Graduate students at Auburn University have been conducting research to study various aspects of developing treats from poultry co-products such as wing tips, broiler carcass frames, woody breasts and organs, in addition to organs and other parts from beef and swine. Palatability and sensory trials along with economic production models will follow. Upcycling parts of livestock … [Read more...]
The skinny on fat
Beef eaters enjoy well-marbled meat. For feedlot operators, fat in cattle increases revenue potential. Haley Zynda shares some fat facts and the importance of calf health and nutrition before terminal feeding practices in the feedlot. These statements are important considerations: . . . intramuscular and subcutaneous fat begin to deposit well before the calf is even born . … [Read more...]
22nd AKC National Championship draws record number of entries
The AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin has 5,385 entries this year, a new record. The dogs will compete for the title of America’s National Champion December 17 and 18 in Orlando, Florida. Source: AKC, November 15, 2022. Link. To get more information about the show, visit or follow on Facebook or … [Read more...]
Hemp may get cows high, THC found in milk raises concern
Commentary This caught my attention along with a comedic image of stoned cows and memories of cutting and burning hemp along horse pasture fence lines. This Science article notes hemp is cheap, widely available and a nutritious (possible) feed alternative comparable to alfalfa. But tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in the milk are concerning. Source: Science, November … [Read more...]
Optimizing nutrition for cats and dogs
Opinion Pet food content consistently asserts the changing landscape of pet nutrition and how pet owners are seeking diets that parallel their own nutrition choices. Beyond brands, ingredients, kibble versus frozen, and fresh versus processed are among the considerations. Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ proper nutrition Too many dogs and cats are obese … [Read more...]
Hay type, net position affect force on horses’ necks
Researchers studying the use of hay nets concluded horses must exert a lot of force to pull and eat hay from them. This could have detrimental effects on neck muscles, as well as on horses’ dental health in the long run, they said. Source: Paulick Report, November 4, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Dog, cat owners and veterinarians differ on pet obesity
A survey of dog and cat owners by the Association for Pet Obesity shows the challenges of pet obesity and owner education although most owners see obesity as a disease. Veterinary clinics remained the most frequent choice for pet dietary recommendations among pet owners at 41.4 percent Dog and cat owners second-most frequent choice for the best source of pet food advice … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 3, 2022
Last week’s most read post – Jacks, jennies, johns and hinnies; the hybrid world of donkeys and horses. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, October 27, 2022. Link. Nationwide, Petco form partnership to focus on end-to-end pet care Source: Pet Business, October 27, 2022. Link. New joint offerings are expected to be … [Read more...]
Prep dairy farms for winter now
It’s never too soon to prepare a dairy for winter. This task list from Penn State University Extension is a handy reminder for producers and a good conversation starter in person or via phone. Source: The Cattle Site, October 31, 2022. Link. Below are a few reminders when prepping the farm for the winter season. Make a checklist Barn maintenance Water Maternity … [Read more...]
Smart device syncs pet food formulation with dog behavior
Complimentary Commercial Content Artificial intelligence may be able to suggest what pet food formulations match a dog’s behaviors. A collaboration between two Mars divisions, IAMS dog food brand and Whistle pet activity trackers, resulted in a system that uses data on a dog’s behaviors to determine what diet may be best for that pet specifically. Source: PETFOOD Industry, … [Read more...]
Skin microbiome differs after kibble or fresh dog food
Commercial Content Results from a first-of-a kind study show diet type affects skin microflora. Microbe diversity was higher after dogs were fed a fresh diet compared to dry kibble. Skin and coat formulations remain among the most popular health claims made by therapeutic and prescription pet foods. . . . if we can affect the skin microbiome with a diet, that could provide … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – October 24, 2022
New hire background screening webinar, satellite vet clinics at Walmart, National Cat Day history, tech gadgets enable pet care, Hill’s and Mars initiatives and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, October 24, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 20, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – Socializing new puppies? Manage the right amount of playtime. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, October 13, 2022. Link. 10 commandments of dog ownership Source: AHD, June 28, 2022. Link. Reposting because it is important to routinely reinforce the responsibilities of pet ownership, … [Read more...]
What hamsters can eat
Melissa Witherell, DVM, says a hamster’s diet should consist mainly of the same commercially produced pelleted rodent diet that mice and rats eat. Hamster seed diets are commercially available but should not be a hamster’s primary source of food, as it may cause nutritional deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Source: PetMD, February 16, 2022. Link. A healthy … [Read more...]
10 penny-pinching tips for feeding cows this winter
Knowing the cows’ nutritional requirements during the phases of gestation makes a difference in how much cows need to eat, according to Mary E. Drewnoski, PhD. Corn stalks are okay but supplemental vitamins and minerals might be needed. She also shares how distillers’ grains can help contain costs. Source: Successful Farming, December 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
5 protein sources for molting chickens
Chickens discard their old, scruffy feathers and grow in healthy new plumage in the fall. Called molting, chickens’ physiology shifts nutrient use to feather growth which causes egg production to decrease. A molting chicken is also at risk of both physical and weather-related injury, since feathers both help protect its skin and regulate its body temperature.” Source: … [Read more...]
