All animal health pros need to be aware of this situation. The unidentified virus affects puppies and older dogs. When the animals are tested by veterinarians, the initial test for parvo is negative. Usually, the dogs die within three to five days. Dogs have been sent to The Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for necropsy, which did show parvo. The … [Read more...]
U.S. hog production: Rising output and changing trends in productivity growth
Opinion Consider a quick scan of the latest hog production report from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Beyond reading the simple summary <Link>, scan the full report introduction and conclusions <Link> to better understand how this animal health segment has met challenges and continued to thrive. The report shows productivity growth and structural change, … [Read more...]
Pit viper envenomation in a dog
A venomous bite is called an envenomation. Venomous snakes found in the U.S. include rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths/water moccasins and coral snakes. Each year, an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S., and about five of those people die <Link>. According to the Morris Animal Foundation, approximately 150,000 dogs and cats in … [Read more...]
10 veterinary trends worthy of attention
Bob Lester, DVM, shares trends in the veterinary profession he is watching. He outlines 10 of the galvanizing issues facing veterinary medicine: The workforce shortage The rise of the connected pet Regulatory The bond Veterinary education Consolidation Work-Life Segmentation Preventive care Team health care delivery Source: Today’s Veterinary … [Read more...]
Protecting the swine herd
Complimentary Commercial Content Companies serving the swine industry take pig health as seriously as producers. The resources and industry support they collectively provide is important to animal health, production profitability, food safety as well as many One Health concerns. We’re sharing a recent YouTube video from Boehringer Ingelheim Swine Health, U.S. We believe … [Read more...]
Anaplasmosis: not “if” but “when” in some cattle herds
Anaplasmosis is a common disease with worldwide distribution in cattle. It is transmitted through tick and fly bites , as well as blood contaminated instruments like needles, tattoo tools, castration equipment and dehorning instruments. Once an animal becomes infected, it is infected for life. Successful antibiotic therapy curing the clinical signs of infection results in a … [Read more...]
Caring for the outdoor cat
Caring for an outdoor cat may be an oxymoron if considering lifespans. Indoor cats outlive outdoor cats by as much as 10 years. The author shares some proactive measures to help keep cats safe while they’re away from home including microchipping, vaccination and parasite prevention. Source: Happy Puppy Tips. Link. Before opening the door to feline freedom, consider investing … [Read more...]
Veterinary summer: Back in full swing
Summer pet safety and traveling with pets is all about preparation and education, writes Dawn Singleton-Olson. She reminds us of ways clinics can reach out to pet owners and make sure they have the products on hand for prevention and treatment. Doing so will set them up for a successful summer especially if they are traveling with their pets. Source: Vet-Advantage, June … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 21, 2022
Last week’s most read posts 7 important facts about mosquitos and horses. Link. Consolidation trends of veterinary practices acquired by corporate groups are important to observe. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, July 14, 2022. Link. =================================== Antivenin: Five myths to remember this … [Read more...]
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Where cases are growing and declining.
Ugh! Right? It isn’t over until it’s over, so we are sharing this article on how Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants are sweeping through the United States. A recent study found that, compared to the previously dominant Omicron version BA.2.12, these more contagious subvariants are four times more resistant to Covid-19 vaccines and are more likely to cause breakthrough … [Read more...]
7 important facts about mosquitos and horses
Mosquitoes are likely more dangerous to horses than they are to humans. Reminding horse enthusiasts about Eastern-, Western- and Venezualian equine encephalomyelitis along with West Nile virus, Aimee Elyse Robinson shares seven important facts that tie to risk management for horses. Vaccinate proactively, move the air, removing standing water is not a cure-all, and avoid dawn … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 30, 2022
Last week’s most read posts Vaccine guide is helpful for newbies and pros. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, June 23, 2022. Link. =================================== If we love our pets so much, why do we treat their veterinarians so poorly? Source: Boston Globe, February 15, 2022. Link. “They give their all to our … [Read more...]
Detection of multiple lineages of PRRSV in breeding and growing swine farms
We’ve heard a lot about viral variants since the fall of 2019. Swine researchers and veterinarians continue to work toward better understanding of swine diseases and methods of mitigating disease risks. In this study, the researchers sought to understand the potential long-term impact of multiple prevailing PRRSV variants on pig performance. Their study demonstrated the … [Read more...]
Vaccine guide is helpful for newbies and pros
This recent post by University of Florida Extension offers a good overview of how vaccines work, the types of vaccines available and how to handle and administer them. It can serve as a training guide for new employees, be a refresher for pros, be sent as a follow-up to customers and used as an educational aid for new cattle owners. 4-Hers and FFAers working with calves will … [Read more...]
Act now to add value to spring calves
Opinion It has taken 30 or more years for calf preconditioning to become a household phrase. For any producer, preconditioning may have a different meaning than his neighbors’. Veterinarians and representatives working with producers must continue to discuss, educate and fine tune preconditioning programs for individual operations. Preconditioning’s value has been proven … [Read more...]
