Veterinary student Francisco Gomez Cruz’s research project shows a benefit for pigs by doubling the amount of iron dextran given in the first 10 days of life. Other than the low cost of another dose of iron dextran, handling the pigs twice appears to have an overall net weight benefit at the end of the wean-to-finish period. Source: PORK, July 24, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Lab-grown meat approved for UK pet food
The United Kingdom has approved the use of lab-grown meat in pet food. This makes it the first country to legalize the product for this use and the first European country to legalize it for sale for any purpose. The approval was in response to an application by a UK startup called Meatly, making it the first company in the world to receive authorization to sell cultivated pet … [Read more...]
ARS, APHIS: Trichinella no longer a risk
ARS and the Animal and USDA's Plant Health Inspection Service conducted a national survey by sampling 3.2 million pigs raised under the U.S. Pork Quality Assurance Plus program and found zero animals infected with trichinella. Data obtained from testing support the conclusion that pork from pigs managed under the PQA+ program do not pose a public health risk.” Source: PORK, … [Read more...]
Declining cull cow numbers reflect shift from beef-on-dairy trend
Dairy producers are enjoying the cash flow improvements from the beef-on-dairy market, which is lowering the number of cull cows marketed and increasing the purchases of semen. The beef-on-dairy trend is also challenging the number of replacement dairy heifers available and prioritizing the purchase of gender-sorted dairy semen. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, August 5, 20234. … [Read more...]
Incorporating BQA into practice
Beef Quality Assurance education and practices remain one of the more important efforts for and by cattle producers. Ongoing support and leadership from veterinarians is vital to continue seeing producer successes and consistent quality beef products. BQA-certified operations are estimated to provide 85 percent of U.S. fed-beef. Julia Herman, DVM, MS, DACVPM, shares the … [Read more...]
The promise of electroarthrography for equine cartilage assessment
One primary challenge when diagnosing and managing osteoarthritis is accurate assessment of the quality of cartilage in the patient. Researchers from the Ontario Veterinary College and the University of Toronto believe they can advance cartilage assessment with their groundbreaking work on a novel non-invasive technique called electroarthrography. The technology EAG is a … [Read more...]
PPID caution: Trailering prior to testing could produce false positive result in horses
Research completed by Boehringer Ingelheim and Middle Tennessee State University determined that a 40-minute trailer ride gave multiple false-positive PPID diagnoses up to 30 minutes post-trailering when using a basal ACTH test. The results are a warning for horse owners and veterinarians to avoid a horse getting incorrectly diagnosed. Source: The Paulick Report, July 31, … [Read more...]
5 reasons cats purr
It’s a common question with many answers. AAHA shares perspective on why that purring motor may be running. From expressing contentment and fostering mother-kitten bonding to promoting healing and reducing stress, purring goes beyond simple happiness. Source: AAHA, August 6, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider this article for social media posts, newsletters and as a reference … [Read more...]
RECOVER initiative issues new CPR guidelines
Aiming to standardize cardiopulmonary resuscitation practices and make outcomes more comparable to human cases worldwide, multiple discipline specialists collaborated to develop new recommendations when performing lifesaving CPR on pets, including: Chest compression techniques Chest depths and techniques Breathing support Medication dosages and … [Read more...]
4 acupressure points for dry, itchy skin in dogs
Brief, daily acupressure sessions can be used to enhance pruritis treatments, write Amy Snow and Nancy Zidonis. They share how to stimulate specific acupressure points for dry skin that traditional Chinese medicine calls “wind heat.” Source: Animal Wellness Magazine, August 4, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Sharing this article and acupressure method for pet owners to do at home … [Read more...]
Tangible tick tactics with Dr. Dryden (podcast)
Michael Dryden, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVM, often known as Dr. Flea, discusses strategic methods for avoiding ticks, shares tips for preventing secondary disease and offers insights into why tick strategies have changed. He speaks about tick range expansion that impacts how veterinary teams can help animal owners reduce the risks in different regions. Source: Clinician’s Brief, … [Read more...]
Advocacy from veterinary teams helps pet owners choose pet insurance – Part 4
Sponsor Content Our series on how veterinary teams position and share the benefits of pet insurance continues. ASPCA® Pet Health Insurance field representatives have continued seeking feedback from veterinary professional advocates as part of an initiative started during VMX and WVC <Link>. In addition to the new comments in the link below, we’re sharing the … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – August 5, 2024
Pet spending growing despite inflation, growing brands through partnerships, employee well-being program benefits, three qualities of a mindful leader and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, August 5, 2024. Link. NOTE: The IBPSA Master Business Academy starts October 14th. The intensive 10-week program covers three core areas essential for business success: … [Read more...]
When your boss suddenly reduces your scope
Scope reductions frequently arise within the context of restructuring, strategic shifts or mergers and acquisitions. Dina Denham Smith acknowledges these changes can be hard on egos and confusing. She suggests ways to manage emotions, avoid spiraling out of control, dedicate yourself to your next steps and learn from the experiences. Source: Harvard Business Review, August … [Read more...]
Veterinary Visionaries release Psychological Health and Safety Guidelines
There is a role for everyone in the Psychological Health and Safety Guidelines. It champions work-life balance, physical health, mental health support and professional growth opportunities when leaders intentionally work to build a positive workplace culture. Connor Dunwoodie interviewed members of the task force to learn why implementing these guidelines in practice culture … [Read more...]
