A new Biotechnology Journal study describes the development of the insulin-producing cow, a proof-of-concept achievement that could be scaled up after additional testing and FDA approval. “The study’s goal was to make proinsulin, purify it out to insulin and go from there, said Matthew B. Wheeler, PhD, but the cow processed it herself. She makes about three to one biologically … [Read more...]
KC Animal Health Summit 2024 emerging company applications to CLOSE April 1
The 19th annual Summit is one of the only opportunities in the world for early-stage companies in the animal health and nutrition sectors to present their vision, business plan and technology to potential investors. Applications close on April 1st, 2024. Source: KC Animal Health Corridor, March 18, 2024. Link. To apply to present as an emerging company, visit the Animal … [Read more...]
No excuses to skip prevention with cash cattle markets nearing historic highs
Commentary We often hear about cattle producers who penny pinch on vaccines, dewormers and other practices that support cattle health. While every head has always counted, there is no better time to invest in advancing herd health than when cash markets are high. Cattle producers can realize even higher premiums for doing the right things at the right time when cattle … [Read more...]
One in 11.2 million: Central Nebraska cow has 4 live calves (fun video)
A Custer County Nebraska cow recently gave birth to four healthy, lively calves; quadruplets. Two of them weighed 30 pounds and two of them weighed 35. Quad mom and calves are all healthy and doing fine. Source: Sandhills Express, March 14, 2024. Link. (3:33) The widely accepted odds by veterinary experts of a cow having four calves in one pregnancy is one in 700,000. Those … [Read more...]
Annual leptospirosis vaccination NOW recommended by ACVIM
Leptospirosis sp. is a zoonotic risk in humans and other mammals. Leptospirosis is most frequently recognized in cattle, swine, dogs, horses and wildlife. Cats are also being considered as more investigation takes place. Modern canine vaccines offer four serovars of lepto to help protect dogs and the infection risks are not restricted to large-breed dogs, male dogs, or dogs … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 14, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 7, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the March 7th AHD Bulletin – Data from 36 years: 20 dog breeds that attack people most. Link. Home delivery, autoship important offerings for veterinary clients. Link. 9 pet companies listed as fastest-growing U.S. private companies. Link. AHD Archives for … [Read more...]
USDA restricts use of ‘Product of USA’ label to U.S.-grown meat, poultry and eggs
Under a new rule, food processors will be able to put “Product of USA” on packages of meat, poultry and egg products only if the animals were born, raised, slaughtered and processed in the United States. The new rule takes effect in 60 days. Compliance becomes mandatory on Jan. 1, 2026. Source: Successful Farming, March 12, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
FDA proposes new regulations for animal drug labeling
The FDA is proposing new regulations to provide animal drug sponsors with predictable requirements for the labeling of prescription and over-the-counter new animal drugs, as well as new animal drugs for use in animal feeds. This would provide a more consistent presentation of information on the safe and effective use of these new animal drugs. Source: Feedstuffs, March 8, … [Read more...]
Dairy industry contraction trend continues
There were 1,642 dairies that milked cows for the last time in 2023, bringing the number of dairy farms with a permit to sell milk in the United States to 26,290, a reduction of 5.9 percent of the nation’s dairy farms. Overall, herd size has grown 382 percent over the past 32 years keeping cow numbers relatively steady. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, March 11, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Don’t throw away extra milk
It is the most common disease in dairy cattle. Twenty percent to 40 percent of cows develop clinical mastitis each lactation. This article shares perspectives on mastitis treatment, choosing which cows to treat, culturing milk samples to determine the treatment pathway and economic considerations as presented by Pamela Ruegg, DVM, MPVM. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, March 8, … [Read more...]
Unraveling patterns of swine pathogen co-infections
Pig health is continually challenged and conditions vary from farm to farm. Multiple pathogens influence effective prevention strategies frustrating producers and veterinarians. To evaluate co-infections and their impact on farms and to better understand the consequences of pathogen challenges, a collaborative project of Iowa State University and Boehringer Ingelheim studied … [Read more...]
Overcoming the Stress Response Cascade to get more productive cows
Includes Commercial Content This article explains the results of stressors on cows and a trio of negative effects including reduced feed intake, development of leaky gut and systemic inflammation. It offers perspective on proactively using additives to reduce stress effects. Source: Feedstuffs, March 1, 2024. Link. With proper use, additives can be an effective and … [Read more...]
Cleaning the coop regularly is essential for protecting chicken health
A stroke of the obvious? Maybe . . . but backyard chicken raisers will appreciate this article from 20-year veteran Erin Snyder who shares tips on keeping the coop and accessories clean. Consider the article for social media, newletters or chicken enthusiast groups in your region. Source: Hobby Farms. Link. Regularly cleaning the coop, run, waterers and feeders may seem … [Read more...]
The great American llama (and ostrich and emu) collapse
Where have all the emus gone? We have about a quarter as many as we did two decades ago. Llama and ostriches plunged even more precipitously. Classic farm animals are doing fine. Unconventional animals aren't. The analysis by Andrew Van Dam shows population maps, charts and the often shaky economics of these unconventional animal markets. Source: The Washington Post, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 7, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 29, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the February 29th AHD Bulletin – Tax benefits of hiring your children, plus IRS rules to follow. Link. Are veterinarians obligated to discuss pet insurance? (podcast). Link. Managing online reviews. … [Read more...]
