A rabid bat was found alive at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It is the second rabid bat found in San Diego County so far this year. Last week we shared a report on an imported dog infected with rabies. There are still a few states that do not require an owner to vaccinate their pet for rabies. These states may delegate the decision to the local governments. In addition, … [Read more...]
AAFP releases updated Feline Senior Care Guidelines
This new release provides a comprehensive update from the heavily referenced 2009 AAFP Senior Care Guidelines. The Guidelines address the importance of veterinary visits a minimum of every six months for cats 10 to 15 years old. This allows veterinary teams to best track and manage health-related issues and detect disease early. Healthy senior cats over the age of 15 should be … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 24, 2021
Last week’s most read post(s) – two posts tied for most-read Confidence requires a PLAN, Source: AHD, June 15, 2021. Link. Udder conformation, increasing concerns for farmers, Source: AHD, June 15, 2021. Link. Vaccine workshop leads veterinarians in foot-and-mouth disease planning Source: Feedstuffs, June 17, 2021. Link. The vaccine exercise was part of … [Read more...]
Rabid dog imported into U.S. sparks multi-state investigation
One of 33 dogs and one cat imported by an animal rescue organization from Azerbaijan to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago on June 10 has tested positive for rabies. Health officials are checking on the other animals in the shipment and are still tracking down the pets’ new owners. Tthe investigation is focused on Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey and New … [Read more...]
Understanding summer pneumonia and pinkeye
Arnold Nagely, DVM, and Ray Shultz, DVM, are more likely to be associated with their veterinary supply business, Valley Vet Supply, than as practitioners. Both doctors spent years in veterinary practice before expanding their retail clinic business into the OTC catalog offerings known today. Nagely and Shultz discuss summer, or pasture pneumonia ,which infects calves as … [Read more...]
CIRDC. Does a new name make it easier?
Opinion Two excellent articles are included as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex sources for this post. Adjusting the nomenclature to represent a variety of cofactors is logical scientifically and diagnostically. Pragmatically, though, many of the known CIRDC pathogens are NOT included in core vaccines, including two well recognized pathogens: Canine … [Read more...]
Pandemic misery index reveals far-reaching impact of COVID-19 on American lives, especially on Blacks and Latinos
Opinion Social media posts are sharing the excitement of live attendance at the 2021 VMX Convention. There’s a backdrop to these return to normal accounts to keep in mind. While progress is being made, racial and ethnic gaps persist, despite an overall decline in pandemic hardship. According to the U.S. Pandemic Misery Index, 80 percent of U.S. adults experienced at least … [Read more...]
Disease Du Jour: Tips about senior horse management
Complimentary Content sponsored by Merck Animal Health The two most common things we deal with in our old horse population is lamenesses and endocrine dysfunction, says Dianne McFarlane, DVM, PhD, MS, Dip ACVIM, referencing research results. The endocrine dysfunction is mostly about Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), as well as insulin … [Read more...]
Dairy herds need to be vaccinated for leptospirosis
Agriculture Victoria and Dairy Australia are working together to inform dairy producers of the risks from leptospirosis. They developed a biosecurity tool to assist dairy farmers create a farm biosecurity plan tailored to their farm. An integrated approach to prevent leptospirosis should consider: vaccinating the whole herd (following directions on the vaccine label) … [Read more...]
Equine Disease Communication Center review of diseases
Complimentary Sponsored Content The Equine Disease Communication Center is an industry-driven initiative that works to protect horses and the horse industry from the threat of infectious diseases in North America. EDCC is designed to seek and report real-time information about diseases, similar to how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention alerts the human population … [Read more...]
10 common health mistakes horse caretakers make
Farm calls are excellent opportunities to observe not only horses, but things in their environment that can impact overall health, shares Laurie Gallatin, DVM. Sometimes our horse husbandry is based on “how we always did it,” or the advice of well-meaning friends, trainers, or even Dr. Google, she says. She shares 10 common mistakes caretakers make. Here’s a sample: Not … [Read more...]
The 3 Rs of tick-borne diseases
Reports from colleagues around midwestern U.S. states indicate tick populations are thriving. Tick distributions are dynamic and ever-changing, and practice protocols often need to evolve to meet the growing threat ticks pose to pet health, writes Holly Morss, LVT. Morss discusses teaching staff members to address tick borne disease using the 3-R’s: Review the topic of … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 29, 2021
20 Vacation Ideas for You and Your Dog Source: Daily Paws, April 5, 2021. Link. Top dog-friendly vacation destinations, a guide to exploring the world with your furry companion. Limping puppy: What should I do if my dog is limping? Source: Revival Animal Health, April 21, 2021. Link. Marty Greer, DVM, JD tips on what you should … [Read more...]
Help horses handle vaccination well
Most vaccine labels read, “For the vaccination of healthy horses . . .” Not all horses that seem well are healthy enough to mount immune responses. Stress, chronic lameness, age and poor nutrition can impact immunity. Madalyn Ward, DVM, shares steps horse owners can take to help their horse experience the best response to vaccinations with the fewest negative … [Read more...]
5 tips to engage equine owners in wellness care
Complimentary Content from Covetrus and Zoetis Amy L. Grice, VMD, MBA, shares tips for encouraging clients to embrace wellness care, including vaccinations provided by a veterinarian: Wellness Wednesday post Virtual or in-person event Create a template for your region Develop a wellness plan including some bundling Consider raising your emergency fees, … [Read more...]
