Sponsored Content Felines possess several unique gastrointestinal traits distinct from other companion animals, writes Hill’s Renea Creech, MS. She explores the role of some of the different bacterial species of the cat GI microbiome and their role in feline health and disease. Understanding the GI microbiome and its diverse microbial populations holds significant promise … [Read more...]
Non-antibiotic approaches to canine recurrent UTIs
Various non-antibiotic measures show promise in managing canine UTIs and reducing the amount of antibiotics used to fight infections. The authors assert combining conventional veterinary medicine with complementary therapies may offer a more holistic approach to managing UTIs in dogs. Source: Innovative Vet Care, September 27, 2024. Link. A combination of approaches may … [Read more...]
Study: Most effective cooling method for hyperthermia in dogs
A hot day in the field or on the trail can quickly turn into a critical situation when a dog gets too hot. A small crossover study evaluated field-applicable cooling methods to treat this condition effectively. The voluntary head dunking method, which included controlled water ingestion, resulted in the lowest mean core temperature within the first five minutes … [Read more...]
Probiotics, prebiotics for feline digestive health
Gut dysbiosis describes a microbiome imbalance. In a cat’s gut, the bacteria microbiome has a direct effect on overall health, influencing digestion, immune system function and nutritional metabolism, as well as moods and mental health. Scott Gavaletz, DVM, recommends the use of probiotics under two circumstances: a) as a first line in treating diarrhea, and b) to replace … [Read more...]
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Rural America course debuts
A new resource aims to boost practical support to help people navigate mental health resources in rural communities. The course, “Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Rural America,” targets veterinarians. Rural Minds has partnered with Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and NY FarmNet to provide the service. Rural Minds and Cornell staff think veterinarians … [Read more...]
Nonmedical pet services: A tangled web of competition
The high cost of pet food and of veterinary services top the list of significant challenges that pet owners currently face, writes David Sprinkle, referencing Packaged Facts’ February 2024 data. The high cost of nonmedical pet services such as grooming, boarding, daycare and training weigh in at a lower level, but these services remain part of the picture for a robust pet … [Read more...]
Plain speak matters
It does not matter if it is a salesperson to the DVM, or the DVM, vet tech, front desk service rep or kennel manager to the client, clear and concise communication works well throughout the practice or pet services business. Source: Veterinary Advantage, August 2024. Link. It’s about clarity, efficiency, and making your message stick. People crave straightforward, … [Read more...]
Success with supplements
Health and wellness trends are driving a pet supplement market positioned to surpass $2.7 billion <Link>. Many veterinarians are concerned about quality, writes Graham Garrison, who shares the opportunity to help practices realize revenue benefits that accompany selling supplements. Packed Facts’ survey <Link> indicates online purchases outpace in-store sales giving … [Read more...]
USDA launches network to support financially distressed farmers and ranchers
The Distressed Borrowers Assistance Network is a USDA initiative to provide personalized support to financially distressed farmers and ranchers nationwide. Through a series of cooperative Agreements, this national network will connect distressed borrowers with individualized assistance to help them stabilize and regain financial footing. USDA's Farm Service Agency will … [Read more...]
ImpriMed expanding its precision medicine services from pets to humans
Building on its success in veterinary oncology, ImpriMed’s pioneering human oncology services will provide drug response predictions for common blood cancers, including newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia. Source: ImpriMed, September 23, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Changing weather patterns call for a change in deworming habits
Sponsored Content Lice over-summer instead of over-winter like many parasites. They hide on cattle in folds between the legs and body and the dewlap. One type of louse can even over-summer in the ear. Once they get cold, they wake up and start reproducing. If cattle are treated too early, the lice don’t become an issue until several months into an endectocide product’s … [Read more...]
The story no one talks about: the cost to produce food
John Nalivka shares an opinion piece that speaks to the pinched wallets consumers are experiencing. The overall costs costs of livestock production, have increased 28 percent from 2019 to 2023. The cost of energy posted a 35 percent increase over the same years while the cost of labor rose 24 percent from 2019 to 2023. Land values have also risen significantly, making … [Read more...]
Mizzou’s next-generation anaplasmosis vaccine shows promise
University of Missouri researchers are developing a new* vaccine proven to protect cattle from a devastating tick-borne cattle disease, bovine anaplasmosis. Roman Reddy Ganta, MSc, PhD, led the study that created the new vaccine. The work involved genetically modifying the pathogen Anaplasma marginale in a lab. By deleting a specific gene and then injecting the modified … [Read more...]
Voluntary waiting period data can set up cows for success
A dairy cow’s voluntary waiting period, the time after calving until breeding, is a flurry of internal activity, writes Steve Pavelski. He asserts the voluntary waiting period should be considered a preparation period. The article is a good resource to share and discuss with dairy producers. Source: Progressive Dairy, September 5, 2024. Link. The most profitable voluntary … [Read more...]
Breeding soundness exams give 20:1 ROI
The lack of breeding soundness exams keeps Joe Dalton, PhD, awake at night, writes Becky Mills. He shares concerns about data on the low percentage of producers who test bulls already in their bull battery for at least two breeding seasons. He emphasizes a complete breeding soundness exam, not just a semen test, as critical to the value of reproduction. Source: Angus Beef … [Read more...]
