Commentary Seen through animal health pros’ eyes, Abby Bauer’s article is basic. However, seen through a younger producer’s first experiences, it is a reminder and a reinforcement of the importance of vaccine booster timing especially since producers often do their own vaccinations. Boosters should be administered one to two months after the initial vaccination to build … [Read more...]
Animal health efforts DO reduce need for antibiotics
Animal health and nutrition companies are constantly working on ways to improve animal health and provide antibiotic-free alternatives for use in animal feed. Global sales of antibiotics for veterinary use are down nearly one-third since 2011, according to the World Organization for Animal Health with some major livestock-producing countries in Europe, as well as the United … [Read more...]
Camel cloning is big business in Dubai
Fascinating! Nisar Ahmad Wani, scientific director at the Reproductive Biotechnology Centre in Dubai, first cloned a camel in 2009. Now he and his team research and develop new cloning techniques and maintain cell banks to produce dozens of cloned dromedary camel calves each year. Source: CNN, March 1, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
There’s no “easy button” as HPAI shifts from outbreak to new reality
With spring bird migrations underway and no vaccine available, experts on highly pathogenic avian influenza believe the virus is evolving and poultry raisers need to redouble biosecurity efforts. A lot of activity leading to biosecurity breaches occurs at night as wild birds will often come in and look for food at night. So, one thing we tell producers or backyard folks is … [Read more...]
Reminder – 101 days to get producers GFI 263 compliant
Livestock producers must establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship if they expect to treat livestock after June 11, 2023, when commonly used over-the-counter antimicrobials will require a prescription from a veterinarian as part of a valid VCPR. GFI #263 is slated for final implementation on June 11, 2023. Labels of the remaining over-the-counter antibiotics for … [Read more...]
Researchers discover overlooked antimicrobial resistance gene is involved in antimicrobial resistance in livestock disease treatments
Veterinarians rely on macrolides to treat livestock diseases such as bovine respiratory disease. University of Sakatechewan researchers discovered the gene can break the ring structure of the antibiotic through hydrolysis which destroys the antibiotic's structure. Inactivation is concerning because it reduces the effective amount of antibiotics that are being delivered during … [Read more...]
New sustainable bedding inhibits environmental mastitis-causing organisms
Complimentary Commercial Content ARM & HAMMER’s™ patented CERTILLUS™ Eco Dairy Bedding was developed to safely and effectively control pathogens in recycled manure solids. The product safely and effectively uses beneficial bacteria to reduce pathogen loads in bedding, reduce bulk tank SCC and ultimately reduce incidences of mastitis. It also reduces some of the risks … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 23, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 16, 2023. Link. Most read posts from February 9th AHD Bulletin – Cost of Care Wheel is now 24/7 digital resource. Link. Work is NOT your family. Link. New test strip quickly detects periodontal disease before it is visible. Link. Dos and don’ts of recognition. Link. Place keeper: … [Read more...]
5 key principles for composting farm waste
Spring weather will soon thaw frozen manure piles leaving producers with decisions about handling the manure effectively. Beyond a simple pile of manure, composting should be thought of as the biological decomposition of organic matter under controlled conditions, says Brian Dougherty. He explains the nuances of getting moisture, oxygen level, particle size, … [Read more...]
5 key issues for the U.S. pork industry
The National Pork Producers Council latest pork industry economic update summarizes five key pork industry market indicators through January 2023: Consumer pork demand Projected growth Labor shortages Production costs Ripple effect Source: National Hog Farmer, February 14, 2023. Link. . . . data on hog farm employment specifically shows that average wages … [Read more...]
For cows, time is money
Too simple? Maybe. Yet, Rick Grant reminds us of the importance of giving cows time to rest and eat. Cows need to spend about 70% of their day eating and resting. . . We have to get that right and allow cows to do cow things.” Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, February 20, 2023. Link. If cows are eating four to five hours a day and resting 12 to 14 hours, that does not leave much … [Read more...]
National Justice for Animals Week is February 19 – 25
National Justice for Animals Week runs through Friday. The annual event raises public awareness around crimes committed against animals <Link>. Animal justice is not new. In an 1869 Supreme Court case, attorney George Vest*, later a U.S. Congressman from Missouri, represented an owner who sued a man for shooting his dog. Vest's "a man's best friend" closing argument … [Read more...]
3 things to know about consumer spending
At NRF 2023: Retail’s Big Show, National Retail Federation’s Mark Mathews and Jonathan Silver, CEO, founder of Affinity Solutions, discussed the forces propelling consumers to spend. Affinity’s data showed consumers didn’t curtail discretionary spending as prices for everyday items increased. Instead, they drew on savings and other sources of income to continue spending at … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 16, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 9, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from February 9th AHD Bulletin – Studying PRRS virus and its ability to percolate through soils. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. Zoetis provides perspective, resources to transition OTC antimicrobials … [Read more...]
Merck Animal Health receives U.S. FDA approval of expanded indication for Banamine® Transdermal (flunixin transdermal solution)
Complimentary Commercial Content BANAMINE® TRANSDERMAL (flunixin transdermal solution) is now indicated for the control of pyrexia (fever) due to acute mastitis with a short milk withhold of 48 hours. This new indication means BANAMINE TRANSDERMAL can be given with confidence to lactating cows. With simple, pour-on administration along the animal’s back, it saves time and … [Read more...]