Communicating value for technician appointment fees
Wendy S. Myers, CVJ, shares ways to position veterinary technician appointments, including: Using a health assessment description for technician appointments versus exams for veterinarian appointments Listing the technician’s name on the invoice Educating front desk persons to clarify the reason for a visit to determine whether a technician or veterinarian visit is … [Read more...]
Inflation pinching pet owners’ pocketbooks forcing pet spending decisions
This article appeared as the fifth article in the August 5 edition of IBPSA FastBites <Link>. NPR’s Lola Murti shares the challenges of rising costs for pet owners, how they are adjusting and what drives cost increases across the pet services industry. Source: NPR, July 30, 2024. Link. “<Re: price increases> It's higher ingredient, higher packaging, higher … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 1, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, July 26, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the July 26th AHD Bulletin Smart ways to handle too much business. Link. Sharing cases can create confusion. Link. Beware of these toxic flowers in gardens, yards, building sites. Link. Toxic leadership. Link. … [Read more...]
ICASA Award addresses antimicrobial stewardship for BRD
Multifactor bovine respiratory disease remains a major expense to producers who commonly treat the late stage pulmonary disease with antibiotics. ICASA, along with matching funds from other organizations, has funded a $2,446,948 research grant to Brad J. White, DVM, MS, who is building a multi-disciplinary team to research how the secondary diseases form in cattle infected with … [Read more...]
Iowa State researchers find possible way dairy cattle are infected with HPAI
A study published this month by a team in ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine found that bovine mammary gland tissue held receptors for the avian influenza virus. This offers a potential “why” connection for how cattle are being infected with the virus, which is found in raw milk. Source: AgriMarketing, July 19, 2024. Link. Also see: Current H5N1 situation in dairy … [Read more...]
Dog import rules changed, but simplified
Effective today, the CDC is implementing new requirements for dogs arriving from countries that are canine rabies-free or low-risk. Beginning August 1, dogs that have spent at least the last six months in countries such as Canada and Mexico will need to meet these few requirements before U.S. entry: Be healthy on arrival Be at least 6 months old at the time of entry or … [Read more...]
Revolutionary tech for hog barn monitoring
Commercial Content Like big brother for hogs, NUtrack’s surveillance technology promises to help producers manage barns more efficiently from their phones. The NUtrack system uses full body recognition as facial recognition is difficult from cameras above the animals. The NUtrack system, developed by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, allows producers to … [Read more...]
AI powered app can recognize cows from 50 feet away
Commercial Content Agtech start-up 406 Bovine is working to simplify cattle identification using facial recognition technology and smartphones. The technology can be used anywhere which eliminates the short-distance restrictions of current RFID. Source: Dairy Reporter, July 22, 2024. Link. Anything that can be done with RFID tags can be done with facial recognition . . . … [Read more...]
What’s your diagnosis?
This deformed giraffe was spotted at an unnamed private game reserve in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Sara Ferguson, DVM, shared, “Without radiographs to prove the bone has been broken, we would refer to the giraffe as having severe torticollis or wryneck." Source: Live Science, July 23, 2024. Link. Photo by Lynn Scott … [Read more...]
When probiotics might help a horse
Gut health continues to be a frequent topic across all species. In this article, Christine Barakat and Melinda Freckleton, DVM, share situations where probiotics might be worth a try. Probiotics are designed to aid a horse’s digestion by restoring the balance of gut microflora disturbed as a result of illness, stress or medication.” Source: EQUUS, June 24, 2024. Link. Also … [Read more...]
Using a weight tape to manage a horse’s condition and protect his health
Weight tapes, while not as accurate as a scale, can provide vital information about a horse’s health. University of Edinburgh researchers investigated the utility of weight tapes over a two-year period in a study that included 1,716 horses. Source: EQUUS, June 24, 2024. Link. Horse owners with access to a scale can easily correlate the scale reading to the weight tape making … [Read more...]
Assessment of the effect of gabapentin on blood pressure in cats with and without chronic kidney disease
Fractious cats challenge veterinary staff and owners. Getting a good blood pressure reading with an upset feline gets difficult. Researchers studied the effect of gabapentin on blood pressure in cats with and without chronic kidney disease. Gabapentin has an effect on arterial BP in cats with and without CK. This effect appears to be more than just the result of stress … [Read more...]
Short nose? Beware of BOAS
Cases of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome are on the increase, writes Kara Burns, MS, MEd, LVT, VTS, VTS-H. Her article reviews medical and nutritional management of BOAS and GI signs in brachycephalic dogs. A case report in SOAP format is also shared. BOAS is progressive; age at presentation ranges from a few months to a few years. After 5 years of age, a first … [Read more...]
The chemistry behind the smell of wet dogs
Chemist Andy Brunning, a British chemistry teacher, distilled the essence of the complex molecular reactions into the infographic shared here <Link>. The aroma of a wet dog starts with a cast of tiny critters like yeasts and bacteria that take up residence on the pet. These bugs leave behind “micro excreta” in the form of volatile organic compounds that are carried away … [Read more...]
Study shows how dogs feel when we hug them. You may not like the results.
Dogs don't always love being hugged, writes Angela Vuckovic. She shares study results published in Applied Animal Behavior Sciences revealing dogs in the study often responded to being hugged by expressing feelings of extreme physical stress and anxiety. Misinterpreting a dog's reaction to being hugged, can be harmful to owners and their dogs. Source: Pet Guide, June 2024. … [Read more...]