Sixty percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs in the U.S. are overweight. In fact, the Association for Pet Obesity estimates that veterinarians now classify more than 100 million dogs and cats as overweight or obese. That is up from 80 million five years ago. Some pet owners fail to recognize the severity of the problem. Source: New York Times, August 2, 2018. (paywall) … [Read more...]
Focus on feline health: AVMA Special Report
Animal health pros focused on Feline urinary tract health and wellness will want to review this issue of the AVMA Animal Health Smartbrief. It begins with sponsored information from Royal Canin as the first in a series of reports. Cats are known for concealing signs of illness, so often the first sign of something amiss occurs in the litter box, or outside of it, as is … [Read more...]
6 signs of a healthy chicken
Happy and healthy chickens are confident, strong and productive. They should also exhibit the six characteristics noted here. If they don’t, improper nutrition may be the culprit. Source: Rural Marketing News, July 30, 2018. Link. “As you get to know your birds, you’ll learn their personalities and habits. Strong hens are confident, alert and strut their stuff,” says … [Read more...]
Help keep dog stress to a minimum
Dogs, like people, get stressed by a variety of experiences in their world, writes Sassafras Lowrey. She discusses stressors and options to address stressed dogs. Common reasons for a stressed dog: Changes in the home, which may include moving or home renovations. Introducing new people, like a roommate or a partner moving in, the addition of children such as the birth … [Read more...]
Experts share what human foods dogs can eat
As making homemade dog food becomes more common, ensuring dogs get balanced diets is important. Jennifer Berg, owner of Tribeca veterinary Wellness clinic and Debra Zoran, veterinary professor at Texas A&M University shared some human foods that are okay for dogs and ones to avoid. Source: Today, July 19, 2018. Link. “Fruits and vegetables can be included in a dog’s … [Read more...]
For healthier calves, cool dry cows
Karen Lally references a growing appreciation for the importance of cow cooling. We know of the impact of cooling on lactating cows as it is easy to measure in the milk tank. For dry cows, the real dangers of heat stress are not immediately visible. Source:Progressive Dairyman, July 9, 2018. Link. Cooling dry cows means cooling calves in utero, protecting your investment in … [Read more...]
How much do you feed a cat?
A 2011 study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found that more than 50 percent of cats were obese or overweight. So, what is happening that predisposes our domestic felines to a life of sedentary obesity? The answer is multifactorial but to simplify, just remember this: any individual mammal will gain body weight if it consumes more calories than it burns as … [Read more...]
How gut health promotes animal welfare in monogastrics
Jackie Roembke reviews how changes in production systems and animal welfare expectations challenge nutritionists and producers to maintain healthy animal populations. Focusing on immunity first to reduce antibiotic use requires a gut health perspective. With 70 percent of an animal’s immunity concentrated in the gut, fostering a strong gastrointestinal system will improve its … [Read more...]
Pet food transparency: telling stories to reach consumers
As consumers demand more transparency, are pet food companies learning to better tell their stories and communicate what they make, but why and how they make it, and what they stand for? Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, editor-in-chief of Petfood Industry, says, “Yes.” She writes a commentary about her experiences at Super Zoo 2018 and the changing approach to … [Read more...]
When hungry becomes hangry
There’s no question we are obsessed with food. We track what we eat, avoid eating, eat irregularly, eat like mice or eat like a ravenous dog. When we get hungry, we sometimes get grumpy, which leads to becoming hangry. Many people feel more irritable, annoyed, or negative when hungry – an experience colloquially called being “hangry.” The idea that hunger affects our feelings … [Read more...]
Food label claims consumers are more likely to buy
Food labels impact the animal health industry overall. This survey shows how labels affect purchase intentions. More than half of shoppers surveyed say antibiotic claims have an impact on their purchase intent. With almost 30% saying such claims have a strong or high impact. Source: State of the plate, May 22, 2018. Link. Issues surrounding food animals and the protein they … [Read more...]
Corralling pasture brush: A systems approach
Regardless of what kind of brush or overgrowth producers must manage, it has to be done properly to achieve desired results. Brush and trees are beneficial as shade for livestock and cover for wildlife, but dense infestations from fence to fence erode ranch profits due to limited forage production. Brush control is an expense against income in a changing economy, so its … [Read more...]
Cats decide whether they prefer wet or dry food
Purina provides a forum that highlights the differences between about wet or dry cat food. With healthy cats, the choice is really about the cat, not its health. Moisture content is the main difference, with dry food around 20 percent moisture and wet food at 65 percent or more. While wet food may appeal to many cats, Purina Veterinary Nutritionist Dr. Dorothy Laflamme … [Read more...]
Five dairy “do NOT do’s” in 2018
Nutritionist Mike Hutjens offers wisdom for dairymen facing low milk prices and low margins: Do not - Remove minerals from rations Cheat heifers; slow down growth Delay breeding with longer calving intervals Avoid body condition scores > 3.25 without rBST Saving a dime and lose a dollar (organic trace minerals, hoof trimming, bull breeding) Source: … [Read more...]
Top cows avoid health problems, cycle quickly
Research has shown that a good fresh period is essential for cows. Hopefully, they begin milking, avoid health problems and start cycling quickly. According to Milo Wiltbank, this task is more easily accomplished if cows gain weight during the transition period that includes the 21 days before and after calving. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, May 7, 2018. Link. According to … [Read more...]
