Rebecca Sanderson shares how keeping goats near chickens could result in a positive Johne’s disease test. She shares the story of Stacy whose sick goat housed close to chickens became ill with a strain in the Mycobacterium avium complex which includes Johne’s disease Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium. Source: Backyard Goats, August 22, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider … [Read more...]
Prussic acid toxicity risk, a problem in drought areas, after rains
Clark Roberts shares the importance of keeping an eye on cattle that graze where Johnsongrass is present, due to the risk of prussic acid toxicity. Anything that physically stresses Johnsongrass, such as drought in summer or freezing in the fall, can increase the amount of prussic acid in this invasive forage plant. Secondly, with rain after drought, or warm temperatures after … [Read more...]
Tips for controlling flies in livestock herds
Includes Commercial References Flies are a problem wherever you find them. For beef producers, there are four types that impact livestock herd health and productivity: houseflies, horn flies, stable flies and face flies. These are the same flies drawn to garbage, pet feces, roadkill, compost bins, backyard chicken coops and our outdoor activities that include food. Kansas … [Read more...]
Get ready! All livestock antibiotics will be prescription-only in 2023.
The clock is ticking. Start now to educate producers ahead of this important transition to livestock antibiotics being available by prescription-only status. The new rule covers injectable tylosin, injectable and intramammary penicillin, injectable and oral tetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and sulfamethazine, and cephapirin and cephapirin benzathine intramammary tubes. Also, … [Read more...]
Anthrax confirmed in Colorado
The Colorado State Veterinarian's office has confirmed the first cases of anthrax in cattle in Colorado since 2012. The herds were located in Sedgwick County in the northeast corner of the state. Anthrax can occur naturally in Colorado's soil. Bacterial spores can lie dormant in the ground for decades and can emerge in greater concentrations after rainstorms, flooding or … [Read more...]
Goat hoof problems
Caprines, like their bovine cousins, can have hoof issues and lameness causing a reduction in food intake and weight gain, reduced milk production, lower reproduction rates and pain. Kate Johnson shares causes, treatments and prevention for common hoof challenges. Source: Backyard Goats, July 17, 2022. Link. Three of the most common goat hoof problems are: hoof … [Read more...]
Petco begins serving rural pets and farm animals
Petco launched a community-driven test concept to address the health and wellness needs of pets and farm animals in rural communities. The grand opening of the first location was in Floresville, Texas, last Friday. The Neighborhood Farm & Pet Supply centers will be new, standalone retail facilities located at the heart of small towns and rural communities. The company … [Read more...]
DVMs use goldfish to keep stock tanks clean
Marissa Hake, DVM, shares how goldfish help keep stock tanks clean. The goldfish stocking rate is one fish per 30 gallons of water. The fish do not need to be fed and can survive off chunks that fall in from cows’ mouths. Source: calfvet, Instagram, June 5, 2022. Link. Also see: Fish in the water trough, Dr Erik Johnson, Veterinarian, September 1, 2020. Link. By adding … [Read more...]
Umbilical care, avoiding joint ill goats
Rebecca Sanderson shares the importance of umbilical care in newborn kids. Improper closure of the navel can result in bacteria transferring into the goat causing navel ill, also known as joint ill. If you do little else for your does at kidding time, do consider at least dipping the umbilical cord of the new babies to help prevent navel ill.” – Rebecca Sanderson Source: … [Read more...]
Controlling parasites in sheep and goats
The development of dewormer resistance to nearly all three available anthelmintic classes is common in sheep and goats. Resistance has risen due to anthelmintics being used often, rotated too frequently, underdosed or using the cattle labelled dose. Sheep and goats metabolize the dewormer quicker than cattle, so their dosage is higher than cattle. Resistance makes control … [Read more...]
Before they buy that farm store goat
Local farm stores have added goats to the chicks and ducklings they sell this time of year. As cute as they are, there are important considerations before taking a goat home. The articles here speak to diligence, veterinary involvement and legal considerations for potential goat owners. Sources: What to Know Before You Buy a Goat, Backyard Goats. June 23, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
Benefits and challenges with multi-species grazing
Land use and stewardship are two of the hot topics producers and landowners face. Adaptive grazing with more than one species of livestock can multiply regenerative benefits, shape landscape, and add income to operations. Source: Noble Research Institute. Link. Adaptive grazing uses higher livestock densities for short durations between long periods of rest to allow complete … [Read more...]
Listeriosis often found in silage fed in winter
Listeriosis is caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteria is present everywhere in the environment and survives well in moist soil for about one year. In domestic animals the disease is most important in ruminants and most seen during winter months when they are being fed silage. As winter conditions persist, cattle producers often find themselves scraping … [Read more...]
New report: drivers of U.S. dairy productivity and efficiency
Dairy veterinary teams, marketing personnel and sales representatives servicing dairy producers understand some of the national trends causing consolidation of dairy operations into larger and fewer farms. Still, milk production for the domestic market continues to increase steadily. A new report by Eric Njuki with USDA’s Economic Research Service presents the substantial … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 17, 2022
Last week’s most read post Emotions – make them work for you. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, February 10, 2022. Link. =========================== Dog breeds that shed the most Source: Puppies and Pooches, February 10, 2022. Link. Prospective dog owners not prepared for the constant vacuuming and brushing … [Read more...]
