For a long list of reasons, many pet owners do comply with recommended vaccine guidelines. Veterinary healthcare teams are the most critical link to get dogs and cats and the disease protection they need when they needed. August is National Immunization Awareness Month and is a great time to reinforce the importance of protecting pets against disease, just like we do our … [Read more...]
The art and science of starting new calves
To be successful at starting cattle, cattlemen must become as knowledgeable about animal behavior as about disease treatments and health products. Drs. Tom Noffsinger and Dee Griffin share perspectives on pre-conditioning and handling. Source: Drovers CattleNetwork, July 7, 2017. Weaning begins the day the calf is born,” says Noffsinger. “How you handle that momma cow is … [Read more...]
August is National Vaccine and Immunization Month
Stay up to date on current vaccinations, Lyme disease prevention and how to keep practices in top shape. Four informative session are available on VetFolio: Vaccines: Current Protocols and Recommendations Introducing the Next Generation of Lyme Disease Vaccine Technology; sponsored by Zoetis Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Lyme Disease: The Latest Research and … [Read more...]
Diagnosing and treating anaphylactic shock
Anaphylaxis is often misdiagnosed because definitive criteria to distinguish it from an allergic reaction are lacking. This article reviews anaphylaxis pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, treatment, and clinical examples. Source: Today’s Veterinary Practice, July/August 2017. Anaphylaxis is a severe condition that requires rapid emergency treatment. Because of the lack of … [Read more...]
The equine vaccination guide
Horse owners can vaccinate their horses against a variety of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, they’re also confronted with a mix of advice from a plethora of sources — most of them sound and somewhat persuasive. David W. Ramey, DVM, writes about vaccination options for horses. Source: Horse Channel, April 7, 2017. ‘Core vaccinations’ is a term that the American … [Read more...]
Universal canine vaccination eliminates human exposure to rabies
MSD Animal Health/Merck Animal Health has announced the publication of a new study in the journal Vaccine. It demonstrates that universal canine vaccination is an effective public health policy for eliminating human rabies exposure. The study reviewed examples of a successful One Health collaborative strategy that focused on elimination of canine rabies as the most expedient … [Read more...]
Take steps to reduce abortions this kidding season
Q-fever, Chlamydiosis and toxoplasmosis are common causes of infectious abortions in goats. Prevention strategies include vaccinating, feeding antibiotics and quarantining new purchases until after kidding. Herds with multiple abortions in a short time frame or abortion rates in excess of three percent to five percent of the total number of pregnant animals should submit … [Read more...]
Producers turning to vaccines, biosecurity
A Brakke study conducted among beef, dairy, swine and poultry producers in late 2016 found that vaccination protocols and improved sanitation were the top two strategies for 70 percent or more of all producers in response to the loss of shared use antibiotics. Source:, January 12, 2017, (partial access). The study found that, among the changes in feed … [Read more...]
NYC cat-astrophe – 100’s of cats quarantined
A rare strain of bird flu has flown through New York City’s animal shelters. So far, 500 cats have been quarantined and 386 of the them have tested positive for the H7N2 virus — the first time the disease has even been found in cats, officials said. Source: New York Post, January 12, 2017. Collecting cats from shelters in all corners of the city, city officials have locked … [Read more...]
BQA injection guidelines reviewed
As the cattle industry scurries to get the paper trails in place for the upcoming VFD requirements, it is a good time to review the importance of proper injection site practices for vaccines, vitamins, minerals, injectable antibiotics and NSAIDs. This article will make good content for blogs, newsletters and websites. Source: Beef, November 2016. Be systematic about how you … [Read more...]
New insight into Senecavirus in swine
A recent study of Senecavirus A offers valuable new insights into this disease pathogen that affects the U.S. pork industry. The study finds tonsil tissue is one primary target. The researchers found virus shedding between days 1 to 28 post-inoculation in oral and nasal secretions and feces. Source: The Pig Site, November 10, 2016. 'We have shown that SVA has a predilection … [Read more...]
AAEV hosting BVDV webinars
Research about BVDV and management practices continues. Although we have good working knowledge of BVDV, losses remain substantial across the production channels. Julia Ridpath, PhD, studies BVDV and related pestiviruses at the USDA’s National Animal Disease Center (NADC) in Ames, Iowa. Webinars presented by her are available through the American Association of Extension … [Read more...]
