Commentary So many variables determine producer success when raising calves and preparing them for the next stages of their lives. Amber Friedrichsen’s discussion of various approaches to supplements and forage as winter progresses provides an opportunity to visit with producers about ensuring proper nutrition. It also supports the overall health of the animals and the … [Read more...]
Updated APHIS rule for EID now in effect
Jennifer M. Latzke’s article is a reminder about APHIS’s updated traceability rule that went into effect November 5th. The rule, which amends the previous 2013 rule, now requires ear tags to be both visually and electronically readable for sexually intact cattle that are 18 months of age or older, rodeo and exhibition cattle, and dairy cattle moving interstate. Cattle that … [Read more...]
Surf and turf: researchers to study feeding seaweed to cattle
Past research has found that feeding seaweed can reduce methane emissions from cattle, but results are mixed. Now, researchers from Oregon State University are investigating a specific type of seaweed and supplementing cattle that graze in the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem rather than a feedlot environment. Source: Oregon State University, October 28, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Building a new breed: the American Black Hereford
There is considerable pride and breed loyalty among cattle producers despite the overriding objectives to improve production efficiencies and profits. Gilda V. Bryant shares the development of the Black Hereford in the article here. Despite the name sounding like an oxymoron, Black Herefords are a thing. Source: Progressive Cattle, October 15, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
NCBA guide for making culling decisions
A guide developed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and CattleFax will help cattle producers with the often difficult decision to cull cows and bulls. Not all of these animals must end up as ground beef if producers understand how to optimize the value of cows that don’t bear calves through better welfare management practices. About 20% of the total revenue of a cow … [Read more...]
Calves like their water hot
Calves and cows prefer warm water closer to their own body temperatures. Maureen Hansen shares how water temperature adjusts rumen development and its bacterial environment. A Finnish study showed calves offered warm water continued to drink more even after weaning. Source: Dairy Herd Management, November 12, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Feeding water near or above 70o F seems … [Read more...]
Blueprint for receiving new feeder calves
The objective of a receiving strategy is to make the transition from calf origin into the feedlot or backgrounding yard as seamless as possible. Jessica Sperber says the first 14 days upon feedlot arrival are critical in calf development and set the performance trajectory of the calf for the remainder of the feeding period. The main concerns are feed intake and water … [Read more...]
Help livestock and farm customers get funds they deserve
When natural or man-made disasters strike, USDA programs can help rebuild herds, infrastructure, buildings and crops. However, they can be hard to access for average producers. Enter Crop Disaster Recovery, a grant acquisition firm that helps farmers obtain funding from disaster recovery programs and grants through USDA. Source: FarmFutures, September 25, 2024. Link. “We … [Read more...]
Weaning calves. Art or science?
There are some basic principles and practices that will give calves the best chance at navigating the weaning process, writes Zeb Gray. Whether done abruptly or gradually, he recommends producers define what their goals are beyond just separating cow and calf in the weaning process. He emphasizes the importance of a veterinary relationship considering any new antibiotic … [Read more...]
Mitigating weather-related stress in beef cattle
Fall weather is a series of transitions from hot days to cool days, which include wind, rain, sleet and snow. In much of the U.S., it is normal to see high-low temperature swings of 50o F or more. The Beef Checkoff-funded BQA National Manual provides guidelines for handling cattle as weather patterns vary to optimize animal welfare. Julia Herman, DVM, MS, DACVPM, writes … [Read more...]
Fresh cows run a daily marathon
Three weeks before and three weeks after calving, dairy cows experience massive changes in nutrient and micromineral demands. An energy deficit is common in this period and cows struggle to take in more energy than they deplete. Jessica McArt, DVM, compares this energy challenge to marathon runners in this article. Her analogy might help explain the effects of transition to a … [Read more...]
Bird flu mutating and reassorting with seasonal flu could create a pandemic-causing virus
Commentary It is NOT time to panic. Experts are studying the potential for H5N1 to mutate and reassort with seasonal influenza. They indicate humans and pigs could both serve as mixing vessels for a bird flu–seasonal flu hybrid. The article by Tanya Lewis provides a situation analysis, food for thought and reinforces the importance of: seasonal flu vaccination for … [Read more...]
The deep impact of protein formulation in calf starter feed (video)
Includes Commercial Content Choosing the right proteins in calf starter feed is essential for optimizing rumen fermentation and developing healthy digestive function. Until weaning, liquid milk feed provides most of the protein supply in calf weaning plans in the first half of the initial growth phase. These proteins are essentially of dairy origin. During the second half of … [Read more...]
Review: 3 keys to lameness prevention
Hoof care requires diligent efforts to avoid lameness in dairy animals. Properly maintained footbaths are critical along with regular hoof trimming and scraping multiple times per day. Jason Hartschuh shares the importance of footbath depth and solution options, including copper sulfate, formalin and zinc sulfate. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, October 28, 2024. Link. Barn … [Read more...]
Pekin ducks, a turkey alternative
Rumors of turkey shortages due to flocks being euthanized because of HPAI may make the Pekin duck an option. A Pennsylvania family has developed a substantial commercial duck business featured in the article here. While the Pekin duck is a famous icon for AFLAC, it’s all-dark meat may become a favored alternate choice for the holidays. Source: American Agriculturist, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 24, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, October 17, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the October 17th AHD Bulletin – Vet Techs play a critical role in pet healthcare. Link. Shelter dog behavior after adoption. Link. How to use dog food toppers. Link. A horse owner’s final act of care. Link. Facial recognition app recognizes cows … [Read more...]
