Economist Darrell Peel presents how the U.S. beef cow herd numbers are shrinking year to date and how weather, drought and agriculture practices have contributed to beef cow slaughter trends. The current level of beef cow slaughter suggests a culling rate more than 13 percent this year and a potential beef cow herd decline of one million head or more.” Source: BEEF, June 13, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 23, 2022
Last week’s most read posts IRS increases mileage rate for remainder of 2022. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, June 16, 2022. Link. =================================== New grant will help veterinary students learn how to practice using a ‘spectrum of care’ model Source: Veterinary Advantage, June 2022. Link. The … [Read more...]
Detection of multiple lineages of PRRSV in breeding and growing swine farms
We’ve heard a lot about viral variants since the fall of 2019. Swine researchers and veterinarians continue to work toward better understanding of swine diseases and methods of mitigating disease risks. In this study, the researchers sought to understand the potential long-term impact of multiple prevailing PRRSV variants on pig performance. Their study demonstrated the … [Read more...]
Vaccine guide is helpful for newbies and pros
This recent post by University of Florida Extension offers a good overview of how vaccines work, the types of vaccines available and how to handle and administer them. It can serve as a training guide for new employees, be a refresher for pros, be sent as a follow-up to customers and used as an educational aid for new cattle owners. 4-Hers and FFAers working with calves will … [Read more...]
USDA offers payments to eligible cattle owners affected by extreme heat
The USDA Livestock Indemnity Program will pay eligible livestock owners for deaths exceeding normal mortality caused by eligible loss conditions which can include extreme heat. Documentation is required. Source: Kansas Livestock Association, June 12, 2022. Link. Producers must file a notice of loss within 30 days of the loss becoming apparent and file an application for … [Read more...]
Kansas cattle lost to heat, humidity, a rare natural disaster
More than 2,000 cattle died in Kansas from heat stress triggered by extreme heat and humidity the weekend of June 11th. While unfortunate for producers, the event has sparked controversy and non-confirmed video coverage. Veterinarians are working diligently to put this event into its proper perspective. Sometimes the conditions get so extreme, it doesn’t matter how hard … [Read more...]
Petco begins serving rural pets and farm animals
Petco launched a community-driven test concept to address the health and wellness needs of pets and farm animals in rural communities. The grand opening of the first location was in Floresville, Texas, last Friday. The Neighborhood Farm & Pet Supply centers will be new, standalone retail facilities located at the heart of small towns and rural communities. The company … [Read more...]
New, on-farm pregnancy test kit from Idexx Laboratories
Complimentary Commercial Content With results available in 5 to 20 minutes, the Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test from Idexx Laboratories can be used cowside to determine pregnancy as early as 28 days post-breeding or 70 days post-calving. The new test gives producers time savings and convenience because they can preg test whenever they want." Source: Dairy Herd Management, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 16, 2022
Last week’s most read posts Chewy behind Amazon, ahead of Walmart in automatic reorders. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, June 9, 2022. Link. =================================== Before chickens were nuggets, they were revered Source: The New York Times, June 7, 2022. Link. The real chicken mystery has nothing to do … [Read more...]
Pork industry experts list current priorities during World Pork Expo
As part of the pork industry's long-range strategic planning process, the Pork Industry Visioning Task Force prioritized international trade, foreign animal disease and labor as key policy issues to address that will move the industry forward. Source: Agri-Marketing, June 13, 2022. Link. Policy papers are available at for more detailed information. … [Read more...]
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding working on pipeline for hoof health data collection
Lameness affects about 50 percent of dairy cows with significant impact on cow health and dairy economics. A project led by CDCB and the University of Minnesota seeks to create a data pipeline as an essential first step to develop genetic evaluations for related traits using the National Cooperator Database. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, June 13, 2022. Link. The first data … [Read more...]
Help customers handle bulls safely
Bulls make up just two percent of the cattle in the U.S., but they cause 48 percent of cattle worker fatalities, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and the Surveillance of Occupational and Illnesses databases. It’s easy to take for granted that we know how to handle ourselves around docile or aggressive bulls, but we often get lax. … [Read more...]
Act now to add value to spring calves
Opinion It has taken 30 or more years for calf preconditioning to become a household phrase. For any producer, preconditioning may have a different meaning than his neighbors’. Veterinarians and representatives working with producers must continue to discuss, educate and fine tune preconditioning programs for individual operations. Preconditioning’s value has been proven … [Read more...]
Some scraps, leftovers and fruits are bad for chickens
Maurice Pitesky shares information on things toxic to chickens and what to do if they eat one of them. It's fun to give chickens scraps and other treats but watch out for these foods and other substances that are toxic to birds.” Source: Hobby Farms, June 6, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
The risks of poor arena air quality
Airborne particles and ammonia fumes in your horse’s stall are a concern, but so is the air quality in your indoor arena, writes Christine Barakat. Dampening arena footing with water may slightly cut down on the dust for a short period of time, but the only long-term solution is to replace the footing. A dusty indoor arena can be harmful to your horse’s respiratory health as … [Read more...]
