Many dairy production problems can be traced back to the dry or transition period. It is one of the critical time frames in a cow’s production cycle, writes Taylor Leach. She shares a breakdown of seven diseases and how much cost they add. . . . the most common management diseases that occur during the cow’s transition period on U.S. dairies are lameness, mastitis, retained … [Read more...]
Narcolepsy in pets: what you need to know
Sponsored Content Annette Louviere, DVM, shares what is known about narcolepsy in pets and how to deal with it to keep them safe. Narcoleptic episodes often occur during moments of excitement or over-stimulation. If you’ve seen a dog running at the park and then suddenly collapse into a heap for a quick snooze, it’s possible that pup has narcolepsy.” Source: Wisdom Panel™, … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – December 12, 2022
Senior pet numbers growing, 6 ways technology has changed the pet care industry, how virtual reality may fit in veterinary education, using Google ads effectively, why a strategy for 2023 is needed and more . . . U.S. households with a dog older than 7 years of age has increased from 42 percent to 52 percent” Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, December 12, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Gen Z speaks, writes differently than their bosses
If you are perplexed by young employees’ writing and conversation, chances are they’re just as confused by yours. Those born between 1997 and 2012 are bringing their own style of communication to work. In multigenerational workplaces, this new style can create confusion and angst. This article offers examples of how new and traditional styles of communication can help bridge … [Read more...]
VetWatch® Commentary for Week 48 thru December 7th
Opinion The numerical trends in the VetWatch updates can appear to be minimal. However, considering the average annual value of a cat at about $400 and the average annual value of a dog is at least $900, retaining and engaging clients is critical to long-term practice revenue, healthier pets and happier clients. Simple math shows a veterinarian with 4000 active clients of … [Read more...]
Defining water quality in swine barns
Understanding water quality and how to interpret water test results is valuable for producers, managers and consultants. A new publication from the Iowa Pork Industry center highlights the parameters pork producers should focus on when testing drinking water in pig barns: Water Quality in Swine Barns – How Do We Define It? <Link> Source: National Hog Farmer, November … [Read more...]
Updates on equine anesthesia safety (video)
Bryce Dooley, DVM, MS, DACVAA, explains the categories considered as the latest advancements in technology, equipment and ways to ensure horses recover successfully from anesthesia. Source: DVM 360, December 3, 2022. Link. (2:48 minute video) … [Read more...]
Possible benefits of medicating patients before and during vet visits
Using pre-visit sedation can be a win-win, win for patients, the owner and veterinary team, explains Heather R. Carter, MPS, LVT, VTS. She shares the importance of preparation and client education along with medication options. Source: Today’s Veterinary Nurse, Winter 2021, page 30. Link. Reducing patient stress should be a priority in any veterinary setting.” - Heather R. … [Read more...]
The top pet products of 2022
Pet Business’ annual Industry Recognition Awards highlights the products and vendors that drove innovation in the pet industry over the past year. In addition to new beds, leashes, treats and CBD/hemp products, here are examples we noted: Animo GPS - Merck Animal Health; an activity monitor for dogs with GPS tracking Recovery Double Sleeves - Suitical International … [Read more...]
Small companies, big discoveries
Kristi Fender covers the expanding landscape of new advancements in animal health from startups and partnerships in a variety of developing categories, describing it as an innovation explosion. She highlights differences in the people now working in biotech and the need for a commitment to standards. Source: Vet Advantage, December 2022. Link. Only a handful of animal health … [Read more...]
Micro-thin “smart bandage” monitors wound healing while repairing tissue
Commentary Our curation sometimes uncovers advances on the human side that we may see or hope come to animal health. The smart bandage developed by researchers at Stanford University, now in proof-of-concept, represents a promising possibility for medical communities and managing chronic wounds. When administered to a patient, the bandage monitors temperature as well as … [Read more...]
Research trend: Outcomes research in animal health and veterinary medicine
Outcomes research is becoming more prevalent in animal health circles. An outcomes research approach considers an element of value along with an outcome of interest which sets it apart from traditional research approaches. It is an approach that evaluates more than the benefits of practices and interventions for veterinary patients. Value can be measured by many … [Read more...]
Compounding webinar outlines FDA final guidance #256
Regulatory education FDA Veterinarian Amber McCoig examines the policies included in this guidance and what they mean for veterinarians and their teams in the webinar. She also discusses how the agency’s final guidance tries to balance the risks of compounding animal drugs from bulk substances when there is no FDA-approved drug available, and why the FDA can’t assure the … [Read more...]
Alginate hydrogel beads show promise during pig transport
Seeking ways to support pigs during the stresses of transport, a group from Texas Tech University studied possible benefits of providing pigs electrolytes and a glucose source in alginate hydrogel beads*. During transport, AHB pigs had more lying activities than those pigs not exposed to beads. After transport AHB pigs sat more and tended to move more than the pigs not exposed … [Read more...]
Transition cows. It’s tough being the new kid
Maureen Hanson shares takeaways from a recently published collection in the Journal of Dairy Science authored by Kathryn Proudfoot and Juliana Huzzey. Highlights include: Primiparous cows face new experiences outside of their control during transition. Primiparous and multiparous cows have different social, feeding and lying behaviors. When regrouped, primiparous … [Read more...]
