No, it’s not a misspelling. As a capon is to a rooster, or gelding to a stallion, a wether refers to a buck goat that isn’t anymore. How to get that job done is not without controversy. Karen Kopf writes about neutering goats using elastrator banding. Source: Backyard Goats, June 14, 2021. Link. One of the greatest risks of banding goats is tetanus since the band creates an … [Read more...]
Preparing for show season
For animal enthusiasts, livestock shows and fair events will kick off within the next six weeks. While veterinary teams provide health checks and certifications, animal health pros’ expertise will be valued beyond services and tactics. Given the increasing popularity of backyard rabbits, chickens and goats, the audience for show season preparation is not solely livestock … [Read more...]
Colorado Supreme Court rejects animal cruelty initiative
It is not over yet, but the Colorado Supreme Court on Monday rejected a ballot initiative that would have extended the state’s animal cruelty laws to cover livestock and poultry. The current law has an exception for animals raised on farms and ranches, as long as their owners follow accepted animal husbandry practices. The proposal would have added cows, pigs, chicken and … [Read more...]
No kidding. A review of caprine health concerns
As of January 2021, there were 2.58 million goats in the U.S. The 2012 map shown gives us a good picture of where the goats are. Herds of fewer than 500 animals make a majority of the numbers. Population disbursement, the popularity of goats in urban and ruralpolitan settings, as well as increasing numbers of pet goats make goat information important across the country. Here … [Read more...]
Oldest livestock genome reveals origin of today’s goats
Comparing the ancient goat DNA with that of modern wild goats, scientists found distinct genetic clusters indicating apparently managed goats were being bred with one another. This confirms the herders maintained a goat population largely separate from near wild goats in Iran’s Zagros Mountain region. The earliest of the goat remains date to about 8200 BCE, making the DNA in … [Read more...]
Female veterinarians say gender disparity remains an uphill battle
Meg Mueller, DVM, says one of the biggest challenges females face in large animal practices is the issue of working with strong and powerful patients who are much of the time in non-clinical, less than ideal settings. Clients’ perceptions that they can't handle the job doesn’t help Source: Wisconsin State Farmer, June 2, 2021. Link. This article is part of a series entitled … [Read more...]
Spring ahead of summer flies
Removing breeding material is the foundation of fly control, says Roger Moon, entomologist. And spring is the time to get ahead of the fly population. If flies gain a foothold on the dairy, animals and their caretakers will pay the price as the summer wears on. Source: Dairy Herd Management, April 13, 2021. Link. INSIGHTS: Now is a great time to remind producers how to … [Read more...]
New composting publication offers practical steps for livestock producers
Composting dead livestock has not been standard operating procedure on some farms because other processes are used. New or potential situation changes have led to renewed interest in composting. A new publication from Iowa Pork Industry Center offers information to start composting or updating on-farm composting methods. Source:, May 5, 2021. Link. Two primary … [Read more...]
Could artificial insemination become illegal?
Artificial breeding might become illegal should a ballot initiative in Colorado be enacted by the state’s citizens says Corey Geiger. He reviews the legislation that would call an animal, “any living, nonhuman creature.” The revised definition would then state, “. . . not limited to, a dog, a cat, a horse, livestock . . ,” says Geiger. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, May 10, 2021. … [Read more...]
Eating less meat won’t save the planet. Here’s why.
If you are concerned about climate change, water use or greenhouse gases, listening to this program is a must. The presentation addresses many of the disparaging environmental messages about beef and dairy production. As is often the case, the short answer is not the true answer. Source:, YouTube, April 25, 2021. Link. Listening time is 24 minutes. INSIGHTS: … [Read more...]
National Pet Week is May 2 through 8
National Pet Week takes place the first week of May and there is a lot to celebrate. From cats, dogs and fish to lizards, snakes and tarantulas, there’s room for all. Enjoy! Source: National Pet Week 2021. Link. No matter how tough things may seem, pets eagerly provide comfort, sympathy and unquestioned understanding when we most need it. … [Read more...]
Calves and flies don’t have to coexist
Calves are a popular target for fly breeding grounds because their bedding and feed are perfect havens for flies to multiply en masse. Entomologist Roger Moon and dairy producer Merri Post shared experiences and ideas about reducing flies and their impact on herd health. Source: Dairy Herd Management, April 12, 2021. Link. INSIGHTS: For salespersons and veterinary teams, … [Read more...]
Manage calf pain during disbudding and dehorning
Research shows that calves experience pain from disbudding and dehorning, so including pain management is critical to their health. It’s up to producers, but veterinarians need to educate them about the importance of pain management. Source: The Bullvine, March 15, 2021. Link. Every farm should have a standard operating procedure for these animal health practices, so that … [Read more...]
Jan Pol, DVM: 5 tips for hobby farmers to keep farm animals healthy
Nat Geo WILD’s Incredible Dr. Pol shares tips for hobby farmers. His perspective is multi-species and the tips focus on preventing health issues using vaccines, cleanliness and reducing animal interactions with new or wild animals. Source: Hobby Farms, January/February 2021. Link. The Incredible Dr. Pol is now in its 17th season on Nat Geo WILD <link>. … [Read more...]
