Fall changes in plants, dryer conditions and a tendency to overgraze can put livestock at risk to consume toxic plants. Anna O'Brien reviews some common toxic plants to help livestock avoid: Milkweed Rhododendron/Azaleas/Mountain Laurel Pigweed Ragwort Foxglove White Snakeroot Cherry Trees Black Walnut Source: Hobby Farms, August 27, 2018. Link. … [Read more...]
Change in cattle deworming practices may reverse resistance
Parasitologists saw dewormer resistance in cattle coming before most producers did. But, overuse of benzimadazoles, macrocyclic lactones and levamisoles in all their forms has increased reports of nematode resistance. However, Ray Kaplan, a professor of parasitology with the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia, says what sheep raisers have learned about … [Read more...]
How gut health promotes animal welfare in monogastrics
Jackie Roembke reviews how changes in production systems and animal welfare expectations challenge nutritionists and producers to maintain healthy animal populations. Focusing on immunity first to reduce antibiotic use requires a gut health perspective. With 70 percent of an animal’s immunity concentrated in the gut, fostering a strong gastrointestinal system will improve its … [Read more...]
Study of animal personality, mood to give new welfare insights
AgResearch’s Animal Welfare Team is working to expand the knowledge of livestock behavior, at a time of growing consumer demand for strong welfare standards. Studies like this could be used to compare how animals experience different farming situations and to improve design of production systems. Source: Feedstuffs, June 12, 2018. Link. New research exploring the moods and … [Read more...]
Corralling pasture brush: A systems approach
Regardless of what kind of brush or overgrowth producers must manage, it has to be done properly to achieve desired results. Brush and trees are beneficial as shade for livestock and cover for wildlife, but dense infestations from fence to fence erode ranch profits due to limited forage production. Brush control is an expense against income in a changing economy, so its … [Read more...]
Hoof-care diagnostic tool is cool (slide show)
Zinpro’s new Step Up program has neat tools for cattle lameness identification and management. They were developed in collaboration from Kansas State University's Beef Cattle Institute. The materials combine as much knowledge from the beef and dairy industries as possible, then makes it somewhat specific for beef or dairy animals, says Zinpro’s Connie Larson. It is available … [Read more...]
More than meat – raise critters for wool and more
Janet Garman provides an overview of wool-producing animals. Wool, fleece, and fiber can be harvested from a number of wool-yielding animals. These include sheep, goats, rabbits, camels, llamas, alpaca, bison, and yak. The fiber from bison, camels, and yak are the rare fibers. The fiber from the camelid family of animals is very soft and fine. It feels similar to alpaca and … [Read more...]
Let experts answer dairy goat inquiries
Interest in milk goats continues to rise. In fact, their numbers in the U.S. more than doubled from 1997 to 2012. With relatively high milk prices, it’s little wonder interest in breeding and raising them may be on the rise. Don’t move too fast is the advice of Sara T. Bredesen, co-author of “Storey’s Guide to Raising Dairy Goats.” Source: Progressive Dairyman, February 7, … [Read more...]
Sponsored content: Free guide to goat farming
More people are raising goats. While the goat farming resources are many, too much information can be a detriment. There are different suggestions for manger design, theories about feeding kids and vague generalities about goat milk quality. Customers need guidance. A free guide from Countryside is now available for downloading. Source: Countryside Daily, December 16, … [Read more...]
Don’t forget the salt
The growing trends toward the small farm or urban livestock production comes with great educational needs. Many urban or suburban schools have abandoned ag-related classes and FFA or 4-H options are limited. Parents, grandparents and family members may remember raising poultry, rabbits or small ruminants but those memories may not reflect today’s realities. Rhonda Crank … [Read more...]
No kidding, goats are smart
As the number of homestead-like farms grows so does the number of goats. Researchers continue to study how they are affected by the production environment and how they see and interact with us. Goats may appear to have one-track minds, but they devote a lot of thought to social issues, too. Source: Countryside Daily, November 6, 2017. In 2017, we have seen published results … [Read more...]
Sustainably manage parasites in goats
Managing parasites in goats often loses effectiveness over time. Lisa Seger shares how to keep worm treatments effective with these three valuable tools: FAMACHA scoring, fecal flotations/eggs counts, and body condition scoring. Used alone, any one of these markers is inadequate for gauging parasites. Used together, however, they provide the best picture of what … [Read more...]
Biodiversity important for goat farming
Using lessons from the dairy producers, goat farmers are urged to maintain genetic diversity in their herds, rather than breed for production-specific traits. By not doing so, animals may become ill-equipped to adapt to changing conditions or fight new diseases. The United Nations is so concerned that more than 100 countries are already signed up to monitor genealogies and … [Read more...]
No. Goats are not taking away human jobs
Western Michigan University rented a crew of 20 goats to clear brush and weeds this summer. This was met with a grievance from a chapter of the American Federal of State County and Municipal Employees. It stated the goats are taking jobs away from laid-off union workers. Christopher Ingraham’s analysis, albeit back of the envelope, says it’s not so. Source: The Washington … [Read more...]
Biosecurity helps prevent disease on dairy goat farms
Small ruminants are susceptible to a long list of diseases. Holly Neaton, DVM, offers some practical tips for keeping diseases off of dairy goat operations. As she points out, getting rid of a disease is harder and more expensive than preventing it. Source: Progressive Dairyman, June 12, 2017, page 50. Try to avoid purchasing pregnant animals when you have pregnant animals … [Read more...]
