To encourage water consumption during cold weather, providing either continuously heated water, ranging from 68°F to 95°F, or filling buckets with water ranging from 115°F to 120°F twice daily at feeding time as an effective strategy for most horses. Source: EQUUS, January 4, 2023. Link. Also see: Cold weather colic, AAEP. Link. Horses must drink 10-12 gallons of fresh … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – January 9, 2023
Gaining animal owner trust, 2023 in pet nutrition, transforming the pet care industry marketing, incorporating sustainable methods, Invoxia’s smart collar launch and more. . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, January 9, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
The costs of buying, caring for and feeding goats
Goat life spans are similar to dogs and are kept for a variety of reasons. Marissa Ames offers a comprehensive look at the various costs of acquiring and keeping goats for pets, meat, milk and weed control. Source: Backyard Goats, December 22, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Is it safe to feed Christmas trees to livestock?
Lancaster Farming features Penn State Extension Livestock Educator Chelsea Hill’s article about feeding Christmas trees to livestock. She shares safety and health tips about using them as feed. Source: Lancaster Farming, December 13, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Fish for dogs? Yes, or no? AHD Staff
Toby Matthews recommends consulting with a veterinarian when looking into adding fish to a dog diet. He shares a list of common fish that are safe for our dogs and types of fish that should be avoided. In choosing the best type of fish, finding the smaller, younger, or wild-caught ones is the safer choice.” Source: Top Dog Tips, April 4, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Articles … [Read more...]
AAHA releases new 2023 AAHA Senior Care Guidelines for dogs and cats
Noting 44 percent of the pet population is senior dogs and cats, the new senior care guidelines offer actionable strategies for adoption by veterinary teams. These can create senior-friendly environments that welcome senior pets, including modification of physical environments, prioritizing care to keep families together and taking different approaches to healthy and unhealthy … [Read more...]
Good hydration linked to healthy aging, better health
As we age our body’s regulation of fluid intake and thirst declines. As little as a two percent water deficit can produce fatigue, confusion or mood changes. Recent study results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life. About half of people worldwide don’t meet recommendations for daily total water intake, which starts at six … [Read more...]
Limited-ingredient diets, beyond food allergies and sensitivities
Commercial references included The health benefits of limited-ingredient products go beyond pinpointing food allergies and sensitivities, writes Pamela Mills-Senn. She recommends pet specialty retailers strive to emphasize other benefits from limited-ingredient diets. Source: Pet Business, December 1, 2022. Link. Pet specialty retailers need to scrutinize the ingredients … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – December 21, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – Happiness and meetings. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, December 15, 2022. Link. ==================================================================== U.S. warns of escalating ransomware attacks Source: Security Affairs, October 2022. Link. U.S. government agencies warned that the Daixin Team cybercrime … [Read more...]
Dairy cows need to lay down
If you notice very few cows lying down during a farm call, it may be time to discuss the importance of sternal recumbency and recumbent rumination. Rick Grant says in a cow’s perfect world over 80 percent of rumination should occur when the cow is lying down. Resting with the sternum, or breastbone, on the ground and a slight left-side preference is the cow’s optimal resting … [Read more...]
5 tips to winter cattle through a drought
How cattle owners in drought-affected regions graze and supplement cattle in dry spells have long-lasting economic and ecological effects. Noble Research Institute’s Ranch Manager Clark Roberts offers five tips to consider before making winter management decisions. 1) Consider culling 2) Know the quality and quantity of your forages 3) Know each animal’s demands 4) … [Read more...]
Prepare winter pigs to be summer hogs
Proactively thinking about pig management now will go a long way to having full-value hogs during warm weather and traditionally strong market periods, says Jordan Graham, DVM, MS. Pigs born from the late weeks of November through January have historically been the highest value weaned pigs and subsequent market hogs for the year, making how we manage health important to … [Read more...]
Dairy industry posts lowest positive drug residue yet; sets new standard
Data from the National Milk Drug Residue Database website dates back to 1994 and represents 99 percent of the U.S. milk supply. A recent report showed only 424 out of 3,879,182 samples tested positive for an animal drug residue. This is lowest positive test rate in the history of the program and it is also the fifth consecutive year fewer than 600 milk samples tested positive … [Read more...]
How to keep goats warm in cold weather
Successfully keeping goats in the coldest conditions and climates is possible. It requires acclimation, nutrition, and habitation. Herdsmen also prepare housing to keep goats warm in cold weather and select sturdy breeds ahead of the season. Source: Backyard Goats, November 27, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Nearly 100 U.S. horses suspected ill with botulism, 45 have died
Horse owners are being asked to not feed Top of the Rockies alfalfa cubes as U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with state departments of agriculture in Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas, continue to investigate the illness and deaths of horses suspected to have contracted botulism from it. Source: The Paulick Report, December 16, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Variations in ivermectin absorption studied; diet variations suspected
A study from Poland suggests that a horse’s diet can affect how quickly he absorbs the medications he receives. Key takeaways: The researchers speculate that diet, rather than season of year, accounts for the variability in absorption The slower absorption rate had no effect on ivermectin’s efficacy The findings raise questions about how diet may affect the … [Read more...]
