feeding, … [Read more...]
Wild pigs march across the U.S.
The wild pig population explosion shows no signs of slowing. It has expanded from 19 states in 1985 to 39 states in 2016. Recent testing of using sodium nitrate in the form of a new oral toxicant is showing promise to help curb wild pig populations. Dale Nolte, national coordinator for the National Feral Swine Damage Management Program, said, “Recent research results suggest … [Read more...]
Biosecurity takes a team
Diligence, teamwork, research, technology and collaboration are required to maintain biosecurity on farm and within the collective U.S. swine populations. Kevin Shultz distilled the frequently cacophonous elements of biosecurity efforts in this article. It truly takes a team willing to be cooperative, even though they are often competitive. Together, biosecurity remains a key … [Read more...]
Opinion – Immune response and nutrient metabolism swine research evolving rapidly
This research information should interest to any animal health pro as whose focus is on prevention and managing disease. The immunes system has high biological priority. When pathogens are detected, the immune response becomes the animal’s energetic priority and changes how dietary nutrients and calories are utilized. Source: National Hog Farmer, October 2017. Any energy … [Read more...]