Biting, sucking lice thrive in winter
Lice thrive in winter. Their survival and transmission is further enhanced by factors such as long haircoats and huddling behavior, writes Meredyth Jones DVM, MS, DACVIM. She writes about winter conditions, infestation, reduced weight gain, products and treatments. Source: Bovine Veterinarian, February 19, 2021. Link. Lice spread via direct contact between animals but are … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 11, 2021
Clever app encourages you call your friends Source: Fast Company, February 4, 2021. Link. . . . one of the biggest regrets among people on their deathbeds was that they hadn’t kept in touch with their friends.” Data backup 101 for veterinary practice owners – Sponsored Content Source: Lucca Veterinary Data Services, February 1, 2021. Link. Data backups are important … [Read more...]
First-aid kit checklist for keeping sheep in tip-top shape
Got sheep? “It’s inevitable when you have a flock of sheep, there will be illness and there will be injuries,” says Jana Wilson. She shares a checklist of items sheep owners should use to deal with both emergencies and regular maintenance. Wilson praises Kirk Hubbard, DVM, for his role in a webinar hosted by Purdue University that dealt with first aid for sheep and goats … [Read more...]
Those lousy goats
A goat owner cradled her prize goat during a recent Nat Geo Wild episode. Full of worms, it was fading fast. The TV vet rubbed the goat’s hair, inspecting skin and some crusty patches. Admittedly, I shuddered a bit thinking about what all could be crawling into the owner’s lap even though I remembered goat lice are goat-specific. Goats are becoming more popular and are … [Read more...]
Shepherding off the coast of Maine remains unchanged for eons
Interested animal health pros will find this photo-filled story interesting, if not memorable. Experience how the Wakeman family works to maintain the traditions of island shepherding, which have been unchanged for centuries. Source: New York Times, December 31, 2020. Link. Historical evidence suggests that sheep have been raised on Big Nash Island for more than 300 years. … [Read more...]
Honey, I shrunk the goat
When considering a backyard pet, a manageable 4-H project for a child, or smaller livestock for a homestead or hobby farm, consider these small goat breeds. Theresa Miller offers a concise catalogue of compact caprines. Source: Backyard Goats, October 9, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
Water: the forgotten nutrient
Water is known as the forgotten nutrient. Google it and you’ll find references to many species. Pedro E. Urriola shares perspectives from discussions at the recent Lehman workshop on water’s importance in pig production. . . . water can absorb a lot of heat before it starts to get hot. . . it is essential to thermal homeostasis of pigs, and all living species . . … [Read more...]
Fences revisited, this time without wire
Last week we shared an article about the ecological impact of fences < link >. In ongoing research in Nevada, ranchers are experimenting with virtual fences using technologies that work like pet fencing but use GPS technologies instead of a wire in the ground. They hope to use the technology to improve rotational grazing and restrict cattle from grazing areas where toxic … [Read more...]
Washing livestock trailers with infection control certainty
Sponsored Content Regardless of the pathogens, transporting increases risks for all livestock. Livestock trailers pose a significant risk for pigs, cattle, horses and poultry as they are moved from one location to another. Cleaning with scoops, forced air or pressure washers is as best a first step to controlling pathogen spread from remaining residues before the trailer is … [Read more...]
Top goat predators in the U.S.
Predation of goats is a very real risk, according to Theresa Miller. She shares her top nine goat predators and describes the differences in kill evidence between them. As most would guess, the coyote is number one. Dogs and predatory birds are next in line. Feral pigs kill more goats than wolves, which ranked ninth on her list. Source: Backyard Goats, October 26, 2020. … [Read more...]
Goats, a decade-plus commitment
Expecting a goat to live a decade or more is part of an informed decision for potential goat owners, writes Janet Garman. She shares shelter requirements, hoof care, health maintenance, vaccination and nutrition. Source: Backyard Goats, September 15, 2020. Link. While goats are hardy little ruminants for the most part, they do not tolerate wet weather as well as cattle and … [Read more...]
Warm beer = bad vaccine?
Monitoring the performance of refrigeration units is critical to vaccines and pharmaceuticals labeled for temperature control. Older units may develop inconsistent temperature zones with items freezing in one area and getting too warm in another. The context for the article is dairy, but almost any veterinary clinic or on-farm drug storage area can have the issues shared in … [Read more...]
Top livestock genetics closer to being available for all
Scientists have created cattle, goats and pigs that can serve as viable “surrogate sires,” male animals that produce sperm carrying only the genetic trains of donor animals. Published September 14 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this feat may speed available of desirable livestock characteristics and improve food production worldwide. The study is the … [Read more...]
Identify what pasture plants are poisonous to cattle (slide show)
There are many plants that can cause illness, death, abortion, birth defects, metabolic disorders, photosensitization and other problems in cattle, writes Heather Smith Thomas. Her slide show includes photos of plants cattle producers should look for. Source: BEEF, March 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
To wether or not, when and how
When a male goat gets castrated, he becomes a wether. While it is possible to castrate surgically, it is not the preferred method, shares Karen Kopf. Banding is considered the safest, gentlest, least intrusive way to accomplish castration when done in a timely manner. One of the greatest risks of banding goats is tetanus since the band creates an anaerobic environment. Care … [Read more...]
Integrated pest management key to fly control
It is documented flies cause losses in beef, dairy, small ruminant and swine production. They are also a nuisance at home, around backyard animals and in stables. Janna Block, North Dakota State University Extension livestock systems specialist, discusses the importance of using the right type of fly control at the right time for the right duration to control pests … [Read more...]