Key ingredients to look for in dog food and treats
Nutritional problems occur most often when dogs are fed imbalanced homemade diets or certain human foods. Dog foods or homemade diets derived from a single food item are inadequate to an overall balanced diet Source: DVM 360, August 25, 2022. Link. The 6 basic nutrients needed for a canine diet include water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.” – VCA … [Read more...]
Hay quality benefits from protection, proper storage practices
NOTE: This article is a conversation starter at coffee shops or restaurants where producers meet routinely. It is good leave-behind information and makes good content for social media and newsletters. Stewardship of harvested forage is as important as producing it in the first place.” This year’s hay supplies are down six percent year over year <Link> making taking care … [Read more...]
Tips to preserve joint health and manage equine arthritis
Includes Sponsored Content Horses eventually develop some degree of arthritis. It is inevitable but with careful management coupled with understanding risk factors and preventing the worst types of arthritis horses can be kept comfortable and reasonably productive. Source: EQUUS Extra, Volume 73, 2022. Link. Topics include: Fitness vs. overwork NSAIDs and … [Read more...]
Understanding obesity and weight loss in dogs and cats
New scientific evidence points to fat tissue as being biologically active and not in a good way. Obesity is a major health crisis for companion animals and it’s often overlooked. About 56 percent of dogs and 60 percent of cats are overweight or obese. Plus, it is estimated 30 percent of horses are now considered obese. Obesity now is generally thought of as a chronic, … [Read more...]
Potential effects of a long, hard drought on subsequent calving season
Karla H. Wilke shares how drought affects cow health and hardiness ahead of calving season. She covers body conditioning, vitamin and mineral depletion, energy stores, as well as the effects on colostrum and calves born from post drought cows. Drought can have far-reaching implications, more so than just reduced grazing capacity for cattle production. Source: Angus Beef … [Read more...]
Defining water quality in swine barns
Understanding water quality and how to interpret water test results is valuable for producers, managers and consultants. A new publication from the Iowa Pork Industry center highlights the parameters pork producers should focus on when testing drinking water in pig barns: Water Quality in Swine Barns – How Do We Define It? <Link> Source: National Hog Farmer, November … [Read more...]
What dogs can safely drink besides water
Although dogs can drink other liquids, water is the only fluid that is 100 percent safe for them. The author shares a list of generally safe and unsafe drinks with the recommendation to consult a veterinarian about possible allergies or untoward effects. Source: Top Dog Tips. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider sharing tips about what should not be shared with pets on social … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – December 5, 2022
Pet spending growth increased $8.65B in 2021 to $23.81B, says John Gibbons; interactive toy opportunities, pet care on capitol hill, cross-promotion marketing tips and more Companies in a cross-promotion partnership need to be on the same page with clearly defined, common goals including when to end the arrangement.” Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, December 5, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Small companies, big discoveries
Kristi Fender covers the expanding landscape of new advancements in animal health from startups and partnerships in a variety of developing categories, describing it as an innovation explosion. She highlights differences in the people now working in biotech and the need for a commitment to standards. Source: Vet Advantage, December 2022. Link. Only a handful of animal health … [Read more...]
Transition cows. It’s tough being the new kid
Maureen Hanson shares takeaways from a recently published collection in the Journal of Dairy Science authored by Kathryn Proudfoot and Juliana Huzzey. Highlights include: Primiparous cows face new experiences outside of their control during transition. Primiparous and multiparous cows have different social, feeding and lying behaviors. When regrouped, primiparous … [Read more...]
What drives colostrum yield, quality?
Researchers are working to uncover cow-specific and environmental factors associated with colostrum yield and quality. Colostrum yield was associated with a range of cow-specific factors including the sex of the calf, whether the calf was a stillbirth, gestation length, dry period length, parity, previous lactation length and previous lactation 305-day mature-equivalent milk … [Read more...]
You can lead a horse to water . . .
Amy Parker, MS, PAS, reminds us that horses are 70 percent water. She shares the importance of hydration to overall horse health and how it varies with different nutrition and activity. Understanding what stimulates thirst and how to increase consumption or create circumstances under which the horse will continue to drink is what’s important.” Source: The Horse, November 28, … [Read more...]
Four factors that will shape 2023
Mark Kalaygian looks into his crystal ball for the 2023 pet retail business citing: The return of innovation Global Pet Expo returning to full strength Mergers and acquisitions NO clear difference-making product trend . . . the growing focus on pet health care should be considered <as a prominent trend>, but it is a complex category that requires much … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 28, 2022
IBPSA Fast Bites is back this week with more news for those working in pet care and boarding, pet walkers and sitters, trainers, holistic pet care providers and veterinarians. The industry is evolving to meet the needs of modern pet ownership, resulting in a shift toward more convenient and tech-forward services, as well as more sustainable and environmentally friendly … [Read more...]