How easy is it for African swine fever (ASF) to enter the U.S.? Patrick Webb, DVM and National Pork Board director of swine health Programs, explains three ways it can enter. Dr. Scott Dee’s studies on feed ingredients coming in from China are discussed, as well as the important role diagnostics play in trying to rule in or rule out a foreign animal disease. Source: The Pig … [Read more...]
Alternative ways to reduce antibiotic use in the pig herd
Homeopathic approaches can help swine producers reach a long-term reduction in antimicrobial use. Irene Camerlink, a researcher at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, explains the first steps to reducing antimicrobials are to assess the quality of the environment and to mitigate stress. She then dives into specific homeopathic options that producers can … [Read more...]
Back to basics: air, water, feed
Jon DeJong, PhD, reminds us that pigs have three basic needs: feed, water and air. These apply universally to all types of livestock and pets. These basics have not been firmly imprinted in some animal owners. One or more may go unnoticed. Source: PORK, August 13, 2019. Link. Also see: Follow these tips to succeed as a newbie pet parent, Inside Pet’s World, August 7, … [Read more...]
IPPC report does not say, “eat less meat” (includes video)
Recent media buzz (see second source below) claimed the newest Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPPC) suggested consumers eat less meat in order to curb climate change. The report < link > focused on land use and land use change, it didn’t tell consumers to eat less meat. Frank Mitloehner, UC Davis, says by focusing on eating less meat, consumers are being … [Read more...]
Teach aseptic technique in the kitchen, reduce salmonellosis
“The most formidable challenges of my veterinary career in food safety can be boiled down to the two primary foodborne pathogens of poultry: Salmonella and Campylobacter. I consider them my professional nemeses,” writes Foster Farms’ Robert O’Connor, DVM, MAM. He explains his approach to avoiding these pathogens in the kitchen. O’Connor reminds us that while chicken and other … [Read more...]
New technology holds promise for monitoring sows
Advancements in technologies are sometimes blamed for taking jobs. But in the U.S. swine market, monitoring sow health prior to farrowing is a 24/7 business that often doesn’t get done. Now, new technologies in precision livestock farming may help by monitoring sows’ individual behavior. Source: National Hog Farmer, August 6, 2019. Link. Technology in the farrowing room will … [Read more...]
African swine fever virus inactivated by Virox products
Virox Technologies®, the creators of the patented technology Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®), recently conducted an independent efficacy test against African swine fever. AHP technology is found in the Intervention farm disinfectant, known as Intervención in Mexico, and Prevail disinfectants in Canada. The results give swine producers an improved option from the points … [Read more...]
Lack of understanding of livestock production driving trends
According to market intelligence firm IRI, 57 percent of U.S. consumers are motivated to purchase products based on factors within social strategy and cultural alignment. Animal welfare certifications on packaging and companies that promote responsible production are moving rapidly to capitalize on the growing influence of millennial and Gen Z purchasing power. For … [Read more...]
China approves use of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s African swine fever diagnostic workflow
China has approved Thermo Fisher Scientific’s PCR-based workflow to detect, monitor and help limit the spread of African swine fever (ASF). PCR is the preferred ASF testing method there. It allows for earlier detection of the virus compared to other diagnostic methods. The Thermo Fisher ASF workflow passed stringent validation protocol carried out by China’s Ministry of … [Read more...]
Is an African swine fever vaccine getting closer to completion?
With African swine fever (ASF) virus moving across the globe, the race is on to be the first to develop a vaccine against the economically devastating disease. The Pig Site spoke to Dr. Linda Dixon, head of the African swine fever (ASF) group at The Pirbright Institute, about their current research and development efforts for an ASF vaccine. The Pirbright research focuses … [Read more...]
Keep pets away to prevent foodborne illness
Animal waste tainting fresh produce is one of the major causes of foodborne ailments. So, farmers’ markets and pick-your-own growers are increasingly guarded about tolerating pets near their edibles. Home gardeners should be cautious, too, writes Dean Fosdick. Source: Associated Press, April 30, 2019. Link. Whether human, dog, cat, cow or deer — all animals can be the … [Read more...]
Biosecurity tips for livestock exhibitors
Livestock show season is still in full swing and biosecurity protocols should be in full swing, as well. Worthwhile biosecurity tips to follow before, during and after a stock show are featured in this blog post. Source: Neogen Blog, May 22, 2019. Link. Careful vigilance is essential while the event is ongoing. This is where risk are highest, so act accordingly. Monitor … [Read more...]
Southern states vulnerable if AFS enters U.S.
African Swine Fever (AFS) is being transmitted in multiple locations worldwide and regions with feral pig populations must heed extra caution. Dr. Liz Wagstrom, chief veterinarian with the National Pork Producers Council, offers perspective of ASF progression with The Pig Site. Source: The Pig Site, June 27, 2019. Link. Includes video. Even in Belgium where they are fight … [Read more...]
RFID is it for USDA’s mandatory animal disease traceability. Deadline is January 21, 2023.
The pressure is on fruit and vegetable growers all over the world to implement traceability systems in the next 12 months. USDA’s Gregory Ibach believes the meat industry will be next on the traceability agenda. USDA took another step toward enhancing the nation’s mandatory animal disease traceablity (ADT) program by requiring official electronic radio-frequency identification … [Read more...]
Feed sows in late gestation to enhance colostrum
Getting colostrum into piglets in the first 24 hours is critical to their health and survival. Larger litter sizes place more emphasis on ensuring adequate volumes of colostrum get to each piglet. Few studies have considered the effects of sow late gestation nutrient intake on colostrum production and composition. Other factors play into piglet success, but optimizing nutrition … [Read more...]
