“Did you check the tires?” was a frequently asked question when we jumped into the car to go somewhere. Jill Trotta shares five car noises we should never ignore and what to do about them. Source: BottomLine Inc. Link. INSIGHTS: Newer automobiles warn you when things are not working correctly. But our ears, eyes, nose and touch sensations remain very important to keep our … [Read more...]
We ARE living the new normal – Part 3, biosecurity strategies ensure progress
COMMENTS Biosecurity is not new to animal health pros. It is central to successfully providing safe care for animals and their owners. Diseases such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, hog cholera, bird flu, leptospirosis, PEDV, PRRS, salmonella and BVD have pushed us to focus on optimizing infection controls, using quarantine areas and hospital pens in concert with … [Read more...]
We ARE living the new normal – Part 2, communication strategies for moving forward
Comments Strategies are the how of moving forward. They are meaningless unless we know the why. Getting to why requires focus. The words of the veterinarian’s oath clearly identify the why. . . . I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal … [Read more...]
We ARE living the new normal – Part 1, situation analysis
Comments Change management experts are returning to their themes of adaptability, including life and business always accepting change as a constant. In some ways it is refreshing. Yet the day-to-day strategy changes, coupled with statistical analysis have most people running in place awaiting what comes next. From what has been published in recent weeks related to … [Read more...]
Better inventory management is worth the effort
The current pandemic adjustments put inventory in motion in new ways. Alan Newport reviews inventory shrink in the context of a busy dairy practice. Shrink in this review has little to do with theft, rather it is caused by not recording inventory transferred to mobile units or not invoiced. . . . it's important the veterinarians form a habit of creating an invoice for the … [Read more...]
Yes, dogs really watch TV
Newer TV technologies are more likely to make couch potatoes out of dogs. They react to light and sound with older technologies but truly watch given the speed of the newer digital screens. Dog owners will appreciate this information. Share it on social media and in newsletters. Source: Animal Wellness, April 13, 2020. Link. Three things that effect television watching for … [Read more...]
Digitization affects our happiness, health, and wisdom
Food for thought Technologies fueling our media consumption are outpacing the rate of scientific inquiry, making real or verifiable effects hard to understand and perhaps harder study appropriately, share these authors. They express concerns and assert a call to action to establish new disciplines about media. American adults now spend over 11 hours per day listening to, … [Read more...]
Battling bacteria with their natural enemy: a virus
Not all viruses create pandemic consequences. Lacey Newlin shares the progress on using bacteriophages to attack bacteria and the possibility of phages as antibiotic alternatives. . . . about half of the bacteria on this planet are killed by bacteriophages every two days.” - Hari Shankar Kotturi, PhD. Source: High Plains Journal, March 20, 2020. Link. Divya Jaroni, PhD, whose … [Read more...]
Flea and tick wars: the time is NOW
Leigh Hofmeister, DVM, provides a short history of flea and tick challenges before the modern-day preventatives hit the marketplace. She compares oral and topical forms and reinforces the need for clients to use them to protect their pets. Let’s try to keep the flea and tick wars between brands and not return the battleground to the environment versus the pet. Reports in … [Read more...]
Cowcohol – a “wheyle” of a good idea
Leave it to entrepreneurial, small-herd dairy producers and an assistant professor of distilled spirits, AKA a guy with the most fabulous job on the planet, to create a novel way to use whey, the byproduct of cheesemaking. Todd Koch, owner of TMK Creamery in Oregon, now ferments his whey and makes a vodka-like liquor they call “Cowcohol.” The dairy is overwhelmed by … [Read more...]
Isolation, distancing and PPE protocols ‘old hat’ to livestock production
It is easy to marvel at how under-appreciated, yet familiar and expected biosecurity is to the livestock community: Swine producers learned to shower in and shower out of facilities years ago as part of their efforts to reduce swine disease and stop massive death losses due to farm-to-farm fomite exchanges < link > Progressive dairies manage mastitis incidence … [Read more...]
Training companies offer free products and services during pandemic
The group at Training Industry pulled together a list of free training products and services companies our industry is now offering. Here are some of the categories: Coronavirus preparedness and response training Training for remote work Remote work and remote training products and services Other services NOTE: The article includes a link to a PDF of the book … [Read more...]
BabelBark/BabelVet® announces free support to transition to telehealth
Complimentary Sponsored Content Fueled by shelter-in-place orders and social distancing recommendations, medical professionals are turning to telehealth platforms to maintain client-patient interactions and screen to determine if a physical visit is needed. Telehealth in today’s COVID-19 context is relatively new. Vertical integration is a mainstay of platforms in general, … [Read more...]
Understand how to manage employee safety
Wondering how to manage employee safety and sick leave during the coronavirus pandemic? You should. Employers are obligated to protect their workers from communicable diseases and should follow the CDC's recommendations, including: Encouraging employees with respiratory illness to stay home Be prepared to separate sick employees Routinely clean frequently touched … [Read more...]
Telemedicine is getting a big thumbs-up from veterinary practices
Today’s Veterinary Business asked people to talk about what they’re seeing and hearing as the United States deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some hospitals are putting remote consultations to greater use, meeting clients in parking lots and doubling down on cleaning and sanitizing. Source: Today’s Veterinary Business, March 2020. Link. Mia Cary, DVM. shared this. I’m seeing … [Read more...]
