A free pet clinic manned by a staff of about 80 was part of the annual Operation Border Health Preparedness in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. It is a sparsely populated area and one of the more economically-distressed regions where high unemployment rates and low per capita income make the expense of pet care hard to meet. One thousand, twenty-two house pets, mostly dogs, … [Read more...]
Livestock producers reminded to protect against anthrax
Two confirmed cases of anthrax in North Dakota are a reminder to livestock producers to take action to protect their animals from the disease, especially in areas with a history of the disease. Effective anthrax vaccines are readily available, but it takes about a week for immunity to be established and must be administered annually for continued protection. Source: BEEF, … [Read more...]
Cattle report shows no herd rebuilding in sight
Commentary Beef may be what’s for dinner, but the beef replacement heifer inventory is the lowest in 50 years. For animal health pros working with beef producers, this is not a budgetary forecast disaster. There is a long-standing segment of the market that avoids the use of vaccines and preventatives. Now is the time to help producers optimize the value of each living … [Read more...]
Mission Rabies on the streets in Cambodia
Includes Sponsored Content The Drs Chatfield connect with Luke Gamble, BVSc DVM&S, FRCVS, live on the streets of Cambodia as Mission Rabies teams get ready to disperse and vaccinate dogs. Rabies causes one to two deaths in children each week in Cambodia where dogs are a primary virus vector. Gamble’s objective is to vaccinate 100,000 dogs in an effort to increase herd … [Read more...]
What we do to make our pets happy
Complimentary Sponsored Content Elanco’s Wag Stats infographic shares research on the ins and outs of our relationships with our pets and how we care for them. We noted: 36 percent share food with their pets 21 percent kiss their pets on the lips 69 percent have no idea if leptospirosis is prevalent in their area 36 percent don’t know if Lyme disease is … [Read more...]
Rabies vaccination programs contribute to human and animal welfare
Kim Campbell Thornton shares the experiences of Arnold Plotnick, DVM, whose Mission Rabies work is a reminder to us how important rabies vaccination and prevention efforts are domestically and abroad. In addition to protecting animals from disease, vaccination programs can open up opportunities for domestic dogs and cats to be spayed or neutered.” Source: Veterinary Practice … [Read more...]
Feeding behavior during the first week in the feedlot
Studies have shown preconditioning weaned calves results in less morbidity and mortality, improves post-weaning performance and higher carcass quality versus ranch and auction-derived calves. However, there is limited research assessing the impacts of commingling preconditioned and auction-derived calves at the feedlot and if the proportions of preconditioned to auction-derived … [Read more...]
Exploring the benefits of mucosal vaccine technology
Complimentary Sponsored Content Amy Stone, DVM, PhD, joins Chats with the Chatfields to explore mucosal vaccines and their impact on veterinary and human medicine. Discussing applications in protecting pets and humans alike, Stone and the Chatfields review the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for mucosal vaccines, the future of vaccine research and potential in … [Read more...]
More is not always better
Managing individual herd health requires thought and diligence from producers and the veterinarians who advise them. Mark Hilton, DVM, shares a thought-provoking perspective on optimizing herd health processes, as it relates to vaccination, antibiotics and deworming. The key takeaway? Include the veterinarian before making a change. . . . if something needs to be eliminated or … [Read more...]
Brazil detects HPAI in wild sea shore birds. USDA okays vaccination for endangered condors.
Commentary Southern Brazil seems miles away but the discovery of H5N1 avian flu in terns and a brown booby punctuates the imminent risk of managing biosecurity where wildlife, domestic animals and humans intersect. A review of the migratory bird flyways underscores the potential for the viral spread we’ve witnessed in recent months. Lisa Schnirring shares the situation … [Read more...]
Study finds H3N2 canine influenza virus moving closer to infecting humans
Scientists at the China Agricultural University indicate the dog flu virus is mutating, stabilizing and adapting to better recognize human-like receptors. Virologists say the study calls for continuous surveillance and risk assessments related to the canine flu, citing no pre-existing human immunity. Source: Popular Mechanics, May 1, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Animal health … [Read more...]
Equine vaccination cheat sheet
Use this AAEP Vaccination Guidelines-based cheat sheet to support immunization programs for individual horses and herds. It is also a great handout for 4-H and other group education events. Source: The Horse, April 25, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Perfectly snotty: Understanding feline upper respiratory infections
Includes Sponsored Content Dr. Danette Schweers, and hosts, Dr. Jen the vet and Jason Chatfield, DVM, dive into the world of feline upper respiratory infections. They discuss the common causes and symptoms of this disease, including sneezing, coughing, runny nose and eyes, and fever. They explore the best methods for prevention and treatment, including vaccinations, … [Read more...]
Guidelines for vaccines and antibiotic management in goats
While a niche in the U.S. veterinary world, multiple vaccines, antibiotic brands and other products are available specifically for goats, writes Jaclyn Krymowski. She shares information for goat owners which may also inform veterinary teams who rarely see goats and other caprines. Source: Backyard Goat, March 24, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Ramey: Which vaccinations are worth a shot for your horse?
Don't fall for all of the negative stuff that some people say about vaccines, says David Ramey, DVM. They aren't 100 percent effective at preventing disease, but they don't cause widespread harm, either. There are a lot of dopey things said about vaccines. Ramey shares information about individual vaccines and how likely they are to prevent the disease they are supposed to … [Read more...]