New route for successful pain relief in piglets funded by National Pork Board
Painful processing procedures in piglets such as tail docking, castration and teeth clipping are emerging animal welfare concerns. KSU researchers proposed using transmammary delivery of NSAIDs to aid piglets during processing. The results were published in The Journal of Animal Science < link >. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 17, 2019. Link. <The> findings … [Read more...]
The flies have it!
As summer kicks off, Travis Meteer reviews four main types of flies that bother livestock. Wet spring conditions have provided favorable breeding conditions and we’re likely to see considerable fly pressure through the summer months. Cattle facilities are not the only places flies are nuisances. Meteer’s strategies for control apply to urban and suburban locales, as … [Read more...]
Foreign animal diseases beyond ASF can wreak havoc
While ASF is currently getting all the attention, are other infectious agents could have similar economic effects and cripple the U.S. pork industry and exports, writes Attila Farkas, DVM. She discusses other diseases that have potential to hurt swine production in the U.S. Source: National Hog Farmer, May 28, 2019. Link. In modern day swine production, free trade … [Read more...]
Microbiome; it’s a bug eat bug world
“The microbiome is a collection of different microorganisms that we find in the intestinal tract of animals, and we know these microorganisms are essential to immune development,” says Christopher Chase, DVM. “Understanding how they interact with the gut, and particularly the epithelium of the gut, is really important.” In the last decade, research has shown the epithelial … [Read more...]
Collegiate meat judging featured by Sports Illustrated
Comparing the core components to NCAA athletics, Mike Piellucci goes in-depth into the recruitment, rivalries, commitment, competitions and impact of this intercollegiate meat judging. The skill set of a champion meat judge is both eminently teachable and difficult to master: quick decision making, critical reasoning, self-assurance and, above all, the ability to quiet one’s … [Read more...]
Biosecurity beyond the farm is important
Kansas State University researchers are identifying if and how feed mill biosecurity could be involved with disease transmission. The efforts are important as U.S. swine producers brace for possible African swine fever challenges. Source: National Hog Farmer, April, 24, 2019. Link. A lot of what we have learned about how to assess biosecurity and personnel compliance has … [Read more...]
China doesn’t know how many pigs ASF has killed
In documented moves that foster public distrust of the government, Chinese officials are not creating an atmosphere of trust when it comes to producers reporting African Swine Fever (ASF), a disease that has claimed more than 1 million pigs to date. Reality may be worse as farmers are not reporting all the infections. This underreporting and low official response is a pattern … [Read more...]
The role of gut-microbiota in animal health, well-being
The complex microbial community in the gut of animals plays a critical role in pathogen control, immune function, nutrient provision and intestinal morphology. Animals are born with no effective gut microbiota. Inoculation and colonization begins as the animal exits the birth canal. Each animal’s microbiota is unique, but 90 percent of the contributing organisms are of the … [Read more...]
Improve biosecurity to keep ASF at bay
Swine veterinarians are critical industry players to keep watch over deadly diseases. With the threat of African swine fever (ASF) looming large, keeping up to date on biosecurity protocols is important. Betsy Freese, executive editor of Successful Farming, and Paul Thomas, associate veterinarian for AMVC Management Services, share questions and answers about … [Read more...]
NPPC cancels World Pork Expo 2019 to avoid risk of African swine fever
The 32nd World Pork Expo has been cancelled to prevent any potential for African swine fever to enter the U.S. swine herd, despite negligible risk associated with holding the event, The health of the U.S. swine herd is paramount; the livelihoods of our producers depend on it. Prevention is our only defense against ASF, and NPPC will continue to do all it can to prevent its … [Read more...]
Opinion – New TV program, Animal ER Live, demonstrates the complexity of veterinary care
The launch of Animal ER Live on Nat Geo WILD is a game-changer for animal owner perceptions of veterinary hospitals, veterinarians and veterinary staff members. Animal ER Live joins current family friendly veterinary programs featured on the network that include Secrets of the Zoo, Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER, Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet and the network’s number-1 series, The Incredible … [Read more...]
Antibiotic-free production puts pigs at extreme disease risk
A new study reveals what we suspected. “No one has ever done an experiment of this size under representative conditions comparing antibiotic-free production to production strategies utilizing judicious use of antibiotics,” says researcher Scott Dee, DVM. Dr. Dee and the team from Pipestone Applied Research report a new study confirms antibiotic-free production strategies leave … [Read more...]
Live streams show consumers modern pig farming
The National Pork Board and South Dakota State University (SDSU) are collaborating to show consumers how pigs are raised. Speakers who are part of the pork checkoff’s Operation Main Street can include a live-streaming video tour of the SDSU Swine Education and Research Center in presentations to civic groups, culinary, pre-vet students, chefs and others. Source: … [Read more...]
U.S. pork essentially free of veterinary residues
It’s official. Veterinary drug residues in pork do not pose a health concern to U.S. consumers. Results from a survey recently published by an Agricultural Research Service scientist, found almost no veterinary drug residues, and none at levels that approached U.S. regulatory limits. The survey included more than 1,000 pork kidney samples. Source: Feedstuffs, March 21, … [Read more...]
Gaming helps employees understand biosecurity risks
Researchers sought to discover how human risk attitude affects the adoption of biosecurity and the ability to control disease spread. Using video games called digital field experiences, a team from the University of Vermont discovered the weakest biosecurity point in swine operations is the personnel. The findings will likely apply to other production scenarios as well as in … [Read more...]