Opinion Pet food content consistently asserts the changing landscape of pet nutrition and how pet owners are seeking diets that parallel their own nutrition choices. Beyond brands, ingredients, kibble versus frozen, and fresh versus processed are among the considerations. Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ proper nutrition Too many dogs and cats are obese … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 14, 2022
Chasing customer loyalty, pet food trends driving growth, cost cutting for pet owners, pet services over $9 billion now, upcoming webinars and more. . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, November 14, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Association of Shelter Veterinarians announces academic journal
Achieving a long-time goal, the ASV has launched the Journal of Shelter Medicine & Community Animal Health. The publication is the first academic journal devoted to shelter and community medicine and is a rolling admission online, gold open access journal. It will provide evidence-based research affecting the welfare of animals in shelters and communities for veterinarians … [Read more...]
Vet Watch trends. Do these concern you?
Commentary The latest Vet Watch trend tracking begs attention. Note the metric showing a reduction in the number of clients. It is an area where practices and the animal health pros who serve them can focus actionably. Returning clients and their pets to an active status requires individual communication supported by client base communications. Start with your own staff, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 10, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – Vaccinating unhealthy animals by Scott Weese, DVM. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, November 3, 2022. Link. 50 therapist-approved tips to stave off holiday stress Source: PARADE, December 6, 2021. Link. For many, the holiday season is particularly difficult. The pressure to show up a certain … [Read more...]
Pigs may help treat, prevent diseases in humans
2019 Png vectors byLovepik.com Scientists at the National Swine Resource and Research Center at the University of Missouri have become the go-to source for genetically modified pigs. The animals are used by researchers across the U.S. to study various diseases that affect humans. The work is categorized as translational medicine where therapies and treatments … [Read more...]
The pros and cons of orthobiologics in horses
Orthobiologics* appear to be key tools in improving equine health and welfare, writes Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc, summarizing a presentation at the September Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners Convention. All orthobiologics use the body’s natural physiologic processes to reduce inflammation and facilitate the repair of injured tissues. Oke shares key concepts … [Read more...]
Pet friendly locations offer help so dogs aren’t home alone
Taking dogs out and about helps improve their mental stimulation. A growing number of retail locations offer pet friendly access to myriad new sights and smells for dogs. The author reminds pet owners to call stores for their policies and to do a reality check. If dogs aren’t good in crowds, or aren’t the most well-behaved on a leash, a few training classes are in order before … [Read more...]
How technology can make work harder
Citing the smorgasbord of software needed to do any task these days, Hope King uses terms like toggling tax and digital dexterity to explain how tech advancements have come at mental and sometimes emotional costs along with declining productivity among knowledge workers. Source: AXIOS, November 7, 2022. Link. One Harvard Business Review study suggests workers are switching … [Read more...]
Is customer service bad by design?
Animal health customer service pros and their executives will want to invest the time to listen to this episode of On Point. It takes on customer service frustration and success from customers’ and employees’ points of view. The discussion among the host and two customer experience experts features relevant examples of poorly designed customer journeys and ways to improve … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 3, 2022
Last week’s most read post – Jacks, jennies, johns and hinnies; the hybrid world of donkeys and horses. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, October 27, 2022. Link. Nationwide, Petco form partnership to focus on end-to-end pet care Source: Pet Business, October 27, 2022. Link. New joint offerings are expected to be … [Read more...]
Using fecal metabolites as biomarkers for pigs
Sanitary conditions alter the composition of the microbiome in pigs which affects their productivity, health and welfare. Researchers in the Netherlands believe the use of biomarkers could provide the basis for monitoring subclinical health status in pigs or formulating targeted nutritional interventions aimed at balancing the immune system in young pigs without being … [Read more...]
Prep dairy farms for winter now
It’s never too soon to prepare a dairy for winter. This task list from Penn State University Extension is a handy reminder for producers and a good conversation starter in person or via phone. Source: The Cattle Site, October 31, 2022. Link. Below are a few reminders when prepping the farm for the winter season. Make a checklist Barn maintenance Water Maternity … [Read more...]
QSM Diagnostics and Mella Pet Care integrate platforms for infection testing
Complimentary Commercial Content Mella and QSM Diagnostics have unveiled the addition of the QSM OTTER eQ instrument platform in the Mella Desktop Application. The test improves antibiotic stewardship for veterinarians by increasing the accuracy of identifying bacterial infections. The integration with Mella reduces duplication and allows for the test results to be sent … [Read more...]
You CAN change from a night owl to an early bird (video)
While you can’t change your genetic predisposition, you don’t have to let it control you. Sleep experts have several techniques to alter your body clock if you’re willing to let them. Success depends on how much you are willing to change behaviors that affect sleep. If your body and brain fail to rev up until later in the day, you’re likely a night owl, naturally programmed to … [Read more...]
Smart device syncs pet food formulation with dog behavior
Complimentary Commercial Content Artificial intelligence may be able to suggest what pet food formulations match a dog’s behaviors. A collaboration between two Mars divisions, IAMS dog food brand and Whistle pet activity trackers, resulted in a system that uses data on a dog’s behaviors to determine what diet may be best for that pet specifically. Source: PETFOOD Industry, … [Read more...]