Straw can pose mycotoxin risks in dairy heifer diets
Many U.S. dairy producers use chopped straw in their heifer rations to add fiber and bulk. Alltech feed quality evaluations show when a straw crop gets stressed or delayed in the field due to unfavorable weather conditions it can carry its own mycotoxin risks. The same is true for any straw that shows visible signs of mold. Source: Dairy Herd Management, October 5, 2022. … [Read more...]
Highlights from the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
If you missed the NCBA convention or if you’re just curious about what happens when thousands of cattlemen and women from across the country gather, the photos and videos shared here will give you a sense of #CattleCon23. Source: National Cattlemen's Beef Association, February 11, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Chicken physiology creates unique vision traits
Chicken vision is substantially different from ours. Understanding the hows and whys can help explain some unique chicken behaviors. Daniel Johnson explains their monocular vision, separated eye functions, third eyelid, perception of ultraviolet light and more. . . . each eye sees different views and is designed for different uses . . the left eye excels at focusing on distant … [Read more...]
Rodent control as we know it may change
Upcoming legislation could cause agriculture to lose access to important products that control rodents throughout production, processing, storage and retail phases of food production. PORK editor Jennifer Shike shares the viewpoints of industry spokespersons. EPA’s proposal is quite wide-ranging, and it is going to impact any user of rodenticides and how rodenticides are … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 9, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 2, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from February 2nd AHD Bulletin – How to stop overthinking when you’re about to spiral. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. Cow numbers drop to 61-year low Source: Farm Progress, February 6, … [Read more...]
Cows benefit from cud chewing
Too basic? Maybe. However, considering the current challenges with forage because of the drought the key takeaways are about particle size and length plus cow observation. Cud chewing is the regurgitation of feed that has already been consumed and swallowed. The regurgitated feed is re-chewed to an acceptable particle size and then re-swallowed. But wait . . . there’s … [Read more...]
Can somatic cell counts be too low?
Somatic cells are white blood cells that fight infection and repair tissue damage. Somatic Cell Count is used as an indicator of milk quality and udder health and lower SCC levels garner premiums from processors. Extension educator Amber Yutzy addresses concerns expressed by some producers about having SCC too low. Source: Dairy Herd Management, January 16, 2023. … [Read more...]
Changing our 10,000-year relationship with cattle
Author and livestock enthusiast Roger Morgan-Grenville is working to rewrite the narrative on cows. After spending 14 months helping out on a farm and diving deep into bovine research, Roger Morgan-Grenville found “an industry at once scared for its future yet alive with ideas and experiments, not to mention good practices.” Morgan-Grenville’s research and experiences were … [Read more...]
Studying PRRS virus and its ability to percolate through soils
Swine researchers have noticed that PRRS pathogens tend to increase incidence in breeding farms between October and December which is concurrent with manure application is happening in the fields. It is known PRRS virus can be found in pig feces and pig barn manure pits. Whether the virus can survive and percolate in various soils became the objective of University of Minnesota … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 2, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, January 26, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from January 26th AHD Bulletin – Habits that annoy coworkers and ways to mitigate them. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. KC Corridor’s Emily McVey wins 40 Under 40 in Economic Development Award Source: … [Read more...]
On the lookout for JEV
Jennifer Shike shares industry’s concerns that Japanese encephalitis virus could migrate to the U.S. establishing the disease in domestic and feral swine populations. Transmitted similar to West Nile, aircraft and cargo ships are the most likely pathways of JEV introduction via infected adult mosquitoes. Source: PORK, January 13, 2023. Link. Vigilance is essential . . . the … [Read more...]
Understanding calf vigor and suckle response
Elizabeth Homerosky, DVM, MSc, DABVP, set out to find a solution to quickly identify compromised calves and help predict whether a calf will acquire optimal passive immunity. Her research sought to identify compromised calves immediately after birth to allow the producer ample time to provide an intervention, if needed. Her study data revealed calves with a weak suckle … [Read more...]
Dairy herd size keeps climbing
Changing economics and shrinking margins on dairy’s home front have been strong drivers in herd demographics throughout the United States. Cory Geiger shares some of the history of herd growth going back to a 1992 census of licensed dairies. In just 8 years, U.S. herd size has gone from 200 to over 300 cows per herd.” – Cory Geiger Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, January 10, 2023. … [Read more...]
10 things you may not know about ground beef
If you’ve ever wondered . . . the USDA dictates what can and cannot be labeled as ground beef and that information is published in the Code of Federal Regulations. They call those rules ‘standards of identity’ and they apply to labels of ‘chopped beef’ and ‘hamburger,’ as well as ground beef. Source: Mom at the Meat Counter. Link. … [Read more...]
No silver bullet to solve the nationwide livestock vet shortage
Reinforcing what most animal health pros already know, Sarah Coleman provides subscribers of Hobby Farms magazine with an in-depth review of the livestock veterinarian conundrum. We’re sharing it considering the publication’s reach to more than 100,000 rural and ruralpolitan subscribers. Source: Hobby Farms, November/December 2022. Link. A number of factors are creating … [Read more...]