Some say plant-based meat alternatives have lost their hype. Meanwhile, scientists are working to develop another protein alternative using mealworms. Source: PORK, August 26, 2022. Link. Containing high amounts of fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and high-quality protein, insects can be considered both a nutritious and healthy food source, the article claims. Also … [Read more...]
Choosing the right needle size to work cattle
Depending on the size of the animal, viscosity of the product and administration protocols, a variety of needles might be needed. Veterinarians at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute share guidelines to help decide. Needle diameter, or gauge, varies depending on two factors: the size of the animal viscosity of the product Source: Drovers, September 2, … [Read more...]
Tips to minimize antibiotic use for mastitis
Pamela Ruegg, DVM, MPVM, wants dairy producers to avoid immediately reaching for an antibiotic when mastitis flares up. She recommends taking a step back to analyze the situation. Antibiotic treatment of dry cows and of clinical mastitis cases accounted for greater than 75 percent of all antibiotic usage.” - Pamela Ruegg, DVM, MPVM Source: Dairy Herd Management, September 20, … [Read more...]
Ferrets provide rodent control in horse barns
Jagger and Slim Jim provide an unconventional form of rodent control at Amira Chichakly’s Saratoga barn. Source: Paulick Report, August 29, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Randy Blach receives CAB Industry Achievement Award
Randy Blach earned the 2022 Industry Achievement Award for his relentless focus on the data and how it can deliver solutions to producers. He was recognized at the recent Feeding Quality Forum in Kansas City, Missouri. Source: BEEF, August 24, 2022. <Link> … [Read more...]
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat
Commentary My first thought reading this was, “don’t forget to invite me to dinner!” The authors explain the lack of research evaluating the impact of bone on beef palatability and whether it depends on quality grade as the impetus for a taste study. Their findings are shared in the article linked here. . . . bone status had minimal impact on palatability traits. … [Read more...]
Pigs and airflow – how important is it and how do we optimize it? (podcast)
An important component of having good health is proper air quality and airflow in swine barns. Brett Ramirez, PhD, discusses proper airflow, the importance of air quality in new and old barns, and other things to consider when designing a new swine facility. Source: Swine It Podcast, August 30, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Ventilation is as important for farm workers as it is … [Read more...]
7 things to think about when it comes to BRD
Bovine respiratory disease remains the costliest disease in the U.S. cattle industry. Despite research and years of work trying to manage for the disease, the industry struggles to address it. Rhonda Brooks, Bovine Practitioner editor, assembled experts to offer seven ways to help manage BRD. Source: Bovine Veterinarian, August 25, 2022. Link. Here are seven factors – from … [Read more...]
Dechra Pharmaceuticals acquires Med-Pharmex
Dechra Pharmaceuticals (LSE: DPH) has acquired Med-Pharmex Inc. Med-Pharmex is a leading veterinary pharmaceutical manufacturer based in Pomona, California. The total consideration paid was US$260.0 million on a debt-free and cash-free basis and was subject to normal closing adjustments. Source: NewsnReleases, August 30, 2022. Link. I am delighted that we have completed the … [Read more...]
September is National Preparedness Month
To help get ready for National Preparedness Month, The American Veterinary Medical Foundation created a downloadable guide to disaster preparedness, Saving the Whole Family. No one is immune from a natural or man-made disaster. Planning and preparation are critical to ensure the well-being of you, your family and your animals. Source: American Veterinary Medical … [Read more...]
KCAHC #AHSummit22 exceeds expectations
Kudos to the KCAHC team; Corridor committee; Spencer Breithaupt, Chairman; panel participants; speakers and presenting companies. Congratulations to: Scott Campbell, DVM, who was awarded KCAHC Iron Paw <Link> Vidium Animal Health for being selected as the 2022 Innovation Award recipient for @vidiumah which provides veterinarians and pet owners more tools to manage … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 25, 2022
Last week’s most read post Confronting your biases (video). Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, August 18, 2022. Link. =================================== Help bring the dairy farm into the classroom Source: Discover Dairy. Link. The Adopt-a-Cow opportunity for this year closes on September 15th so there’s still time to let … [Read more...]
Planning for winter grazing
Cattle producers across the country are experiencing the end of forage as fall approaches. Whether limited forage is caused by drought or poor rotation, Denise Schwab offer ideas to help extend the grazing season as fall approaches. High feed costs coupled with high fuel costs makes extended grazing options important to consider.” Source: FEED-LOT, August 16, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Asian longhorned ticks and Theileria: What you need to know
The Asian longhorned tick is the only known vector for Ikeda in the U.S and is known to be present in 11 states. Theileria orientalis (Ikeda genotype), Ikeda for short, can be fatal to cattle. A solid tick control program is one of the better things a producer can implement to minimize the risk of the Asian longhorned tick and Ikeda and prevent their introduction into the herd … [Read more...]
Foot rot can be a problem in dry or wet conditions
Foot rot in cattle can be a problem whether conditions are wet or dry. The bacterium responsible for it is always present in healthy skin. But it needs an injury or wet skin to cause problems. With ongoing drought in some regions and waterlogging in others, reminding beef and dairy cattle owners to be on the lookout for foot rot is good counsel. Source: University of Florida … [Read more...]