Amazon launches its own line of pet food
Amazon’s May 2nd launch of its own line of dog food, called Wag, doesn’t come as a big surprise, says Debbie Donaldson-Phillips. No one can say the e-commerce giant has been hiding its intentions regarding the pet food market. Source: Petfood Industry, May 7, 2018. Link. The headline on Dellinger’s Gizmodo article reads, “Amazon launches dog food brand because it hasn’t … [Read more...]
30-plus years of pork industry milestones, issues
Neil Dierks, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council, reflects on the development of the pork industry. He highlights these issues as the most memorable: Mandatory pork checkoff Pseudorabies eradication program H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009 Application of technology Animal ID/premise ID Growth of exports Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome … [Read more...]
How do antibiotics impact gut health?
This article was part of last week’s The view from the gut that featured the Blueprint issue of National Hog Farmer (Link). James Lowe, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, i-Learning Center, director shares the work his group has done understand the factors that drive the development of the microbiome of the pig’s intestine. Source: National Hog Farmer, … [Read more...]
What dogs eat matters
The folks at Reader’s Digest talked to a few veterinarians to come up with eight recommendations veterinarians are apt to tell clients about what they feed their dogs. This quick read will affirm what clinic teams recommend daily. Source: Reader’s Digest, April 2018, Link. More important than the ‘natural’ claim is whether or not the food is nutritionally completed and … [Read more...]
The view from the gut
There has been ongoing confusion about microbe management in the gut. Continuous research is helping determine which bugs are good or bad, what happens during the production cycle and how antibiotics affect gut microflora. We determined that recent information published by National Hog Farmer would be best presented in its entirety. Animal health pros can anticipate parallel … [Read more...]
Best freeze-dried raw dog foods of 2018
Many people who feed home-prepared or commercial raw diets to their dogs replace this diet with a freeze-dried raw food when they travel, or when the dog is left with a sitter who doesn’t want to deal with a fresh or frozen raw diet. This article includes a review of various brands that will be valuable when discussing raw dog foods with dog owners. Source: Whole Dog … [Read more...]
The SIP principle for colostrum
It is well-documented that consumption of colostrum, the first mammary gland secretion from the dairy dam, is essential for low calf morbidity and mortality. It’s not quite that simple, says Maurice Eastridge, The Ohio State University. This process, called S I P, involves the: Supply of colostrum, Immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration, and Pathogens of low presence in … [Read more...]
Dealing with calf dehydration issues
Heather Thomas went coast to coast to gather information from professors and producers about calf dehydration. Dehydration, loss of electrolytes and decrease in blood pH (metabolic acidosis) are the three biggest problems with scouring calves, says Geof Smith, DVM. “Rehydrating those calves is critical,” he says. George Barrington, DVM, says that means supportive treatment … [Read more...]
One-health approach addresses obesity in pets, people
Obesity is a tough subject for human and veterinary doctors. This article highlights the findings of "Preventing Obesity in People and their Pets: A One Health Approach," from November 2016. The conference paired speakers from human and veterinary medicine to discuss obesity in humans and companion animals. These statements stuck in our review of the content: Physical … [Read more...]
Exotic baby animals need unique milk formulations
Animal health pros who care for exotic animals will appreciate the efforts described here. Milk for each species is unique. The team at Wombaroo in Australia is developing powdered milk formulas for exotic baby animals, including lions, kangaroos, koalas and pandas. It is one of few organizations conducting research in this area. The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, … [Read more...]
10 obesity related conditions in fat pets
Nationwide reports that its members filed 1.4 million pet insurance claims for conditions and diseases related to obesity in 2017. They sorted through its database of more than 630,000 insured pets to determine the top 10 most common dog and cat obesity related conditions. Source: DVM 360, January 26, 2018. Nationwide data from 2016 showed more than 51,000 pet insurance … [Read more...]
AVJR, February 2018
Research about obese cats continues. The study titled Effects of weight loss with a moderate-protein, high-fiber diet on body composition, voluntary physical activity, and fecal microbiota of obese cats will be of interest to companion animal practices as they deal with obesity in cats. Source: AVJR, February 2018. (limited access) … [Read more...]
10 human foods dogs can eat
Rose Frosek shares healthful people foods that can be shared, guilt-free, with dogs. This list can be used on social media, in newsletters and websites. Who knows? Maybe, if the dog eats green veggies, so will the children. Source: Modern Dog. Remember that treats and other additions to your dog’s regular meal should comprise no more than 10 percent of their daily intake. … [Read more...]
When to feed the good hay
Cows require additional nutrients during the month before calving. Crude protein needs increase as they move closer to calving, so feeding the highest quality hay just ahead of that time is best. Amy Radunz, University of Wisconsin associate professor, discussed hay quality and quantity with Sara Brown for this article. She shared two main take-homes for producers and their … [Read more...]
Look for third-party certifications of pet food
Nancy Kerns speaks to the growing source verification and ethical source standards that are now part of pet food decisions. Suspicious of claims, she recommends looking for certification by a legitimate third-party auditor and references the number of companies that provide verification and certification of organic, socially, environmentally, and/or humanely responsible … [Read more...]