Anti-mink farming bill should concern poultry, confined animal production industry
OPINION It’s easy to forget about mink production, especially if you live in a region where mink have never been raised, writes Roy Graber. The fact that a provision that would outlaw commercial mink farms in the U.S. made it into a larger legislative bill should be concerning to anyone involved in animal agriculture, he says. Animal agriculture has been under intense … [Read more...]
Top 10 animal feed industry stories of 2021
African swine fever was the most popular topic while feed pricing and production and the animal protein market also made the list. Source: Feed Strategy, January 5, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Pinkeye in sheep different than pinkeye in cattle
Commercial content included While most prevalent during warmer months, crowed conditions in sheep barns and enclosures during winter increase the risk of animal-to-animal transfer of pinkeye bacteria. Pinkeye, called infectious keratoconjunctivitis, is most frequently caused by one of two bacteria. Chlamydia psittaci (ovis) and Mycoplasma conjunctiva are the culprits … [Read more...]
3 keys to handling injectables when it is below freezing
Shannon Williams reminds us to keep injectables at the proper temperature. It is vitally important to maintain their effectiveness. She shares three key practices to keep your injectables from being too cold. Setting your injectables on the defroster or under the heater in the pickup is NOT the solution. . . you could end up “cooking” it and damaging the product. . . … [Read more...]
Starlings. Rats with wings!
There are an estimated 160 million European starlings nationwide. In a September post <Link> we raised concerns about nuisance birds, such as starlings, as costly and as potential disease carriers in fecal-oral fomite cycles. These birds cause issues on farms and swarm as scavengers in cities and towns consuming songbird seed, garden waste and garbage. According to … [Read more...]
In protein we trust
Rarely a day goes by without seeing content aimed at animal protein sources. Every animal health pro has a vested interest in animal protein production whether for your table at home or in the dish for pets. NAMI’s newest initiative, the Protein PACT is setting out to provide the necessary proof to secure and sustain consumer trust in the animal protein industry. PACT … [Read more...]
University of Florida’s Ram Test and Sale kicks off new program to grow sheep and goat businesses
The University of Florida will hold its first Ram Test and Sale event this Saturday as part of new program to grow the sheep and goat industries in the state. This initiative is made possible by a gift from one of the state’s sheep farmers. The gift also supports upgrades to the UF/IFAS Sheep Unit in Gainesville and will allow researchers to expand the UF sheep and goat … [Read more...]
Getting started with goats for milk
The popularity of self-sustaining food production on small acreages or large backyards includes rabbits, poultry and goats. Heather Smith Thomas writes about raising goats for milk and how their short generation makes goats a great project for 4-H kids. Dwarf goats don’t produce the volume of milk of large goats but their milk is high in butterfat and makes good cheese she … [Read more...]
Country of origin labeling to be reinstated for U.S. beef
The latest legislation will reinsert “beef” and “ground beef” into the current mandatory country of origin label law that requires country-of-origin labels on many food commodities, including meat from chickens, sheep, goats and deer. Source: BEEF, September 13, 2021. Link. “Only with MCOOL for beef can cattle producers compete in their own domestic market where packers and … [Read more...]
Fall alfalfa decisions have repercussions
Drought continues to be a concern for farmers and livestock producers. Forage availability and quality are integral to sustaining herd numbers and health. Kim Cassida shares alfalfa management tips. For animal health pros working directly with producers, consider using this article to open new discussions about nutrition and herd health decisions. You might find a local … [Read more...]
Learning through livestock: Pipestone Discovery Barn brings the farm to fairgoers (video)
The Pipestone Discovery Barn gives kids who don’t grow up on a farm a chance to learn more about where their food comes from. Visitors not only get to see the baby animals, they also witness them being born. Source:, August 13, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Pain management is quickest route to improved animal welfare
Pain management was pinpointed as one of the more accessible wins among animal welfare challenges and positive interventions identified during a recent Ruminant Health and Welfare workshop in the United Kingdom. Session attendees included veterinarians, researchers, farmers and other industry professionals. Widening the range of conditions where non-steroidals can be … [Read more...]
Listeriosis in goats, moldy hay and zoonoses
Listeriosis, also known as circling disease or silage sickness, is a life-threatening disease primarily caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. It is commonly associated with feeding moldy hay but can be found in the feces of infected birds, animals, fish and insects, as well as sewage. It can contaminate water, milk and food. Listeria is a zoonotic disease. Source: … [Read more...]
Rabid puppy exposes dozens in Georgia and South Carolina
Opinion If you’ve not read this recent account of rabies exposures, please do so. We still have gaps in rabies management and prevention. . . . only 39 states mandate rabies vaccination for dogs; 11 states have no statewide legal requirement for rabies vaccination of any species. Feline rabies vaccination is required in 34 states, and vaccination of ferrets is required in … [Read more...]
It’s written on goats’ faces
Tamsin Cooper says goats are smart. She shares how they use and read facial expressions and body language to communicate with each other and to gauge humans too. Source: Backyard Goats, March 3, 2021. Link. Scientific research has confirmed that goats seek out our faces when attracting our attention and they look to us for help and guidance. We also know that they are … [Read more...]