Driving the narrative in swine production
A considerable number of swine operations remain with fewer than 1,000 pigs, according to the NAHMS Swine 2021 Part III: Reference of Management Practices on Small-Enterprise Swine Operations in the United States <Link>. While the contributions of the largest operations far exceed the small operators, there are reasons to focus on these operators for biosecurity, herd … [Read more...]
The devil is in the details: Proper semen handling
Rick Ellerbrock shares the importance of proper semen handling and refers to the training of new technicians, including a list of procedures and protocols. Those who create good habits for semen handling are the ones who often garner the highest conception rates. Source: Progressive Dairy, February 16, 2024. Link. Errors in semen handling can reduce conception rates by as … [Read more...]
Survey: Producers still need parasite education.
Parasite prevention plans are important year-round and require continual reinforcement, assessments and planning. Results of a national survey of beef producers and beef veterinarians exposed gaps in knowledge and, maybe more importantly, a lack of urgency. We noted references resembling the adage “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” mindsets instead of best planning and … [Read more...]
Perceived role of the veterinarian in promoting dairy cattle welfare
A recently completed study by Canadian veterinary researchers considered how to improve the lives of animals in agricultural systems. Using dairy cattle, dairy veterinarians and veterinary students, the study focused on minimizing negative experiences, according to study authors who set out to see where veterinarians influence the promotion of positive welfare experiences for … [Read more...]
DNA reveals chicken is likely closest living relative to Tyrannus rex
Say what? Maurice Pitesky, DVM, MPVM, Dipl ACVPM, shares the history of the humble chicken. Grab a couple of these facts to share with kids when the Easter chicks begin showing up. Source: Chicken Whisperer, March 2, 2024. Link. Chickens evolved from red junglefowl 3-4 million years ago. Around 230 million years before that common ancestors of junglefowl include a group of … [Read more...]
Fire doesn’t discriminate. Neither do these vets.
Dr. Deb Zoran, a veterinarian and leader of Texas A&M’s Veterinary Emergency Team, faces long days and short nights as the Texas wildfires rage on. Originally on a narrow mission to aid the search dog sent with A&M’s search and rescue team, Shelton and other volunteers heeded officials’ pleas for help from more veterinarians. They’re still there. The veterinarians … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 29, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 22, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the February 22nd AHD Bulletin – And, “What else?” Link. 8 restaurant etiquette tips, explained. Link. Skipping the dog walk IS a big deal. Link. ============================================ A major solar storm could be devastating to our … [Read more...]
TSCRA urges donations amid devastating Texas and Oklahoma wildfires
As wildfires continue to rage in the Texas panhandle and Western Oklahoma, the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association is urging donors to give to the TSCRA Disaster Relief Fund. Donations will to aid victims of the ongoing natural disasters. The TSCRA Disaster Relief Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support for cattle raisers in Texas and Oklahoma who … [Read more...]
USDA chief veterinarian says alert remains high for HPAI cases
While the number of wild bird detections are lower, they are still happening, “so as long as the migration comes back… I think we should be prepared for that as we move into the spring.” Source: Feedstuffs, February 27, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Chatfields and Joseph J. Wakshlag, DVM, PhD, share updates on using hemp, CBD for pets
Commercial Content included It seems everyone is talking about hemp and CBD for pets and there are several considerations for veterinarians. Studies are showing CBD and CBDA can be helpful in certain conditions common to pets and potentially with livestock. Topics include pain, stress, anxiety, inflammation, itching plus dosing and quality issues with so many sources of … [Read more...]
Traceability divides U.S. cattle producers
Traceability conversations continue to dominate livestock policy. Electronic identification is being promoted by the USDA currently in the middle of a rulemaking process. The battle over data ownership, disease preparedness, technology, cattle inventories, big-brother oversight and more has been present for more than two decades. Betty Haynes shares excerpts of discussions from … [Read more...]
Social studies for dairy calves
The best way to house dairy calves has been a recurring discussion topic over the last decade or so among dairy producers. With industry standards changing faster than ever, the idea of paired housing has been getting more consideration. Not a new topic, a post from 2016 referenced a Journal of Dairy Science study on paired housing benefits <Link>. In this article, … [Read more...]
U.S. dairy farms progressing on most environmental metrics
The dairy industry's carbon intensity has improved since 1971, USDA research says, but water use, a key metric, has worsened. It's not clear exactly why the dairy industry's use of water has increased by 42 percent, or 28 percent per unit of milk produced. Source: Feed Strategy, February 22, 2024. Link. The environmental gains are a result of dramatic improvements in … [Read more...]
Help producers transition to beef on dairy with these tips
CattleFax predicts U.S. beef-on-dairy cattle numbers will reach between 4 million and 5 million head as early as 2026. That translates to roughly 15 percent of the cattle harvested annually. Mitch Hockett, PhD, says veterinarians can help producers establish the value of beef-on-dairy calves and continue that long-term in the industry. Hockett outlined four key steps and … [Read more...]
Shifting feeding time may influence calving labor
The time of day when females are fed can influence when they go into labor. Writing about elements of calving, Kacie McCarthy, PhD, said producers can shift their feeding time to between 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., two to three weeks before calving and females will give birth more often during the daytime. She writes several studies have shown this can shift calving time to between … [Read more...]