Preparing goats for winter
Fall and winter aren’t carefree for caprine lawn mowers. The author reminds goat owners to refresh bedding, including the substrate and warns of possible toxins from garden plants being composted. It is also important to spray for external parasites, trim hooves and ensure vaccinations are up to date. Rhododendron and anything in that family such as azaleas are extremely … [Read more...]
New Pet Food Institute video features tips to keep pets’ weight in check
New and experienced pet owners need to be reminded of the importance of keeping dogs and cats at healthy weights, providing a complete and balanced diet and managing treat calories. The new 2-minute video, Feeding and Treating Tips for a Long and Healthy Life, is a good tool to share on social media, in newsletters and during consultations. Source: Petfood Industry, October … [Read more...]
New advancements in dermatology, renal diets
Adrienne Bautista, DVM, PhD, DABVT, is on tap to share advancements in dermatology and renal diets using current diagnostics to guide nutritional recommendations tailored to individual pets. Live, virtual discussion hosted by The Bridge Club on Zoom, October 20th, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CDT. Register to participate at no cost. <Link> Source: The Bridge Club. Link. … [Read more...]
Store pet food properly for best nutrition and value
Pet food is not getting cheaper. Many common storage methods are not the best way to ensure pet foods maintain their quality and are safe. Keep your pets food in its original packaging and be sure to properly seal it between feedings to keep it at its freshest. “ Source: Happy Puppy Tips. Link. … [Read more...]
Backyard visitors spell RISK for pets, people
Opinion Omnivores for the most part, wild animals are opportunistic eaters. Pet food left or put out for them is akin to a free drive-in restaurant. Yet, their human-provided takeout represents less than 20 percent* of their caloric needs. Foxes, coyotes, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, skunks, deer and rodents are reservoirs for zoonoses and contribute to the number of … [Read more...]
Consumer education critical in retail
Opinion Writing about the need to help pet consumers make product choices, Kathleen Sturgeon notes that CBD and hemp products are now in most pet stores. Despite all the claims, it is hard for pet owners to know which products will help their pets. Helping them understand the science behind the products will help. This also applies to the plethora of items offered in any OTC … [Read more...]
Simmons: Animals are the solution to the world’s problems (video)
Speaking at the 2022 Ag Outlook Forum, Elanco’s Jeffrey Simmons shared his vision for a better future by 2030, environmentally, economically and nutritionally. He believes more sustainable livestock production should be considered as a contributor to solutions, not as a problem. Animals are the connecting link between the three major global issues; the health crisis, food … [Read more...]
FDA approves concurrent use of Pennchlor and Rumensin in rations
Producers can now get the benefits of therapeutic applications of chlortetracycline combined with the coccidiosis control and performance results of Rumensin for receiving/starter rations with the late July FDA approval of the combination. This combination approval of Rumensin and Pennchlor gives producers options for their receiving program to optimize productivity,” Sara K. … [Read more...]
Managing fall calving cows is different than spring calving cows, especially during drought
Managing nutrition for fall-calving cows is different than spring-calving herds throughout the production cycle. Fall forages regrow less hardily than spring forages, especially in drought and post-drought conditions. The author shares pros and cons of fall calving and tips for fall calving in drought-stricken areas. Source: Drovers, September 20, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
A guide to fall and winter chicken care
Raising chickens in winter has its challenges and with an avian flu surge predicted, preparing flocks for the colder months now is good common sense. The author offers six tips for fall flock preparation to help chickens enter the winter season in good health. Source: Backyard Poultry, September 9, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider this article for social media and … [Read more...]
5 ways to relieve stress on calves during receiving
The difference between a stressful and a seamless receiving period can have a significant impact on future performance. Purina’s Chad Zehnder, PhD, shares five tips that can help reduce stress in receiving protocols: Be prepared Reduce stress on arrival Avoid the yo-yo effect Focus on fresh feed and feed type Don’t forget water* * Know how much water cattle … [Read more...]
7 arthritis risk factors
Virtually any horse who lives long enough will develop a bit of creakiness in at least one joint, writes Christine Barakat. She offers a rundown of events and conditions that put horses in a higher risk category for the eventual development of arthritis. Barakat’s comments about reviewing a horse’s past and present situation reminds us it is time for fall wellness exams, the … [Read more...]
Pigs contract Senecavirus A through imported feed
A great amount of laboratory work has proven that viruses, including SVA, can survive well in feed but researchers have never had a real-world case where they could come to a strong conclusion that a new virus entered a country through feed imports. Until now. Scott A. Dee, DVM, MS, PhD, explains the significance of the discovery as a big-time wake-up call. Dee encourages … [Read more...]
Back-of-the-napkin cow math
We continue to see positive advancements in quality and productivity in the U.S. cowherd, says Nevil Speer. Still, the cow/calf sector has witnessed a sharp sell-off during the past three years including this year due to ongoing drought. Speer says the next few months will be critical regarding beef cow slaughter and where we end up for the year. Second, whatever occurs, … [Read more...]