Genetics drive conversation for profitability of commercial cattlemen
Picking and managing best traits has long been part of the art of livestock production. Still, doing something new may be right to add value through genetics and marketing programs. A panel at the 2022 Angus Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, shared tactics and thought processes commercial cattlemen can use to grow their operation during the November 5th event. . . . the gap … [Read more...]
Proper ventilation lends itself to healthier calves
One of the most important issues directly associated with the health of calves is proper ventilation. Ensuring that calf barns and hutches are not completely closed and that calves are housed in a draft-free environment are two key elements to proper ventilation. As temperatures fall below 50°F, calves deplete their own energy making daily adjustments to calf conditions … [Read more...]
Four factors that will shape 2023
Mark Kalaygian looks into his crystal ball for the 2023 pet retail business citing: The return of innovation Global Pet Expo returning to full strength Mergers and acquisitions NO clear difference-making product trend . . . the growing focus on pet health care should be considered <as a prominent trend>, but it is a complex category that requires much … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 28, 2022
IBPSA Fast Bites is back this week with more news for those working in pet care and boarding, pet walkers and sitters, trainers, holistic pet care providers and veterinarians. The industry is evolving to meet the needs of modern pet ownership, resulting in a shift toward more convenient and tech-forward services, as well as more sustainable and environmentally friendly … [Read more...]
WHO cites antimicrobial resistance as one of the top 10 threats to humanity
Reinforcing the messaging of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week the senior animal health officer for FAO, discusses the impact antimicrobial resistance is having on animal health. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobial drugs in human medicine, veterinary medicine, and food production have put our future at risk.” Source: News Medical, November 24, 2022. Link. Responsible and … [Read more...]
Outbreaks are inevitable, but pandemics are optional (video)
Experts suggest a new era of zoonoses and elevated risks demands new thinking and approaches, shares Krissa Welshans referencing “Zoonotic Diseases in Animal Agriculture and Beyond: A One Health Perspective,” a new paper from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. It focuses on zoonotic diseases and the importance of One Health. Source: FEEDSTUFFS, November 23, … [Read more...]
Distributors can help customers mitigate inflation, shortages
Distributors and their customers are navigating a difficult and unexpected world. Conditions are unpredictable, but distributors can become more proactive as procurement leaders. Using Michael Wilson’s assertions, animal health distributors can help customers in these primary areas: End quarterly briefings: Move to monthly, bi-monthly reviews and include supply chain … [Read more...]
Students turning meat processing co-products into potential pet treats
Graduate students at Auburn University have been conducting research to study various aspects of developing treats from poultry co-products such as wing tips, broiler carcass frames, woody breasts and organs, in addition to organs and other parts from beef and swine. Palatability and sensory trials along with economic production models will follow. Upcycling parts of livestock … [Read more...]
5 keys to modern radiation protection
Complimentary Commercial Content It’s become easier to establish and maintain safety standards for staff who conduct imaging procedures, writes Deborah Cameron. She identifies five key tools or processes for modern radiation protection. Using them means that safety steps are more likely to be taken on a daily and weekly basis, so practices are alerted to small concerns … [Read more...]
Peace of mind medicine: The importance of telehealth and virtual care in veterinary medicine
Complimentary Content Guest Jessica Trimble, DVM, explains the importance of offering virtual services, and how they can affect both clients and staff in this edition of The Vet Blast Podcast. She discusses benefits and challenges of implementing virtual care and telehealth. Source: The Vet Blast Podcast, DVM 360 , November 17, 2022. Link. (18 … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 21, 2022
With content relevant to owners and employees of pet boarding and daycare facilities, groomers, dog walkers, pet sitters, veterinarians, trainers and holistic pet care providers, the IBPSA weekly Fast Bites is one of the member benefits for these pet care services businesses. We’re pleased to share our Animal Health Digest with IBPSA members and to include Fast Bites for our … [Read more...]
Most read AHD posts
These posts meet our criteria for high readership. They reflect our readers’ interests, challenges and opportunities. Source: Animal Health Digest. Some most read posts from recent AHD Bulletins include: Confronting your biases (video) <Link> African swine fever . . . catching up <Link> Need to vent? <Link> Veterinarians shouldn’t do it all … [Read more...]
Vetsource unveils new brand reflecting company’s growth
Complimentary Commercial Content Following the acquisitions of Vet2Pet and VetSuccess, the new Vetsource brand marks an inclusive start for its expanded portfolio of veterinary business solutions. It represents a singular brand that encompasses client engagement (formerly Vet2Pet), and data and insights (formerly VetSuccess), as well as prescription management. Source: … [Read more...]
Top 10 pet toxins: in the Chatroom with the Chatfields
Complimentary Sponsored Content Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield are joined by Dr. Renee Schmid from the Pet Poison Helpline and Safety Call International to chat about the top 10 toxins in pets in 2021. Includes V’s view from vet school. The Pet Poison Hotline is available for anyone concerned an animal has ingested or been exposed to a potential toxin. Animals are … [Read more...]
The Bridge Club – Cushing to discuss cannabis
Complimentary Content The Bridge Club will address what a practice can do with cannabinoids, state-by-state issues, what veterinarians can say and if selling is allowed in an upcoming virtual event. No fees but registration is required. Mark Cushing, JD, is the guest speaker. Virtual event via Zoom: December 7, 2022. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. CST Source: The Bridge Club. … [Read more...]