New interventions against pinkeye may be on the way
Scientists recently revealed there are two variants, or genotypes of Moraxella bovis, a bacterium that causes pinkeye in cattle. This discovery helps scientists understand how different types of M. bovis cause infection an how to help develop preventive measures to protect cattle. Source: BeefProducer, October 25, 2022. Link. USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and … [Read more...]
1, 2, 3 or more pets at home? This discussion could help.
Complimentary Content Nearly 100 pet owners are already registered for this virtual event from The Bridge Club Pets. Consider sharing this opportunity on social media or in newsletters with pet owners in your network. Behavior experts from Preventive Vet will share tips for managing the dynamics of multiple pets in a household. 70 percent of all households own at least one … [Read more...]
Dog food home deliveries: inefficient, absurd, yet convenient via ecommerce
Home delivery market opportunities continue to expand. Industry analysts predict that the amount of dog food ordered online will surpass what's bought in stores by 2025. With 77 million or more dogs in the U.S., this one change in buying habits has serious ripple effects on supply chains. Source: Insider, October 19, 2022. Link. The mess of overlapping networks that bring … [Read more...]
Melting glaciers may bring the next pandemic
Melting ice may bring the next pandemic, according to recent data. Genetic analysis of soil and lake sediments from Lake Hazen, the largest high Arctic freshwater lake in the world, suggests the risk of a virus infecting a host for the first time may be higher close to melting glaciers. Source: The Guardian, October 18, 2022. Link. For instance, last year, researchers at … [Read more...]
Cool things seen at 2022 World Dairy Expo
Progressive Dairy’s editorial team shares the latest new products and ideas in the dairy industry in this article. Dairy producers participating in an onsite survey indicated labor and input costs were their leading worries. Source: Progressive Dairy, October 12, 2022. Link. New products includes several new advancements that can assist with the essentials of dairy life. … [Read more...]
Inside the rescue of nearly 4,000 beagles
This article offers an inside look at research on animals gone horribly awry and one of the largest animal rescues in history, including massive fundraising by an animal rights organization. Source: The Washington Post, October 17, 2022. Link. The breeding operation, the judge ruled, needed to be emptied of beagles within 60 days. … [Read more...]
Veterinary technicians to share their view of the state of the profession
Join The Bridge Club as veterinary technicians discuss the state of the profession today, opportunities for growth, solutions to workflow management and ways technicians can provide more value in the current practice context. Source: The Bridge Club. Link. Register to join the conversation on Zoom, October 27th at 7 p.m. CDT. No fees. Registration required … [Read more...]
Nikon’s Small World celebrates 47 years of images. Contribute yours
Nikon’s Small World is the leading forum for showcasing the complexity and beauty of life seen through the light microscope. Its Photomicrography Competition and video competition, called Small World in Motion, are open through April 30, 2023. Animal health pros can enter one or both. In the meantime, look at the 2022 winning shots. You’ll be amazed. These are but two … [Read more...]
New advancements in dermatology, renal diets
Adrienne Bautista, DVM, PhD, DABVT, is on tap to share advancements in dermatology and renal diets using current diagnostics to guide nutritional recommendations tailored to individual pets. Live, virtual discussion hosted by The Bridge Club on Zoom, October 20th, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CDT. Register to participate at no cost. <Link> Source: The Bridge Club. Link. … [Read more...]
The best methods for cleaning your smartphone
A smartphone is a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, which can cause respiratory infections, diarrhea and other illnesses. This author shares multiple methods for cleaning your smartphone without damaging it. Your smartphone is one of the dirtiest things you own. “ Source: SimplyGeeky, June 23, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider adding smartphone and desk phone cleaning … [Read more...]
October is National Pork Month
October is National Pork Month, “Porktober”, marking the time of year when hogs were traditionally marketed, writes Cheryl Day introducing a slide show, Great facts about pork. To celebrate National Pork Month, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service is inviting pork producers, processors and anyone interested in the U.S. pork supply chain to participate in a series of free … [Read more...]
Parasite resistance in cattle, a widespread concern for veterinarians, livestock producers
Parasite resistance in cattle operations has moved from theory to a real-world scenario producers across the country face. Parasite management is no longer applying a dewormer. Today, ranchers must understand the parasites in a herd and learn to live with a few bugs, writes Jennifer Ryan who shares the experiences and perspectives of Christine Navarre, DVM, MS, … [Read more...]
The 24 behaviors of the ridden horse in pain: Changing how lameness is seen (video)
A documentary from Sue Dyson, Vet MB PhD, challenges the way to look at bad behaviors in horses and promotes the notion that lameness doesn’t start at the head bob. The film follows Dyson and Jim Myers, DVM, as they examine and diagnose a show jumper mare Galina, who not obviously lame, seemed increasingly unhappy under saddle. The film educates horse lovers on how to spot the … [Read more...]
Cushing, The Bridge Club to discuss the latest on veterinary telehealth
Complimentary Content Catch up on the discussion of VCPRs, access to care and staffing shortages, plus get the latest about veterinary telehealth from Mark Cushing, JD. Source: The Bridge Club, October 3, 2022. Link. Be a part of the discussion on Zoom, October 12th, 7:00 p.m. Central time. Free registration required. Register here <Link> … [Read more...]