Midwest Food Bank is seeking volunteers and funds to transport hay to North Carolina livestock farmers struggling to secure enough feed for their cattle to survive the winter. To date, 650 large round alfalfa hay bales have been donated to Midwest Food Bank for this critical relief effort. Some shipments are already on their way. Volunteers are needed to transport the relief … [Read more...]
Rendering: Every part has a purpose
The parts of animals we don’t eat provide many benefits. NARA has a new informative video for the young, the old, those in the livestock business and those who’ve never touched it. Thanks to Sharla Ishmael, editor of NARA’s Render magazine, for sharing. Source: North American Renderers Association, November 2024. Link. (animated video, 4:00 min) … [Read more...]
BQA practices now saturate every phase of the beef industry
Today, approximately 85 percent of U.S. beef comes from BQA-certified producers, writes Clint Peck. He shares the history of capturing the value, challenges and opportunities BQA certification presents. We noted the comments about involving smaller producers and the need for continuously educating cattle producers about best practices. Source: BEEF, October 18, 2024. … [Read more...]
50th Leaman Conference. What the experts had to say.
It’s been two months since the 50th annual Leman Swine Conference. Those who attended likely left with three or four action items. Now, let’s revisit some of the comments made by experts to refresh our intentions and focus on making a difference. Topics include biosecurity compliance, managing influenza, continuing to fight PRRSV and environmental effects of concentrated animal … [Read more...]
Forage alone may not cut it for fall-weaned calves
Commentary So many variables determine producer success when raising calves and preparing them for the next stages of their lives. Amber Friedrichsen’s discussion of various approaches to supplements and forage as winter progresses provides an opportunity to visit with producers about ensuring proper nutrition. It also supports the overall health of the animals and the … [Read more...]
Updated APHIS rule for EID now in effect
Jennifer M. Latzke’s article is a reminder about APHIS’s updated traceability rule that went into effect November 5th. The rule, which amends the previous 2013 rule, now requires ear tags to be both visually and electronically readable for sexually intact cattle that are 18 months of age or older, rodeo and exhibition cattle, and dairy cattle moving interstate. Cattle that … [Read more...]
Chicken feather and skin development
The development of the feathers and the feather follicles is extremely involved and a complex part of the bird, writes Doug Ottinger. Animal health pros may find his article worth reading if feather development is not a familiar topic. The feather is a complex epidermal organ.” Source: Backyard Poultry, October 5, 2022. Link. The follicles, feathers, and skin of the chicken, … [Read more...]
Can fecal microbiota transplantation help treat diarrhea in foals?
Fecal microbiota transplantation is a medical procedure that transfers healthy bacteria from a donor's stool into a patient's colon. In adult horses, FMT has been shown to improve intestinal diversity. Australian researchers explored the effects of treating diarrhea in foals using FMT and found it to be safe for foals. Source: The Paulick Report, November 11, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Helping horse owners’ vaccine decisions
Commentary This recent poll about factors preventing owners from vaccinating their horses in The Horse caught our attention. The results, albeit from a small sample, may reinforce the need for veterinary-client education and more comprehensive questioning since potential side effects and lack of effectiveness topped the list. Digging deeper, we found Haylie Kerstetter’s … [Read more...]
Common illnesses in senior cats
Includes Commercial Content Barri J. Morrison, DVM, shares 10 common illnesses in cats which reinforces the need for routine veterinary visits as often as every six months for senior cats. Among the illnesses are dental disease, diabetes, arthritis and chronic kidney disease. Source: petMD, September 27, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: The mention of specific products, including … [Read more...]
Resources for National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
The C-word strikes fear in pet owners despite better chances of successfully treating pets for neoplasia and cancer than they had in the past. Routine client education about cancer can improve early detection. The AVMA provides resources for pet owners on cancer in pets, including warning signs, how it is diagnosed, how it can be treated and potentially be prevented. Sharing … [Read more...]
Client perspective important when choosing antiseizure medications for dogs, cats
We like that Tom Jukier DVM, MS, DACVIM, included the importance of including the client in decisions when antiseizure medications are indicated. Successfully controlling epileptic seizures can take several directions, Jukier explains. He provides background, medication efficacy and pharmacokinetic information for common antiseizure medications used in dogs and cats in the … [Read more...]
When to delay a conversation
Most problems can be traced back to a conversation that should have happened but didn’t. Still, timing is important. This article highlights three situations when it’s more strategic to delay a conversation until a more opportune time. Marlene Chism offers ways to go into conversations with the right frame of mind. Source: SmartBrief, October 7, 2024. Link. Photo by Joel … [Read more...]
Identifying allergic reactions in dogs
Holidays bring risks of allergic reactions in dogs. Whether environmental, dietary, from new chemicals, a new product or accidental ingestion of a guest’s medications, knowing the signs of an allergic reaction is important. Kate Basedow, LVT, discusses allergic reactions from mild to severe in this article. Consider it for newsletters, holiday communications and social media … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 18, 2024
2024 consumer and product trends, lifelong learners in the AI age, opportunities in the pet wellness market, Whisker Media launches new podcast and more . . . Source: IBPSA, November 18, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Bottom line versus best practices. A delicate balancing act.