You, me, us, and them as SARS-CoV-2 disrupts our world
CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC EDITION These days of myriad, progressing and conflicting COVID-19 articles, blog posts and news releases should be the stuff on which a curation business thrives. The AHD team will do our best to provide factual SARS-CoV-2 material that supports our objective to focus on sharing actionable information in the context of how animal health pros live, work … [Read more...]
Protecting your eyes in a screen-focused world
Modern demands on vision, especially our constant focus on close-up screens, is causing our eyes to make unhealthy adaptations. But you can do something about that! Marc Grossman, OD, Lac, shares steps that can keep your eyes healthier in a near-focused world. Grossman’s steps include: Keep neck muscles loose Avoid extremes of light/dark contrast Lounge consciously … [Read more...]
The state of high stakes learning
Intrepid Learning recently published an infographic to share the results of their 2020 learning and development survey. The results indicate little change compared to 2019 including weaknesses from the top down. The main findings are: Leadership is still the most critical topic Learning with and from others remains the best modality Learning cultures are still seen … [Read more...]
Marketing: no time, no money, no expertise
In a recent article and podcast, George B. Krueger, MBA, DBA, shares research that explores the theme of microbusiness marketing with no time, no money and no expertise. Microbusinesses were defined as small businesses that employ nine or fewer people, including the owner. Source: bizTimes, March 5, 2020. Link. White paper copy of article < link > The research … [Read more...]
Recycling is broken
Waste is an enormous problem. But, recycling is the wrong solution, writes Don Norman. The real culprit in the story of recycling is failure to identify the core, underlying problem. Recycling is the symptom, he says. The underlying problem is the design and manufacturing of so much stuff that must be discarded. Recycling is a poor attempt to solve this problem. Source: Fast … [Read more...]
8 tips to get your messages read
Emails, memos and requests often go ignored likely because they’re hard to understand. However, individual success depends on the help of others. Thus, success for a sale, a project, even a career likely depends on getting others to read and act on our messages. Here are eight ways to help get people to respond to them. Source: New York Times, March 8, 2020. Link. (paywall) … [Read more...]
AAHA: Introduces a new continuum of patient-focused anesthesia
AAHA announces the 2020 AAHA Anesthesia and Monitoring Guidelines for Dogs and Cats The new guidelines take a new approach to anesthesia called continuum of care, says guideline co-chair Tamara Grubb, DVM, PhD, DACVAA. It is a doorknob-to-doorknob strategy that begins before the patient leaves their house and ends when they return home comfortable and calm. In addition to … [Read more...]
Clean your smartphone properly
With all the hubbub Covid-19 has wrought, it is a good time to extend cleanliness routines to smartphones, tablets, laptops and keyboards. This article is a good reminder to clean these tools properly and often. Source: WIRED, March 4, 2020. Link. The science shows <link> that bacteria are very happy breeding on keyboards and smartphone screens, particularly when … [Read more...]
Needle technology advancing quickly
Alternatives to traditional hypodermic needles are improving rapidly, says Mark Wilson. He shares some of the advancements being developed for the human marketplace. These will interest some animal health pros. Now if the world of science could just do something about people’s irrational fear of vaccines, we’d really have something.” – Mark Wilson Source: Fast Company, … [Read more...]
U.S. Cattle Trace to lay groundwork for federal requirements
Amid confusion from the government’s Animal Tracing Act and more recent proposed mandates for RFID from APHIS, a group of producers have formed the voluntary cattle tracking system, U.S. Cattle Trace (USCT). The inevitability of foreign animal disease risk underpins the priorities of this developing system. Source: BEEF, February 2020. Link. USCT is a producer-driven … [Read more...]
Customer service: Smiles are not enough
For repeatable, sustainable customer service excellence, you need systems and standards for the great people you hire, writes Micah Solomon. Standards are ways of delineating “how we do things around here.” Systems are slightly more elaborate; they are essentially groups of standards. Standards and systems are both important components to successfully serving … [Read more...]
PRRS made swine industry better
PRRS remains the number-one cause of economic impact in the U.S. swine industry. First described in the U.S. in the late 1980s < link >, PRRS has challenged swine veterinarians and producers to improvement all management practices. In addition to biosecurity advancements, PRRS made the swine industry better in five ways: Improved communication Fostered … [Read more...]
It’s not your phone. It’s you.
Stanford communication scholar Gabriella Harari finds that it is personality that influences how people use their digital devices. Technology is a medium to channel our everyday behavior. Her research examines two broad questions and challenges previous theories: What do digital media reveal about personality? How might digital media change personality? Source: … [Read more...]
Bovine Veterinarian: What to expect from the 2020s, 8-part series
Veterinarians provide their thoughts on the key challenges and opportunities for success during the 2020s in this insightful series. Their comments are a directional microcosm facing bovine practices, as well as veterinary practices in general. . . . veterinarians serve as forward-looking change agents in animal agriculture, as they continuously evaluate new systems, products, … [Read more...]
American Heartworm Society seeks individual clinic data
Veterinarians are urged to take time to submit clinic data to support the 2019 AHS Heartworm Incidence Survey. Each veterinary practice that submits data on the number of animals tested and diagnosed over the 2019 calendar year enables the AHS to create a more comprehensive and useful map” - Chris Duke, DVM, president AHS Source: DVM 360, January 28, 2020. Link. Survey … [Read more...]