Analgesia trends in exotics
Discussing analgesia in rabbits and rodents, Olivia A. Petritz, DVM, DACZM, provides an overview of recent studies. She also refers to the development of grimace scales for rabbits, rats and mice. Source: Veterinary Practice News, September 20, 2024. Link. Clinical signs of pain in rodents are similar to rabbits and include a hunched posture, lack of or increased grooming, … [Read more...]
Safety tips for clients when holding horses for farriers and vets
Horses can react suddenly, no matter how well-behaved they seem. Owners are often asked to help the veterinarian or farrier. Once a horse owner accepts care and control, THEY are made immediately responsible for ANYTHING that may happen while tending to the horse. This e-book is a handy resource to help clients remain safe and helpful, as well as keep the veterinarian, … [Read more...]
Holiday hazards for pets
Fall’s arrival welcomes gatherings for sports events and holidays. Many holiday hazards can harm pets. Determining what will harm pets makes it confusing. Pet owners are advised to prepare in advance. Source: Great Pet Care, September 20, 2024. Link. Photo by K E on Unsplash … [Read more...]
World Rabies Day is September 28th
On September 28th, we celebrate the 102nd birthday of Louis Pasteur by honoring his pioneering work in developing a vaccine against rabies. The anniversary of his birth has been designated World Rabies Day in remembrance of Dr. Pasteur and the millions of lives he continues to save with the rabies vaccine. Source: Global Alliance for Rabies Control. Link. Rabies is an … [Read more...]
NRF Foundation launches Customer Conflict De-escalation Training for front-line workers
The latest offering from NRF is part of the RISE Up educational training program and focuses on fostering a safe and positive environment for both retail employees and the millions of customers they serve. Source: NRF, September 23, 2024. Link. The Customer Conflict De-escalation program provides customer-facing employees with the knowledge and training to identify … [Read more...]
Survey: Only 1/3 of Americans have natural disaster plans for pets
Hurricane Helene is in the news <Link>. Floridians are prepping for her effects. Preparations for natural disasters should include pets, but as the August ’24 Talker survey reveals, many pet owners have no plans in place for their animals. This article outlines important elements of a comprehensive disaster plan for pets. It is suitable for sharing on social media, in … [Read more...]
United Veterinary Service Association panelists discuss access to care
UVSA leaders and members outlined ways they can take a proactive role in the animal health industry to improve access to veterinary care. Graham Garrison outlines interview topics from the recent USVA annual conference, the importance of access to care, the association’s upcoming initiatives and the commitment to NextGen leadership education. Source: Veterinary Advantage, … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – September 23, 2024
FLOW Business Conference underway in Tucson, Arizona, pet startup funding slower, dogs on airplanes, pet night on Capitol Hill, loyalty programs have value, marketing on a small budget, ownership transition plans, and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, September 26, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
How to recognize and respond to gaslighting
Gaslighting is an insidious pattern of control. While it most often occurs in intimate relationships, it can occur in other contexts, including healthcare environments. In relationships with an unequal power dynamic; the person with more power is frequently the perpetrator. A recurring psychological manipulation, gaslighting can manifest as lying, discrediting, blaming, … [Read more...]
Understanding the differences between transactional and relational salespeople
Commentary Anthony Iannarino’s article fits the ongoing content focused on client retention and loyalty. To appreciate his comparison, one must accept that we are all in the transaction business at some level. How we go about it differs by the situation, business category, and, in some cases, the business’s strategies. The differences between transactional and relational … [Read more...]
Missing clients?
Lapsed patients are a concern for most veterinary practices. It might be time to consider a reactivation campaign. Source: Today’s Veterinary Business, August 1, 2024. Link. “Bringing back cats and dogs you haven’t seen in 14 to 18 months can mean big wins for your revenue and, even better, healthier pets.” INSIGHT: Personalize, personalize, personalize. … [Read more...]
For consideration: It’s the things you learn after you know it all that count
While scrolling through Facebook recently, a video reel of Bill Walton, former pro basketball player and sportscaster, popped up. He describes phrases from famed NCAA basketball coach John Wooden and closes with the title of this post. The short reel and Walton’s delivery of Wooden-isms may be enjoyable, if not thought provoking. It was for me. Source: Facebook. Link. Among … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – September 19, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, September 12, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the September 12th AHD Bulletin – Likeability – How to find it in others and develop it in you. Link. Don’t forget. Manure can kill! Link. Use the Two-Minute Rule to stop procrastinating. Link. ===================================== The 5-3-1 Rule is … [Read more...]
Federal bill seeks to expand HSA, FSA eligibility to include veterinary care expenses
The People and Animal Well-being (PAW) Act aims to support pet owners by making veterinary care more affordable under Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). Source: Veterinary Practice News, September 17, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Study estimates superbug crisis could get worse, killing nearly 40 million people by 2050
A recently published study <Link> projects the challenge of antimicrobial resistance into the future. AMR, one of the top global public health and development threats, is expected to get worse. It is driven by the misuse and overuse of antimicrobial medications in humans, animals and plants. Source: CNN, September 16, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]