The business–care paradox is an emotional drain in veterinary medicine. This is not a phenomenon but rather a situational, everyday challenge veterinary teams experience daily. The current economic conditions exacerbate this long-standing challenge. Zenithson Ng, DVM, MS, DABVP, shares a study overview that explores how practices can successfully balance the financial realities … [Read more...]
Can people be ‘inoculated’ against misinformation?
Commentary Since our inaugural AHD Bulletin in 2015, we have curated content for animal health pros, including published information at all levels, with consumer-facing media being part of it. The growing amount of misinformation creates tremendous costs in our lives and industry. Once out in the public, incorrect information requires a lot of time and effort to correct, not … [Read more...]
Facts + Feelings = Attitude
To help you improve your ability to get decisions, let us focus on helping you better understand your decision-maker’s range of attitudes. Source: Repertoire, June 2024. Link. More complex decisions, such as continued treatment options, can be dominated by the emotional component of decision-making, while costs of treatment options can be more factual. INSIGHTS: Pay … [Read more...]
Veterinary technicians’ important roles in feline hospice and palliative care
It takes a clear strategy to help lead clients through the difficult stages of caring for a critically ill pet. Veterinary technicians are well-suited to helping establish an effective care plan for a hospice period and for clients after the pet’s death. Jamie Rauscher, LVT, outlined guidelines in five steps for hospital teams in a recent presentation worthy of review and … [Read more...]
The nonprofit veterinarian shortage: Who will care for the pets most in need?
Statewide studies suggest that shelters and nonprofit clinics have been especially hard hit by the veterinary workforce shortage. A study sought to determine the effect of this shortage on veterinary care provided at two types of public practice: veterinary care for cats and dogs housed temporarily in animal sheltering organizations veterinary clinics aimed at … [Read more...]
Despite employer prioritization, employee well-being falters
A workplace culture that truly prioritizes employee well-being makes people feel cared about. It also improves their lives and benefits organizational outcomes. Trends from Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index mark a new record low since Gallup began measuring employee well-being in 2009. Just 50 percent of U.S. employees are thriving in their overall lives. Source: Gallup, … [Read more...]
Consumer-facing article touts over-the-counter drugs safe for dogs
Commentary The article linked here represents a disturbing trend in animal advice pieces featured in all types of today’s media. Chelsea Huckabay asserts that four OTC drugs featured in it are safe for dogs. To our knowledge, Huckabay is not a veterinarian, and there is no indication that a veterinarian edited this article. We reached out to our colleague and AHD … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 14, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, November 7, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the November 7th AHD Bulletin – Insights into the reasons pet owners surrender their pets to shelters. Link. A fresh perspective on horse expenses. Link. Help livestock and farm customers get funds they deserve. Link. Practices value Promoboxx benefit … [Read more...]
New Hampshire veterinary hospital named AAHA-Accredited Practice of the Year
Congratulations to Canobie Lake Veterinary Hospital in Windham, New Hampshire. It stood out for its unwavering dedication to patients and the team members who care for them. As a family-owned business, they have demonstrated a deep understanding of caring for families by caring for their pets. Source: AAHA via EIN Presswire, November 8, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Well Groomed’s data-driven canine wellness revolution sweeps Florida
Well Groomed Franchise System announced its 19th franchise sale in Florida. Its approach incorporates pet wellness advocacy as each grooming appointment gathers more than 50 points of valuable wellness information. Each salon location generates hundreds of monthly wellness product recommendations and wellness-related service referrals to local pet industry partners, according … [Read more...]
Surf and turf: researchers to study feeding seaweed to cattle
Past research has found that feeding seaweed can reduce methane emissions from cattle, but results are mixed. Now, researchers from Oregon State University are investigating a specific type of seaweed and supplementing cattle that graze in the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem rather than a feedlot environment. Source: Oregon State University, October 28, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Building a new breed: the American Black Hereford
There is considerable pride and breed loyalty among cattle producers despite the overriding objectives to improve production efficiencies and profits. Gilda V. Bryant shares the development of the Black Hereford in the article here. Despite the name sounding like an oxymoron, Black Herefords are a thing. Source: Progressive Cattle, October 15, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Pigs per litter continues steady growth
The number of pigs per litter reached another record in September, writes Michael Langemeier. Using his metrics, it appears we’ll soon see an average of 12 pigs per litter compared to eight per litter in 1994. Key performance metrics for swine production have steadily improved over the past 30 years. In addition to pigs per litter, performance metrics include feed conversion, … [Read more...]
NCBA guide for making culling decisions
A guide developed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and CattleFax will help cattle producers with the often difficult decision to cull cows and bulls. Not all of these animals must end up as ground beef if producers understand how to optimize the value of cows that don’t bear calves through better welfare management practices. About 20% of the total revenue of a cow … [Read more...]
Calves like their water hot
Calves and cows prefer warm water closer to their own body temperatures. Maureen Hansen shares how water temperature adjusts rumen development and its bacterial environment. A Finnish study showed calves offered warm water continued to drink more even after weaning. Source: Dairy Herd Management, November 12, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Feeding water near or above 70o F seems … [Read more...]