Goats and chickens may not mix
Rebecca Sanderson shares how keeping goats near chickens could result in a positive Johne’s disease test. She shares the story of Stacy whose sick goat housed close to chickens became ill with a strain in the Mycobacterium avium complex which includes Johne’s disease Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium. Source: Backyard Goats, August 22, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 18, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – 10 years and counting elevating care for cats. Link. Get ready! All livestock antibiotics will be prescription-only in 2023. Link. Changes coming to compounded animal health medication. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, August 11, 2022. Link. =================================== Dog … [Read more...]
Allen D. Leman Swine Conference slated for September 17-20.
The 2022 Leman Conference will feature sessions covering everything from foreign animal disease and biosecurity to Prop 12 and gene editing for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Internationally acclaimed for bringing science-driven solutions to the complex challenges facing the industry, the event garners hundreds of participants from over 20 countries each … [Read more...]
Prussic acid toxicity risk, a problem in drought areas, after rains
Clark Roberts shares the importance of keeping an eye on cattle that graze where Johnsongrass is present, due to the risk of prussic acid toxicity. Anything that physically stresses Johnsongrass, such as drought in summer or freezing in the fall, can increase the amount of prussic acid in this invasive forage plant. Secondly, with rain after drought, or warm temperatures after … [Read more...]
Preventing parasites from peaking this fall
Complimentary Sponsored Content Videos made by industry partners allow for a fresh approach to seemingly age-old discussions.” – Kirk Augustine Fall deworming can setup cattle for a healthier, more productive winter. Boehringer Ingelheim Cattle Health shares three tips for creating a successful, cost-effective program in an informative and easy to share You Tube … [Read more...]
U.S. hog production: Rising output and changing trends in productivity growth
Opinion Consider a quick scan of the latest hog production report from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Beyond reading the simple summary <Link>, scan the full report introduction and conclusions <Link> to better understand how this animal health segment has met challenges and continued to thrive. The report shows productivity growth and structural change, … [Read more...]
Forget a rooster rescue, create a bachelor pad instead
Backyard poultry raisers often find themselves with too many roosters. The ideal ratio of roosters to hens is one rooster to 10 hens. Too many roosters can create havoc in a flock. Chris Thompson shares alternatives to rooster culling, rehoming or relinquishing excess roosters to a rescue. He writes about separate housing for roosters noting sequestering birds in a bachelor … [Read more...]
10 veterinary trends worthy of attention
Bob Lester, DVM, shares trends in the veterinary profession he is watching. He outlines 10 of the galvanizing issues facing veterinary medicine: The workforce shortage The rise of the connected pet Regulatory The bond Veterinary education Consolidation Work-Life Segmentation Preventive care Team health care delivery Source: Today’s Veterinary … [Read more...]
Are these Zombie pigs or dead pigs?
Researchers have restored circulation and cellular activity in the vital organs of pigs, such as the heart and brain, one hour after the animals died. The findings aren’t yet clinically relevant, but the research raises ethical questions about the definition of death. Source: Nature, August 3, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Animal research continues to search for ways to improve … [Read more...]
Tips for controlling flies in livestock herds
Includes Commercial References Flies are a problem wherever you find them. For beef producers, there are four types that impact livestock herd health and productivity: houseflies, horn flies, stable flies and face flies. These are the same flies drawn to garbage, pet feces, roadkill, compost bins, backyard chicken coops and our outdoor activities that include food. Kansas … [Read more...]
Changes coming to compounded animal health medication
Complimentary Content Thank you, Nicole Clausen, Veterinary Care Logistics, for bringing this to our attention. FDA's Guidance for Industry (GFI 256) will affect how you order and prescribe compounded medications, according to Wedgewood Pharmacy. We noted these statements in its document: Veterinarians are responsible for understanding all applicable state regulations … [Read more...]
Get ready! All livestock antibiotics will be prescription-only in 2023.
The clock is ticking. Start now to educate producers ahead of this important transition to livestock antibiotics being available by prescription-only status. The new rule covers injectable tylosin, injectable and intramammary penicillin, injectable and oral tetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and sulfamethazine, and cephapirin and cephapirin benzathine intramammary tubes. Also, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 4, 2022
Last week’s most read posts The oral microbiome, new in the clinical practice of dentistry. Link. Grief balloon ends up scaring a pony. Link. The all-important pre-purchase exam of a horse. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, July 28, 2022. Link. ========================================= AVMA delegates pass policies … [Read more...]
Heat stress negatively affects bull fertility
It’s hot and it hurts bulls’ fertility. A bull’s ability to produce quality quantities of semen is important to successful breeding and rebreeding programs. If heat stressed, bulls could have lower sperm concentrations than normal. Plus, heat stressed bulls produce semen of lower quality than bulls who weren’t heat stressed. Source: Progressive Cattle, July 19, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Anthrax confirmed in Colorado
The Colorado State Veterinarian's office has confirmed the first cases of anthrax in cattle in Colorado since 2012. The herds were located in Sedgwick County in the northeast corner of the state. Anthrax can occur naturally in Colorado's soil. Bacterial spores can lie dormant in the ground for decades and can emerge in greater concentrations after rainstorms, flooding or … [Read more...]