FDA: Aspirin use in dairy cattle and other food animals is now prohibited
Citing HPAI infections in dairies, drug residue risks and concerns about protocol drift, the FDA has reversed its stance on using aspirin, which was never approved for use in cattle. Protocol drift is a real thing . . . there are approved drugs with labeled indications, those should be our first line of treatment.” - Alison Vander Plaats, DVM Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, October … [Read more...]
Dairy biosecurity starts with mentality change
Biosecurity consultant Dan Hougentogler shares the challenges of improving biosecurity practices on dairies, especially those with multiple species on the farm. One of the bigger issues is to get producers to take biosecurity seriously. Source: American Agriculturist, October 21, 2024. Link. Changing the mentality is really about managing people to reduce our potential for … [Read more...]
Building a profitable relationship with veterinarians (podcast)
Includes Commercial Content Randall Spare, DVM, shares his experiences with herd health consultations, problem-solving with producers and how understanding genomics can increase the value of replacement heifers. Source: Angus at Work, August 28, 2024. Link. [26:52] The opportunities today when we genomically measure heifers and we know exactly what’s underneath that hide … [Read more...]
Setting up the newborn calf to respond to spring vaccinations
Producers often “set it and forget it” when turning out cows for the fall and winter. Research has shown that calves born to cows with a body condition score of 5 or 6 have more immunoglobulin G in their blood serum after consuming colostrum than calves from cows with a 4 or lower score, writes Karla H. Wilke. She focuses on the importance of keeping cows healthy and in good … [Read more...]
Cattle traceability rule set to take effect November 5th
Cattle ranchers and dairy farmers will be required to use electronic identification for their cows in certain cases under a disease traceability rule set to take effect November 5, 2024. Producers have long expressed concerns about cost and data privacy. In May, Congress approved $15 million to help producers comply with the rule and farms can receive electronic tags for free … [Read more...]
Farmers told to bolster biosecurity as HPAI spread “by no means on the downward trend”
Experts have warned dairy producers to assume the worst when taking steps to secure their premises against HPAI infections. Source: Dairy Reporter, October 10, 2024. Link. . . . almost a third of all cases since the inception of this event have occurred within the last 30 days.” – Alex Hamburg, DVM … [Read more...]
Preventing inflammation in transition cows
Barry Bradford, PhD, recommends sound transition cow management steps to prevent acute inflammation. This article is a good reference when working with dairy producers and their herd teams. His five steps are: Manage body condition score Transition cow housing Antioxidants Anionic diets Tweaking immunity/inflammation: remember, the use of NSAIDs to treat … [Read more...]
Facial recognition app recognizes cow from 50 feet
Complimentary Commercial Content 406 Bovine leverages facial recognition technology to create ‘digital twins’ of cattle, enabling producers to pull up wellness, movement and treatment data by simply taking a photo of their animals’ heads. Source: Dairy Reporter, July 22, 2024. Link. RFD TV, August 15, 2024. Link. Video [13:13] Facial recognition is the newest form of … [Read more...]
Key technologies revolutionizing the dairy farm
Automation, robotics and AI in dairy farming are taking off. As sustainability, efficiency and consumer transparency become more critical, technological advancements targeting automation, data decision-making, animal welfare and more shape the future of modern dairies. It’s a game changer, writes Andrew Hunt. Source: The Bullvine, October 10, 2024. Link. Key … [Read more...]
New products from World Dairy Expo
Mark Moore shares new products that garnered attention at World Dairy Expo that took place in Madison, Wisconsin, from September 28th to October 4th. Featured are management products that promise to help streamline some of the processes on farm. For animal health pros working with dairies, learning about new products outside your own offerings can be beneficial during a … [Read more...]
Worker safety includes teaming with veterinarians
Working with livestock always includes opportunities for someone to get injured. National Safety Month is behind us, but attention to safety requires continual attention. Every day, about 100 agricultural workers suffer a lost-work-time injury. Two articles from the NCBA BQA library are timely as fall cattle work progresses. Understanding the animals, as well as the best … [Read more...]
Can PRRSV, PEDV be inactivated in truck cabs?
Truck cabs are a biosecurity concern, especially in swine production, to reduce the spread of PRRSV and PEDV. Research from the Swine Health Center updates truck cabin biosecurity methods in this article. Source: National Hog Farmer, September 11, 2024. Link. While ozone and air-purifier technologies have emerged as promising alternatives for decontamination, further … [Read more...]
Organizational basics, SOPs important in on-farm dairy production
Discussing procedural drift, Lisa Holden, PhD, emphasizes the need for dairy producer management to refresh SOP training and monitoring. It's easier to write an SOP and train than to create the culture of compliance, she shared. Source: Dairy Herd Management, January 12, 2023. Link. The consistency that cows crave so much is gained through those standard operating … [Read more...]
Waste milk fed to calves may be creating resistant bacteria
Feeding non-salable milk from antibiotic-treated cows to calves is a common practice. Now, the presence of antimicrobial residues in waste milk raises significant concerns within the scientific community. Researchers assert that waste milk’s use poses a risk by exerting selective pressure, fostering the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria in the intestinal microbiota of … [Read more...]