The topic of non-DVM veterinary professionals will dominate the pet health care horizon over the next few years, asserts Mark Cushing in the article linked below. Noting the similarities between the time spent with nurses and the time pet owners spend with non-DVM pros, he lists issues surrounding the vet tech profession that deserve respect and attention. Source: Today’s … [Read more...]
June heat wave enveloping the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and Northeast
A hot day or two is normal, but the National Weather Service says a near-record strong heat dome will bring record-breaking high temperatures and sultry, uncomfortable nights during the next two weeks. The inherent risks to people are no surprise especially when temperatures remain high during the night. For animal health pros, reminding animal owners to keep their animals … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 13, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 6, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the June 6th AHD Bulletin – Attitude, value, and talent. Link. What stool color could say about a dog’s health. Link. Do hay preservatives matter to horses? Link. ===================================== Summer hours. A way for small business owners to boost … [Read more...]
Brakke study shows pet owners not always aware of e-retail options
The recent Pet Medicines Home Delivery Study by Brakke Consulting uncovered notable e-retail trends for pet products, writes Joseph Harvey. It revealed home delivery is directly linked to improved compliance, but clients need to know about the service. Many US veterinary practices are well positioned to supply customers in an online capacity through home delivery and autoship … [Read more...]
Mella Pet Care, Vetspire integrating real-time vitals data to PiMS
A new partnership between Mella Pet Care and Vetspire PiMS will automatically capture vital signs from Mella hardware. Using their existing workflows, veterinarians can integrate with the Mella Pet Care Desktop App to instantly collect vital signs from Mella devices. Source: Mella Pet Care, June 11, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
The Bridge Club seeking nominations for 2025 ICON Award
For the 2025 ICON award, the focus is on unifying the global veterinary community by honoring contributions that transcend national boundaries. This year’s award will celebrate a veterinarian, researcher, veterinary technician/nurse or industry professional who has made significant advancements in veterinary medicine internationally. Source: The Bridge Club. Link. … [Read more...]
Clear The Shelters celebrates 10 years
Celebrating 10 years and more than one million adoptions, Clear the Shelters is recruiting veterinary clinic participation to fulfill its mission. Sign up to receive a supporter kit including access to the social media toolbox and improve pet adoption. Source: Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Link. … [Read more...]
Testing mature bulls for trich – what’s important?
Despite his genetics, body condition and herd sire desirability, a mature bull with trichomoniasis can devastate the finest breeding program. Trich is a venereal disease that causes infertility, open cows and occasional abortions in cows and heifers. The only way to identify infected bulls is to perform preputial scraping and diagnostic testing to identify the presence of the … [Read more...]
Recent graduates share their best practice tips
Four hard-working, dynamic bovine practitioners shared some practical ideas and recommendations during the final session of the AABP Recent Graduate Conference. While we work on animals, we work for and with people . . . so be prompt, be practical, be polite and practice one’s skills.” - Andy Harding, DVM Source: Bovine Veterinarian, June 11, 2024. Link. Related content: 5 … [Read more...]
Asian long-horned tick associated with emerging risk in cattle
As if HPAI isn’t enough, Asian long-horned tick ranges are expanding bringing the potential for an emerging infection risk from Theileria orientalis Ikeda. The protozoa invades the red and white blood cells of cattle creating clinical signs of disease like those of anaplasmosis including anemia, jaundice, weakness, and even death. Source: BEEF, June 6, 2024. Link. Producers … [Read more...]
Debunking fly spray myths
The authors address four common misconceptions about one keeping bugs at bay: More spray is better All fly sprays work the same way Fly spray applied to a wet horse won’t be effective Insecticides and repellents are all you need to protect horses from flies Source: EQUUS, June 5, 2024. Link. Fly sprays are a key part of any insect-control program, but they … [Read more...]
Horse stiffness requires attention
Even slight stiffness requires attention and consideration, writes Devin Conley. He shares the importance of proper warm-ups noting discomfort and stiffness attributed to arthritis, age, and other life factors are things that can be managed with the proper care and support from a veterinarian. Source: Horse and Rider, June 10, 2024. Link. . . . don’t disregard stiffness … [Read more...]
Jade Keller shares the importance of veterinary care
Experienced performance horse trainer, Jade Keller, shares why regular veterinary care is instrumental in achieving success in the competitive world of equine sports. His assertions are just as important for the hobby or backyard horse owner. Regular veterinary care provides a safety net that allows us to address issues before they become major obstacles.” Source: Horse and … [Read more...]
Keeping cats safe from bird flu
Ann Hohenhaus DVM, DACVIM, says the high-path Asian influenza strain H5N1 is particularly virulent in cats and appears to have a high mortality rate. The solution to the feline bird flu problem is simple: keep your cat indoors away, from birds, cows and un-pasteurized milk.” Source: Schwarzman Animal Medical Center, June 12, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Did we really need another dog breed?
Viki Spencer decided to develop a new dog breed that combines the stunning appearance of a wolf with the temperament of a loving and mellow family dog. After years of selective breeding she has developed the American Blue Bay shepherd. Source: Pet Guide, October 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: One might postulate the next iteration could be a Blue Bay Doodle. … [Read more...]