How to bottle-feed a kid
The bottle-feeding process is easier than you might think. Plus, it ensures proper nutrition and forms more docile milk goats. Lisa Seger gives a detailed primer on bottle feeding goats by choice or by necessity through week 12. She covers what to feed, the frequency of it and includes instructions for bottle-feeding as the kid grows. Source: Hobby Farms, May 22, … [Read more...]
Seed-spitting goats
Just for fun! The Argania trees of Morocco have a unique seed dispersal method: climbing, spitting goats. Some of the local goats have developed a distinctive approach to grazing during dry periods: They climb up in the thorny branches to get at the tree’s leaves and fruit, sometimes with help from herders. Source: Atlas Obscura, May 25, 2017. If the behavior is as common … [Read more...]
Ear tags profiled
This article is valuable to help industry pros understand non-electronic ear tag options. It is a good guide to compare various brands of ear tags. Source: American Dairymen, April 2017, page 32. … [Read more...]
No kidding? When to help a goat in labor.
We found this article informative. Lisa Seger shares her labor-assisting approaches. Source: Hobby Farms, April 17, 2017. Most times, a doe in labor will successfully kid on their own, but occasionally they do require help. There is also a middle zone, where they may not technically need help, but will have a better experience and outcome with it. … [Read more...]
The quirks of working with goats and sheep
Goats live on about 128,000 farms in the United States, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, with a population of about 2.6 million. Sheep are on fewer farms, 88,000 with a population of about 5.4 million. Veterinarians in small ruminant practices also tend to llamas, alpacas, deer, elk who live on thousands of farms. Source: JAVMA, April 2017. Veterinarians who … [Read more...]
Spot and treat goat parasites
Learn through a Q & A about goat parasites as if you were a new goat raiser. Suburban practices and retailers across the country are having similar conversations. Share this with clients via websites, newsletters and blog posts. Source: Hobby Farms, February 15, 2017. It’s helpful to keep health records for each of your goats to track vaccinations, medications and … [Read more...]
Disinfect tube feeding equipment to prevent disease spread
While esophageal feeding of colostrum can revive weak goat kids, washing hands and disinfecting equipment thoroughly between uses is necessary to prevent the spread of diseases like Johne’s, mycoplasmosis and CAE. Follow these steps to effectively disinfect syringes and tubes: Rinse immediately after use Wash with warm soapy water to remove all debris Dilute 1 ounce … [Read more...]
Take steps to reduce abortions this kidding season
Q-fever, Chlamydiosis and toxoplasmosis are common causes of infectious abortions in goats. Prevention strategies include vaccinating, feeding antibiotics and quarantining new purchases until after kidding. Herds with multiple abortions in a short time frame or abortion rates in excess of three percent to five percent of the total number of pregnant animals should submit … [Read more...]
Sheep Yoda makes heart surgery history
Yoda, a therapy sheep at the Ranch Hand Rescue Counseling Center and Animal Sanctuary, has made history by undergoing Patent Ductus Arteriosus ligation. Sometimes observed in humans after birth, PDA is a heart problem in which the ductus arteriosus blood vessel remains open, which allows blood to recirculate into the lungs. Surgical repair has been done on children, dogs and … [Read more...]
Work with vet to control parasites in goats
Successful parasite management is essential to maintaining a healthy goat herd. While parasites are naturally present in most goats, they become disruptive to health and productivity in large quantities. Goat owners can prevent parasitism by keeping a clean environment and frequently rotating pastures. Working with a veterinarian to analyze fecal samples, deworming strategies … [Read more...]
2.6 million goats have special needs
Goats have special nutrition and care needs, according to Purina scientists. Two of them from the company’s St. Louis, Missouri, research farm recently shared information about goat nutrition. Others shared insight about youngstock, production costs, organic trace minerals and financial tools during a Clarissa, Minnesota, goat workshop. We’re sharing this information because … [Read more...]
Lentivirus update for small ruminants
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is probably the most talked about and contentious disease of goats. CAEV is a lentivirus, in the same family as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which infects goats and sheep. Once infected, the goat remains infected for its lifetime and be a carrier even if it is not sick. Source: HoofPrint, Fall 2014. CAEV has five major … [Read more...]
Just add water, plenty of it
Cattle need adequate water in winter to process additional feed that keeps them warm during winter. This article is a good topic to help gin up lively discussions. Source: Beef, October 31, 2016. 'In winter, we often don’t think about water requirements for cattle, but the body’s demand for water is important whether it’s hot or cold,' says Terry Mader, Mader Consulting, … [Read more...]
Winter brings lousy conditions, literally
“Lice are the forgotten winter parasite,” Jerry Bertoldo said. “They tend to ‘bloom’ during the initial surge of cold weather. Lice will be more obvious after calves are weaned, although their exposure may have happened as early as the calving pen,” he said. Source: Dairy Herd Management, November 10, 2016. Bertoldo said visual diagnosis of lice is challenging because they … [Read more...]
Packgoats? Yes, packgoats!
“Packgoats are the premier pack animals on the planet,” said Dwite Sharp, who breeds, raises and trains packgoats in Morris County, Kansas. Goats raised to be pack animals are used for backpacking, camping and other outdoor recreational activities. Although does may be used, packgoats are usually wethers, or castrated male goats.” Source: Midwest Ag Journal, August 29, … [Read more...]