Backyard flocks are big risk for spreading Gumboro in U.S. chickens
Infectious bursal disease (IBD), commonly known as Gumboro, is an immunosuppressive disease in chickens caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). A wide range of IBDV pathotypes exist in nature. They have been generally classified into subclinical IBDV (variant), classic virulent IBDV and very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) groups. Although vvIBDV does not exist in some … [Read more...]
OUCH! Prevent needle sticks.
The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center says more than 80 percent of U.S. farmworkers have accidentally stuck themselves with a needle while vaccinating animals. A study in Australia published in 2009, showed around three quarters (75.3 percent) reported suffering at least one needle-stick injury (NSI) in the previous 12 months, while 58.9% reported suffering … [Read more...]
Booster vaccinations for beef calves questioned
Proven protocols, even booster vaccinations, are under full scrutiny these days. As vaccine technology advances, the need for these vaccinations is being questioned. Most protocols developed by marketing programs and manufacturers continue to include booster vaccinations as standard practice. However, more of today’s vaccines do not offer label instructions to repeat … [Read more...]
AAEP risk-based vaccinations
This article provides a refresher for equine veterinary teams. Veterinarians are uniquely positioned to understand the risks posed to individual horses because of where they live, the lifestyles to which owners expose them and the diseases that are active in a practice area. Reviewing the facts about equine diseases that can be prevented or minimized through vaccination is … [Read more...]
Preconditioning basics pay off
Cow-calf producers need not worry that their preconditioning program isn’t a mirror image of what’s described in textbooks. Fact is, there is no single definition of a preconditioning program to fit every operation, according to Brad White, DVM and interim director of the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University. Source: Drovers, August 2016. If we properly prepare … [Read more...]
Progress on foothill abortion disease
After more than 50 years of research, scientists have built a better understanding of the unusual biology of the disease pathogen and vectors for epizootic bovine abortion (EBA). The pathogen, transmitted by the Pajaroello tick, typically does not cause disease in cows or heifers, but does affect the developing fetus in pregnant females, resulting in abortions or … [Read more...]
Vaccines and pets: What clients need to know
Richard Ford, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVPM (Hon.), explains the importance of vaccination, addresses the challenges of over-vaccination and the resulting compliance difficulties. Source: AAHA Pets Matter, July 29, 2016. The core vaccines are the really, really important ones because the diseases that are prevented by the core vaccines are really serious diseases and they can … [Read more...]
Vaccination courses from Vetfolio fit with National Immunization Awareness Month
Vaccine topics are available at VetFolio as the CDC launches the National Immunization Awareness Month for humans. Source: VetFolio "In the Know," July 30, 2016. The veterinary healthcare team is the most vital link in dogs and cats getting the protection they need. Make the most of National Immunization Awareness Month by reinforcing the critical importance of protecting … [Read more...]
The truth about thyroid disorders and vaccines
W. Jean Dodds, DVM, felt compelled to write about two legends that persist about thyroid disorders and vaccines. She presents this as myth versus truth. Source: Veterinary Practice News, June 23, 2016. As the thyroid gland regulates metabolism of all body cellular functions, reduced thyroid function can produce a wide range of clinical manifestations, many mimicking those … [Read more...]
Beware of over-vaccinating your dog
Articles like this create a need to help veterinary teams engage with clients about vaccination. While recent information shows an increase in rabies in North America, questions about vaccination need and frequency continue. Our team at Animal Health Digest believes it is important to show professionals the information being sent to consumers, as well as channel-based or … [Read more...]
Should I vaccinate my horse in the fall?
Summary: Vaccinations are important to help prevent disease. While it is always best to listen to your veterinarian’s recommendations, there are certainly cases when it is ideal to vaccinate for certain diseases twice a year to ensure protection. Source: Horse Talk. Vaccinations protect your horse against a host of contagious diseases. The specific vaccinations necessary … [Read more...]
Clinical picture of canine Lyme disease CE available
Vetfolio, the joint education platform from NAVC and AAHA, is broadcasting a free CE-accredited web conference May 9 through May 22, 2016 (On Demand). The conference covers Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, disease vectors, geographic expansion of the disease and its various forms. Source: Vetfolio News. Speaker Carrie White, DVM, DACVIM, will … [Read more...]
Tough talk on titers
“Do your veterinary team members know how to respond when pet owners ask about titers?,” asks Brian Stewart, DVM, medical director at Woodstock Veterinary Clinic in Woodstock, Illinois. He discusses the pros and cons of using titers as a good way of establishing protection against disease. Source: Firstline, April 25, 2016. Titers can have a place in veterinary medicine. … [Read more...]