Vietnam first to commercially produce African swine fever vaccine
USDA's Agricultural Research Service sent an official letter to the Department of Animal Health of Vietnam confirming NAVET-ASFVAC vaccine is safe and effective. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 2, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 19, 2022
Last week’s THREE most read posts Celebrate graduations. Link. Pandemic lessons for all. Link. 30 is not the new 20. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, May 12, 2022. Link. =================================== CAPC 2022 annual pet parasite forecast Source: Vet Advantage, April 2022, page 50. Link. AHD first … [Read more...]
Pet retailers asserting their position with pet owners
Opinion There is little doubt marketing efforts represented in the following articles will deflect attention from preventive medicine and potentially reduce some pet owners’ abilities to afford primary veterinary care. It is not my intention to condemn retail offerings. Rather, animal health pros need to consider how we approach and educate pet owners about the essential … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 12, 2022
Last week’s most read posts The Great Resignation is becoming a great midlife crisis. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, April 28, 2022. Link. =================================== The cost of pet care for cats is often underestimated Source: Catster, April 22, 2022. Link. Cost findings for annual and lifetime spending are … [Read more...]
How cattle vaccination and nutrition connect
Complimentary Sponsored Content Shelby Roberts, PhD, discusses the symbiotic relationship of sound nutrition and proper vaccination which helps to maintain healthy immune functions in cattle. Vaccinations and nutrition have a symbiotic relationship in terms of maintaining healthy immune functions in cattle.” - Shelby Roberts, PhD Source: Alltech, March 8, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Get ready for Lyme Disease Awareness Month in May
As ticks wake up and crawl out of cover, April and May are great times to reinforce pet owner knowledge on tick and Lyme Disease prevention. 2021 saw an increase in tick populations. We’ve found no reason to expect 2022 will be any different. Source: Link. … [Read more...]
Bovine respiratory disease remains a threat economically and to the herd itself
Bovine respiratory disease is still a serious threat to the economics of beef production accounting for $800 to 900 million in losses from death loss, treatment cost, and reduced production, writes Paul Beck. Better antibiotics, better genetics and better feeding practices help, but BRD seems to hit the best cattle in the later days of finishing, including those from … [Read more...]
Beware of nursing calf BRD
Complimentary Sponsored Content* Outbreaks of nursing calf BRD, also called summer pneumonia, do occur, writes Brent Meyer DVM, MS. He shares a list of factors that can lead to BRD in nursing calves. Most all are well known and routinely covered in the media. Yet, producers still have deaf ears and often maintain elevated expectations of dams’ natural abilities. Note the … [Read more...]
FAQ: California EHV-1 Outbreak
Despite prevention efforts, disease outbreaks occur. The transfer of animals across geographies and in and out of facilities adds to the risks, regardless of compliance to protocols. Competitive horse events frequently mix horses from a variety of origins. Eighteen horses have been confirmed positive for EHV-1 in southern California’s Riverside County. Some of these horses … [Read more...]
Dr Jen the Vet talks rabies, ticks and horses for THJ Season 2 premiere
The Horsemanship Journey is a monthly video series that streams on demand through the THJ website. Launched in 2021, a new episode is released each month. Episodes are about one hour long and are advertising free. Every episode has 3 parts: Part 1 features an amazing story about horses and people. Part 2 is the informational segment with top equine professionals and … [Read more...]
Customers speak with their wallets; beef producers can’t ignore the results
Speaking at the recent National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Convention, Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO, shared how value-added programs paying high premiums have boosted beef demand and spread wealth throughout the industry. Driven by premiums and value-added programs, CattleFax forecasts show strong price growth for calves, feeder calves, fed cattle and bred cows … [Read more...]
Caring for the outdoor cat
Sharing items to consider before letting cats roam, Michelle K offers preventive measures to ensure outdoor cats stay safe: Identification Regular wellbeing check-ups with veterinarians Leaving out food and water Provide indoor stimulation to reduce the desire to go outdoors Because of all of the potential threats they’re exposed to, outdoor cats, on average, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 3, 2022
Last week’s most read post USDA grants emergency-use authorization for RHDV2 as virus spreads. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, Jan 27, 2022. Link. =========================== Losing our cookies? Source: Media Post, January 20, 2022. Link. B2C brands are dealing with the impending loss of third-party data … [Read more...]
USDA grants emergency-use authorization for RHDV2 as virus spreads
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Center for Veterinary Biologics recently granted emergency-use authorization for an experimental RHDV2 vaccine produced by Medgene Labs, a biotechnology company in Brookings, South Dakota. Since then, the vaccine has been cleared for distribution by animal health officials in 32 states. Source: VIN, October 15, 2021. Link. Also see: … [Read more...]
Rabies, lest we forget it’s importance
We often hear rabies is eliminated. It is true for canine rabies. It is NOT true for wildlife, especially bats. Scott Weese, DVM, recaps the 2021 rabies scene in the U.S. He shares details on the five human deaths due to rabies reported in 2021. This is the highest annual case count in the last decade. There’s limited penetration of rabies awareness education for the general … [Read more...]