Research results indicate an increasing demand for veterinary services for poultry and livestock in cities and suburbs and a need for ongoing continuing education of practitioners, as well as the animal owners according to UC Davis research. This segment of agriculture has been largely overlooked by the veterinary community in North America.” - Dr. Alda Pires “The health and … [Read more...]
2 letters that make goat owners go pale: C L
During a recent veterinary episode on Nat Geo TV, a woman arrived at a clinic with a prized herd doe. The goat’s face was badly swollen and she was gaunt from not being able to eat. A physical exam ruled out injury and dental issues. A blood test confirmed what the owner feared. It was Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL). CL is the curse of the goat industry. It is a highly … [Read more...]
Cattle health, drones and thermal imaging
Visualize a cowboy on a horse or 4-wheeler near cattle. His attention is not focused on observing them, rather he’s staring into a screen he keeps moving back and forth, tipping and dipping. Drones using thermal imaging coupled with artificial intelligence is nearly here. It is early, but technology similar to satellite imaging is coming soon to help monitor cattle health and … [Read more...]
Hardware, plastic disease still found in cattle
Fifty five percent to 75 percent of cattle slaughtered in the eastern U.S. have hardware in the reticulum. Cattle don’t usually sort their food, which means they can ingest foreign matter when eating hay or processed feed. This include pieces of fencing, nails, metals and more recently, plastic fibers used to bind hay. Magnets are used to remove metal objects, but plastics are … [Read more...]
Iowa DVMs offered free training on foreign animal diseases
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is offering a free, online, continuing education program for veterinarians licensed in Iowa titled IowaFADefense. The focus of IowaFADefense is to increase the state's ability to rapidly detect, respond to, and contain foreign animal diseases. The diseases covered in the program are: African swine fever, classical swine … [Read more...]
Flooding making fire ants meaner
Sea level rise and flooding are making fire ants bigger and meaner. Their bites are getting worse, too. According to a recent Louisiana State University study, freshwater and saltwater increase the already aggressive nature of red fire ants. Source:, April 22, 2020. Link. Coastal flooding caused a 72% increase in the volume of venom sacs in individual fire ants 24 … [Read more...]
Hand hygiene is an EVERYDAY practice
We should know this, right? Ginger Fenton shares handwashing reasoning for dairy farms, but her message is a One Health message, too. Developing and implementing hygienic practices can be beneficial for all involved in protecting humans from diseases carried by animals and the reverse as farmers protect their animals from diseases that are spread by humans. Source: Dairy Herd … [Read more...]
Goats get foot rot, too
All hoofed animals risk foot rot and related foot scald. The reason for hoof rot in goats is commonly wet, moist ground and damp weather, according to Janet Garman. Two organisms cause foot rot: Fusobacterium necrophorum and Bacteroides nodusus. Fusobacterium necrophorum lives in the soil and is anaerobic. That’s the situation in deep, muddy pastures or stalls. If F. … [Read more...]
Pest buster listing for 2020
With resistance building among parasites that attack livestock and horses <link>, it is important to have a resource to identify options for pest and parasite management. BEEF magazine shared an updated listing for 2020 compiled from company supplied information and websites. Source: BEEF, April 2020. Link. INSIGHTS: This is a good tool for retailers, … [Read more...]
Keep the value of your vaccine dollars
Producers cannot afford to overlook the importance of how they store vaccines and handle them prior to injection, states Glenn Selk, PhD Biological products should be stored under refrigeration at 35⁰F to 45⁰F unless the nature of the product makes storing at a different temperature advisable (APHIS 2007). Producers cannot afford to overlook the importance of how they store … [Read more...]
Parasite control strategies
Parasite resistance has taken root in most regions, writes John Maday. Ever-increasing scrutiny of antibiotic use and regulatory action has encouraged producers to focus more on prevention rather than treatment. Prevention mindedness is good news. Yet, both external and internal parasites have developed some resistance to treatment chemistries. Source: Drovers, March 2020, … [Read more...]
How to age a goat and more
Although goats all have the same basic needs, details vary due to age, sex, breed and individual requirements. Nutritional, activity and comfort needs are among them writes Tamsin Cooper. Pop quiz: Do goats have top teeth? Pick the right answer. Yes, they have top teeth in front and back No, goats only have lower teeth, the incisors Both, goats have bottom and top … [Read more...]
Nubian goats, America’s favorite dairy breed (includes video)
Small ruminants are gaining in popularity with commercial producers and hobbyists. Goats are favorites for 4-H projects, as well. Nubian goat milk is especially suited to cheese production. Nubians are also considered a good meat goat. Tamsin Cooper shares the history and profiles today’s Nubian dual-purpose goats. Source: Backyard Goats, April 4, 2020. Link. Most Nubians … [Read more...]
Electric fencing benefits goat keeping
Along with baby chicks and rabbits, some farm stores offer goats during Easter. Traditional fencing has its challenges. Electric netting fencing is a good option for keeping goats in and predators out. Source: Backyard Goats, August 23, 2019. Link. Potential owners often ask about goat fencing. Goats can be impressive escape artists. Give a goat a mountain and it will most … [Read more...]
Shepherd discusses birth position and lambing problems
Lyn Brown has 20 years’ experience with lambing. His herd averages about 50 lambs each year. He discusses birth position knowledge as a proactive learning measure for shepherds. His suggestions are positioned as stopgap measures for emergencies when veterinary care is unavailable or delayed in response to lambing problems. . . . the most important thing you need to be able to … [Read more...]