Weaned calves worth $50 more than unweaned calves
Nearly 400,000 calves sold through Superior Livestock Auction during the summer of 2020. The weaned calves garnered about $50 more than their unweaned herd mates, based on sale price data analyzed from seven value-added programs. Source: Bovine Veterinarian, February 2021. Link. INSIGHTS: Greg Henderson’s article shares the study results, as well as an overview of the … [Read more...]
Equine influenza virus – a review
EIV is rarely fatal, it is highly contagious and can lead to significant performance impairment and economic loss when outbreaks occur. Similar to influenza in other species, EIV is spread primarily via the respiratory route. The AAEP considers equine influenza virus a risk-based disease, meaning it is not necessarily warranted for every horse. For horses considered at risk, … [Read more...]
Barn dogs
Realizing it would be beneficial to take a more methodical approach to her barn dogs’ health maintenance, Katie Frank created basic guidelines for keeping her dogs as happy and healthy as her horses. Source: EQUUS Extra. Link. INSIGHTS: This resource addresses the realities of acreage or farm life where species interact daily. Kudos for addressing dogs in the equine … [Read more...]
New PRRS 1-4-4 L1C variant deserves vigilance, preparations
PRRS has been challenging swine producers for nearly 35 years. In late 2020, a variant strain surfaced from the PRRS 1-4-4 L1C lineage. It can be extremely virulent, although not the only variant strain circulating in swine herds. We’re sharing articles with different perspectives about the significance of this variant. It is clear, however, that biosecurity protocols at … [Read more...]
Map shows what’s slowing the vaccine rollout where you live
In some areas Covid-19 vaccines are getting into arms slowly. Factors that include poor healthcare systems, low internet access and vaccine hesitancy are keeping people from getting the vaccine. This article shares a map showing where those issues need to be addressed to end the pandemic. Check your own area. Source: Fast Company, March 2, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
3 tips to prevent clostridial diseases on dairies
Mark van der List, DVM, shares information that refreshes our understanding of clostridial diseases. These insidious bacteria are opportunistic and may lie dormant for years before showing up usually in the form of a dead animal. van der list shares three key management practices to help combat the clostridial nemeses: Vaccination Maternal antibodies for calves … [Read more...]
6 tips for properly vaccinating beef cattle
Complimentary Sponsored Content John Currin, DVM, and Jody Wade, DVM team up in this article to provide insight on best practices for vaccine administration. The practices they outline are good reminders as spring calves are born: Store, mix and handle vaccines according to label directions Choose an appropriate needle size Administer products according to labeled … [Read more...]
Lyme disease is getting skinked
Black-legged ticks in the southeast U.S. prefer to feed on lizards, particularly skinks. Skinks don’t transmit Lyme as easily as the white-footed mice in the northeast U.S. Jean Tsao, a disease ecologist, and her team found a clear divide in ticks’ preferred hosts and behavior south of Virginia, matching the pattern of both tick infections and Lyme disease. Source: Science, … [Read more...]
Justine Lee, DVM, discusses Leptospirosis sp. on Pet Life Radio
Complimentary In a recent episode of ER VET, Dr. Justine Lee, DACVECC, DABT, discussed canine leptospirosis. She says, “If your dog lives in the city and weighs ten pounds or more it is at risk. Tune in to learn about this deadly disease!” Resources like this are great for client education, social media posts and newsletters. Source: Pet Life Radio, ER Vet. Link. The … [Read more...]
Covid-19 vaccine trial participant shares story
Longtime industry pro Janice Keene shares her experience as a participant in the Covid-19 vaccine trials. Familiar with the process of developing livestock vaccines, she confidently joined the 44,000 people worldwide involved in the Pfizer/BioNTech trial. The best way to protect the people you love is to get the vaccination yourself.” – Janice Keene Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, … [Read more...]
CAPC urges clinics to reach out assertively
The Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends proactive veterinary client outreach in 2021. Starting now will help adjust for pandemic scheduling delays created last spring and will ensure all pets are tested and protected. Our concern is that the delayed veterinary visits in 2020 may cause difficulties in pets getting access to healthcare in 2021.” – Chris Carpenter, … [Read more...]
Employers can legally require COVID vaccines. But will they?
Should . . . and could . . . we make the vaccine mandatory for employees? The pros, cons and options get discussed surrounding this hot topic. Source: Human Resource Executive, December 21, 2020. Link. In guidance released December 16, 2020 < link >, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said employers can require that employees get vaccinated as a condition of … [Read more...]
Merck Animal Health launches intranasal BRD vaccine for calves at 1 week of age or older
Complimentary Commercial Content Merck Animal Health has announced that Bovilis® Nasalgen® 3-PMH is now available to veterinarians and cattle producers to protect cattle from five of the most common pneumonia causing viral and bacterial pathogens. Approved for use in dairy and beef cattle, this is the first intranasal vaccine effective in providing early, broad-spectrum … [Read more...]
To overcome vaccine hesitancy, we need a better patient experience
HBR’s summary led me to review this article first in the human context and again thinking about animal health vaccination experiences. By thinking of the vaccine as a consumer product, vaccination as a service, and a high NPS (net promoter score) as a goal, we can better design the end-to-end vaccination process and bring this pandemic to a close as quickly as … [Read more...]
Covid vaccines: fact versus fiction
University of Kentucky’s Vince Venditto, PhD, is busting myths about vaccines to help inform your decision to get vaccinated. I would personally get any of the approved vaccines, absolutely. I will also wait for my turn to ensure that those at highest risk can get vaccinated first. . .” - Vince Venditto, PhD, assistant professor in the University of Kentucky College of … [Read more...]