Vietnam first to commercially produce African swine fever vaccine
USDA's Agricultural Research Service sent an official letter to the Department of Animal Health of Vietnam confirming NAVET-ASFVAC vaccine is safe and effective. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 2, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Forage concerns and management in drought areas
A few of the recent storm systems have eased drought concerns in some areas. Still, without sustained moisture over the next three months, keeping livestock fed without depleting grazing forage will remain a hot topic for coffee shops, veterinary visits, machine sheds, bankers and regional extension specialists. Hay and Forage Grower Magazine stays abreast of grass and … [Read more...]
DVMs use goldfish to keep stock tanks clean
Marissa Hake, DVM, shares how goldfish help keep stock tanks clean. The goldfish stocking rate is one fish per 30 gallons of water. The fish do not need to be fed and can survive off chunks that fall in from cows’ mouths. Source: calfvet, Instagram, June 5, 2022. Link. Also see: Fish in the water trough, Dr Erik Johnson, Veterinarian, September 1, 2020. Link. By adding … [Read more...]
12 fascinating facts about roosters
Pam Freeman shares interesting facts about roosters. Even chicken enthusiasts may not know: Rooster reproduction is driven by the sun Roosters are not always in charge, but do keep order among the hens You can have more than one rooster Source: Backyard Poultry, May 31, 2022. Link. A rooster is not needed to have chicken eggs. Hens will lay eggs regardless of … [Read more...]
The quality of life question ALL DVMs should be asking
Certified in hospice and palliative care, Cherie T. Buisson, DVM, CHPV, faced agonizing thoughts and questions when her own dog’s quality of life reached a decision point. Her wrestling, rationales and emotions are expressed in her blog post. The decision point came in the form of a question Buisson now uses with clients when facing end of life decisions. What will he be … [Read more...]
4 ways to have cost conversations with clients
Sponsored Content Compiled from more than 1,200 veterinary professionals, results from the 2021 AAHA Financial Care Study* shine a spotlight on opportunities for practices to improve the way they discuss costs with animal owners. The four key takeaways and the associated statements shared in this article are worth reviewing with the entire veterinary team. These statements … [Read more...]
Facts versus myth. Telling the story of beef sustainability.
Grilling season often elicits concerns about meat production. Sustainability, environmental perceptions and the lack of consumer education can escalate those discussions. The beef industry has responded to the criticisms assertively addressing fact versus myth and reminding consumers that beyond the meat, there are a lot of uses for cattle byproducts. We’re sharing two … [Read more...]
2022 World Pork Expo live June 8-10, 2022
Since 1988, the National Pork Producers Council has presented World Pork Expo at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. There’s something for everyone including an expansive trade show, educational seminars, industry updates and networking. PLUS, there is tasty pork being cooked every which way. Source: World Pork Expo. Link. … [Read more...]
Researchers find newborn dairy calves fed probiotics healthier in crucial first weeks
When fed a cocktail of four strains of beneficial gut bacteria, newborn calves appeared to be more protected against common disease-causing bacteria, with few falling ill. Maddison Degenshein’s research is the first to test particular bacterial strains derived directly from bovines. It builds the understanding of how probiotics could shield calves from disease until their … [Read more...]
Performance impact of weaning pigs at older age
Raising pigs to meet market demands has required considerable research to manage pig health, sow fertility, genetics, nutrition, meat quality and production costs. Weaning age trials done by Pipestone Applied Research shows promising results across many factors. An older pig grew faster and was hardier, requiring less labor and overall production inputs on the finishing … [Read more...]
No rain? No problem for mosquitoes.
The thing about mosquitoes is they’re very diverse in the habitat they can modify to, and it’s their adaptive behaviors that allow them to be successful.” - Justin Talley, PhD Source: Drovers, May 26, 2022. Link. 3 of 5 core equine diseases are spread by mosquitoes. EEE, WEE and VEE are spread to horses by mosquitoes, which feed on infected birds and rodents that serve as the … [Read more...]
Plants that keep mosquitoes away
Plants that keep away mosquitoes and provide food, for both wildlife and humans, are ideal for home environments. In addition to tasting great and reducing the mosquito population, they provide us with the options to offset the use of some chemicals. Among the plants listed are lavender, basil, thyme and rosemary. Source: Countryside, May 16, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 26, 2022
Last week’s most read posts 5 employer strategies to help with rising inflation. Link. KC Animal Health Corridor announces dates, speakers for 2022 Animal Health Summit. Link. Engaging veterinary technicians improves practice success. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, May 19, 2022. Link. One year ago: most read posts … [Read more...]
Sexed semen becoming popular in beef
Using sexed semen, beef producers can selectively breed cows to a desired bull and choose the sex of the offspring. This is beneficial if they want replacement heifers from their best cows, or bull calves from certain pairings. Source: Western Farmer-Stockman, May 12, 2022. Link. To know if use of sexed semen would be of economic value in a beef operation, each producer … [Read more...]
The importance of observation in cattle handling
Across dairy and beef country, cattle are on the move. These activities give producers an opportunity to review good stockmanship practices with seasoned and new employees. Anything that causes a cow to associate an action with something negative will cause her to be reluctant to repeat that action. It can be a huge source of frustration when cows don’t easily move when and … [Read more...]