Advances in equine infectious disease detection
Commentary Articles like this help set the expectations horse owners have of their veterinarians. For practices that derive 10 or more percent of their income from horse clients, sharing this article and discussing aspects of testing, vaccination and prevention needs to be considered with annual exams or visits. Proactive discussions lead to better prepared horse owners, … [Read more...]
Interest in miniature cattle continues to surge
Demand for miniature cattle is strong. They are the result of generations of selective breeding and choosing selected genetics to reduce size, while promoting the best breed qualities, conformation and temperament. They are 1⁄2 to 1⁄3 the size of full-size cattle and require less space than regular-size cattle. Two or three miniatures can be kept in an area normally required … [Read more...]
Prioritize canine influenza vaccines based on animals at risk during shortages
Scott Weese, DVM, shares ways to determine which dogs need the canine influenza vaccines most since our industry continues to see shortages in flu vaccine supplies. Dogs considered to have increased risk of severe disease include seniors, pregnant, immune compromised, brachycephalic and those with significant cardiac or respiratory disease. Canine influenza is one potential … [Read more...]
7 tips for more effective vaccination programs in calves
Rhonda Brooks shares seven tips from bovine veterinarians that can help plan an effective vaccination program in calves. She reminds us that there is no effective one-size-fits-all strategy. Consider this article for communications with cow-calf, dairy or beef operators. It sets core considerations for what a vaccination program can and can’t deliver. Source: Dairy Herd … [Read more...]
HPAI vaccines tests show positive results in controlled experiment
An experimental vaccine from Ceva Animal Health and another from Boehringer Ingelheim proved effective against highly infectious bird flu in a first experiment conducted under a controlled environment at a Dutch veterinary research center. Both vaccines prevented clinical signs of highly pathogenic avian influenza infection and viral shedding among poultry. Field trials are … [Read more...]
Are modified rabies PrEP recommendations for people backed by the latest findings?
Erica Tramuta-Drobnis, VMD, MPH, CPH, addresses the question, “Does scientific evidence support this decision, or is the basis made due to healthcare cost concerns, accessibility, and poor compliance?” in this article. Rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis recommendations were recently amended by the CDC. They replace the previous three-dose PrEP schedule with a two-dose … [Read more...]
Impacts of commingling preconditioned and auction-derived beef calves with BRD
Commentary Cattle science continues to study ways to decrease morbidity, mortality and reduce use of antiinfectives as cattle move around the country. The study referenced reinforces the value of preconditioning and addresses the effects of comingling auction-derived calves with the preconditioned ones. Preconditioning reduced BRD and antimicrobial use in the feedlot, in … [Read more...]
What veterinarians were talking about at AASV
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians annual meeting is an important event for swine practitioners and the swine industry. The swine health topics discussed at the March 7 meeting included biosecurity, African swine fever, traceability, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and more, writes Jennifer Shrike. She provides an overview of the information speakers … [Read more...]
Vaccines need a boost, especially for calves
Commentary Seen through animal health pros’ eyes, Abby Bauer’s article is basic. However, seen through a younger producer’s first experiences, it is a reminder and a reinforcement of the importance of vaccine booster timing especially since producers often do their own vaccinations. Boosters should be administered one to two months after the initial vaccination to build … [Read more...]
Does dog park = cesspool? How to safely enjoy it!
Complimentary Sponsored Content Warmer weather, melting snow, greening grass all invite dog owners outside. Many will decide to take their dogs to dog parks. But are the dogs prepared for the inherent risks? Dawn Martin DVM, DVSc, DACVIM, and the Chatfields discuss the challenges of safely enjoying some of the benefits of a dog park. Note the discussion of risk assessment … [Read more...]
Identifying American foulbrood in honeybee colonies
American foulbrood is considered the most devastating honeybee disease, asserted Britteny R. Kyle, DVM, MSc, during her WVC session. She shared multiple factors that lead to colony collapse and a simple matchstick method of diagnosing AFB and what to do if it is discovered in a colony. She noted many states have regulations in place for exactly how to deal with AFB. Source: … [Read more...]
RHDV update for practitioners
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease is endemic in eleven states. Cases appeared in two non-endemic states during 2022. The first case in Iowa was reported in August 2022. Ingrid Taylor, DVM shares what practitioners need to know as well as updates the status of the Medgene Labs emergency use RHDV2 vaccine. Source: AAHA Trends, December 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Vet Watch Insight Report. 8.5 percent YTD practice revenue growth, other improvements
Commentary Growth in core vaccines, kennel cough vaccine and surgery at this point in the new year is good news. While invoices, patient and client numbers are still negative, these results are much improved over what was seen mid-November <Link>. Prevention medicine requires proactive communication.” Consider sharing this market information as part of employee … [Read more...]
Are beef-on-dairy calves being over-vaccinated?
Dan Thompson, DVM, PhD, shares industry concerns about the distinct disparities between the lives of full-blood beef calves and their beef-on-dairy cousins before they reach the feedlot. He reviews the likelihood of over-vaccination, overloading the immune systems and pain associated with near-weekly needle pokes. . . . during the first 90-100 days of their lives, … [Read more...]
The costs of buying, caring for and feeding goats
Goat life spans are similar to dogs and are kept for a variety of reasons. Marissa Ames offers a comprehensive look at the various costs of acquiring and keeping goats for pets, meat, milk and weed control. Source: Backyard Goats, December 22, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]