Colostrum, more than just immunoglobulins (webinar video)
Colostrum is important to all mammal newborns. It is essential for the final development and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Calves that receive high-quality colostrum have higher survival rates, lower age at conception, and will yield more milk through the second lactation. Michael Steele shares information on colostrum supplementation, the … [Read more...]
Rangeland owners need a plan to manage fire ants.
Sponsored Content Red imported fire ants can only be suppressed, or managed, on farm and ranches. They cannot be eradicated. Broadcast applications of some bait-formulated insecticides help get rid of the populations for about a year. Antixx Fire Ant Bait <link> from AHD sponsor Neudorff USA is an efficacious component in a long-term fire ant management strategy. … [Read more...]
USDA predicts livestock sector poised for continued growth
Despite trade issues, the USDA is predicting record livestock production with improved trade outlook and low feed costs. Consolidation is expected to continue, especially in the dairy segment. Source: Feedstuffs, February 20, 2020. Link. Over the past half-century beef, pork and chicken prices have fallen by more than 50%, and output in the U.S. has more than doubled. These … [Read more...]
Manage fire ants with planning
Red imported fire ants infest pastures, hay fields, barns and equipment. They injure livestock, horses, pets and us, too. Creating a fire ant control plan helps ensure the greatest efficacy using the right products. Antixx Fire Ant Bait <link> (link to tech sheet PDF) from AHD sponsor Neudorff USA is an effective tool that fits a sound fire ant management plan. Spinosad, … [Read more...]
The Easter bunny has company
Farm stores are preparing for the classic Easter chicks and rabbits. Now, some sell miniature goats. Angela von Weber-Hahnsberg discusses goat farming with pygmy goats and other miniature goat breeds. The small size and unique traits of miniature goats attract children, newcomers to the world of goats, and veteran goat breeders alike. Miniature goats of all kinds are … [Read more...]
The emotional gauntlet of raising meat chickens and other livestock
One person’s chicken is another person’s dinner. It is an age-old challenge for animal owners who work hard at having healthy food animals. Consumers avoid visualizing a living, breathing animal as the source of the neat, plastic-wrapped package sliding over a scanner at the grocery. Marissa Ames provides thought-filled perspectives on raising animals for meat protein. She … [Read more...]
Castrating pigs, lambs, and goat kids
Janet Garman’s article on castration appeared a few weeks after we updated our readers on how dehorning and castration guidelines have been updated to include pain mitigation <link>. Garman’s review is a good reason to communicate about pain management to animal owners. Castrations are routinely done on the farm without veterinarian support, so determining how to … [Read more...]
Fire ants getting busy, especially after heavy rains
Sponsored by Neudorff USA Already fired up by warmer weather, red imported fire ants will become even more active and dangerous after recent heavy rains in southern states. Livestock, poultry and pet owners are advised to watch for the telltale mounds the pests build. Newborn calves and foals are especially at risk in … [Read more...]
Opinion – Caretaker training improves animal welfare
Samantha Marais presents the value of employee training and how it improves pig welfare. From this, we can assume that training people to care for animals of any species likely increases animal welfare. Our industry routinely separates food animals, companion animals, equine and poultry. Universally however, people receiving proper and continuing education about animals in … [Read more...]
Opinion – Animal protein versus plant-based protein. A discussion worth having.
Media of all types has paid great attention to plant-based protein of late. However, the hype leaves out the importance of factually discussing issues surrounding meat production. We agree with Jeff Simmons, president and CEO of Elanco Animal Health, that collaboration by all parties will lead to science-based solutions to protein supply challenges. Simmons issues a call to … [Read more...]
New USDA process-verified program, meat label to focus on responsible poultry, livestock care
One Health Certified < link > is expected to help U.S. poultry and livestock producers demonstrate their commitment to responsible antibiotic management without compromising the health and welfare of their animals. The USDA process verified program < link > establishes verified animal-production practices in five core areas: disease prevention, veterinary care, … [Read more...]
Winter goat care
Temperature can be the least of challenges when determining how to keep goats warm in cold weather, writes Karen Kopf. She discusses the components of cold climate herdsmanship. Source: Backyard Goats, December 18, 2019. Link. Acclimation, nutrition, and habitation along with breed selection are all part of preparing to keep goats warm in cold weather. Also see: Search … [Read more...]
Most read livestock posts
Posts about poultry garnered remarkable readership by readers interested in food animals. Three of the most-read livestock posts from June 1 through October 31, 2019 were about poultry. Feed sows in late gestation to enhance colostrum, AHD, June 25, 2019. Link. DVM walks us through Fair Oaks Farms video (video), AHD, June 25, 2019. Link. In search of the perfect cow, … [Read more...]
WARNING! Choose rodent poisons wisely
Rodents flock to buildings this time of year. Laura Haggarty shares her experiences with rodents, bait and pets. She shares a warning about Bromethalin, second generation rodenticides, that have NO ANTIDOTE. We added information from the EPA to support her article. Second generation anticoagulants tend to remain in animal tissues longer than do first-generation ones. These … [Read more...]
Opinion – Feral chicken populations growing
Domestic animals reproducing in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication, defines “feral.” When horses, pigs, cats, parrots and now chickens go wild, problems are not far behind. People in California, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Hawaii and some island countries are developing a love/hate relationship with the free-ranging birds. As bird … [Read more...]