Compounded, DVM Rx treatment for FIP now available in United States and Canada AHD Staff
Stokes Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy, started selling a compounded prescription treatment for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) on June 1. This allows veterinarians to prescribe medication for their patients and hopefully carry small amounts of the compounded drug on their shelves so that their sick patients can start treatment immediately. Source: AAHA NEWStat, June 5, … [Read more...]
CVT shares how she advocates for pet insurance including her own experiences (part 3)
Sponsored Content Certified veterinary technician Sarah Walsh is a strong advocate for pet insurance at Wignall Animal Hospital in Belvidere, Vermont. Her experiences with her own animals reinforce the benefits pet owners can expect when insuring their pets against illness, accidents and disease. Summarizing, Walsh shares these simple points: Why ASPCA® Pet Health … [Read more...]
Noise from stainless steel kennels ‘detrimental’ to patient health, survey shows
Includes Commercial Content A recent CASCO Pet survey reveals how noise can pose challenges to staff and patients. Clanging, resonant and disruptive, stainless steel kennels can significantly exacerbate fear, stress and anxiety and impact recovery. Source: Veterinary Practice News, June 10, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Tips and tricks for teething puppies
Teething puppies generate tons of questions for all animal health pros. Each pup has its own toothy challenges and there is not a universal way to deal with the discomfort and consequences. In the article linked here, the authors address ways to help a teething puppy be more comfortable. It is a good reference to share with puppy owners on social media or in newsletters. Gum … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – June 10, 2024
Speakers list for September FLOW Business conference, Envigo RMS LLC fined for cruelty after rescue of 4000 beagles in 2022, Meals on Wheels distributes 13 millionth pet meal, using AI for pricing, Bill Walton’s mark on pet industry, small business marketing and more. Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, June 10, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
How to make stress your friend (video)
In a world that still demonizes stress, this 2013 TED talk from Kelly McGonigal, PhD, is relevant. She explains that oxytocin is a stress hormone that is as much a part of our stress responses as adrenaline, and when released, it motivates us to seek support. “While stress has been made into a public health enemy, research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you … [Read more...]
Summertime reflection
Consider a few minutes of rest and renewal through a summer morning reflection. Source: LinkedIn Pulse, May 30, 2024. Link. A moment each morning will reignite your passion and devotion to your work.” INSIGHTS: Making time to sharpen the saw makes the job easier. … [Read more...]
Comedian: Taking my dog to the vet
Enjoy this video clip of Chris Martin talking about taking his dog to the veterinarian. While representative of perceptions pet owners may have, we think most animal health pros will get a chuckle from his bit. Being able to laugh at ourselves is a sign of resiliency and mental toughness.” Source: Chris Martin, Facebook. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 6, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, May 30, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the May 30th AHD Bulletin – Glyphosate in dog food. Link. Microbial metabolites in feline anal glands aid cat communication. Link. Veterinary team advocacy helps pet owners choose pet insurance (2). Link. ===================================== She’s the … [Read more...]
IDEXX expands test menu for the Catalyst Platform for diagnosing pancreatitis
IDEXX announced the Catalyst® Pancreatic Lipase Test, a new in-clinic quantitative assay that measures pancreatic lipase in dogs and cats suspected of pancreatitis in less than 10 minutes. Diagnosing pancreatitis can be difficult due to its nonspecific symptoms and subtle clinical signs, including vomiting and weight loss, which are among the 10 most frequently recorded … [Read more...]
Prepare now to help cows end the summer well
Steve Martin offered some ways to help cows through the cumulative effects of heat stress last August. He offers some heat abatement ideas that can still be implemented as June heats up. Providing better shade, clean water and air movement is always helpful. Consider using his article to discuss ideas with dairy producers on farm calls or get-togethers Source: Hoard’s … [Read more...]
Repeat offenders should really be culled
Culling is a difficult thing for producers as they frequently fight to keep animals well, fed and producing. But the more chronically infected cows you keep in the herd, the more new infections you’ll have in the herd, shared Pam Ruegg, DVM. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, September 28, 2023. Link. You don’t treat your way out of chronic cows. You’re not making money on these … [Read more...]
Angus Association speaks to genetic mystery confusion
The American Angus Association addressed some misperceptions about genetic abnormalities seen in calves that presented as bovine familial convulsions and ataxia within days of birth. Calves that died were from a single sire. The bull in question was isolated to a single herd and the condition was not spread to other herds. Source: Drovers, May 21, 2024. Link. This case is a … [Read more...]
Pig spit could become indicator of animal health
Say what? We don't really know what the microbial community normally looks like in healthy pigs so researchers chose to study the saliva of weaned piglets to fill a scientific gap. The study found significant differences in samples collected from five farms, but noted the bacterial communities identified in oral fluids from piglets appear to be less diverse than those in fecal … [Read more...]
A look into acidosis and liver abcesses
Liver abscesses are nothing new to beef packers, but the condition is more common in crossbreds. The incidence is rising in native and dairy-influenced cattle. There is not one clear cause of liver abscesses. However, it is widely accepted that they are more common in animals that experience ruminal acidosis, according to Kendall L. Samuelson, PhD, PAS. Samuelson describes … [Read more...]