Complimentary Sponsored Content RMG has just announced expanded streaming service under a new name: RFD-TV Now. It offers improved searchability, increased security, and added features such as the ability to “favorite” shows or binge watch them by season. This is good news for animal health pros who enjoy FarmHer, rodeos, horsemanship features, cattle topics like DocTalk, … [Read more...]
AVMA cautions outdoor enthusiasts about risks to their animals
The AVMA recognizes the need to increase awareness among other outdoor enthusiasts so that they are aware of the risks their pets face during outdoor adventures and what precautions they should take. The association offers excellent resources to guide animal owners to reduce risks to pets and competing animals. Source: AVMA. Link. Disease prevention quick tips … [Read more...]
CDC to retail industry: dust off preparedness plans NOW
Whether it is COVID-19 or something else, proactive preparedness is important for businesses and communities. CDC recently highlighted four key preparedness areas for businesses and employers to consider during a conference call convened by the National Retail Federation: Continuity Protecting the workforce Customers Community Source: National Retail … [Read more...]
COVID-19 could be lemons or lemonade. We can make the difference.
March 2020: Update on SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 it causes Hundreds of coronaviruses circulate among animals including cattle, camels, bats, pigs, cats and dogs. Sometimes these viruses jump to humans (a spillover event) and may cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 virus is a betacoronavirus, like MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. All three have origins in bats. SARS-CoV-2 causes the disease … [Read more...]
Spring checklist for horse owners
Sponsored Content Ben Franklin’s well known axiom, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” describes the checklist for equine enthusiasts eager to participate in first big trail ride, show or clinic of the season. Dee McVicker and Christine Barakat offer five areas for horse owners as a pre-season checklist: Health status Weight Fitness Transport … [Read more...]
Colostrum, more than just immunoglobulins (webinar video)
Colostrum is important to all mammal newborns. It is essential for the final development and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Calves that receive high-quality colostrum have higher survival rates, lower age at conception, and will yield more milk through the second lactation. Michael Steele shares information on colostrum supplementation, the … [Read more...]
Rangeland owners need a plan to manage fire ants.
Sponsored Content Red imported fire ants can only be suppressed, or managed, on farm and ranches. They cannot be eradicated. Broadcast applications of some bait-formulated insecticides help get rid of the populations for about a year. Antixx Fire Ant Bait <link> from AHD sponsor Neudorff USA is an efficacious component in a long-term fire ant management strategy. … [Read more...]
March is Pet Poison Prevention Month
Beyond chocolate, a variety of substances, foods and plants are toxic to pets. It is important to reinforce the potential poison risks to pet owners throughout the year. Pet Poison Prevention Month also parallels the upcoming Poison Prevention Week <link> that takes place March 15 – 21. Source: Chocolate isn’t the only potentially fatal toxin for pets, Lifelearn, … [Read more...]
Needle technology advancing quickly
Alternatives to traditional hypodermic needles are improving rapidly, says Mark Wilson. He shares some of the advancements being developed for the human marketplace. These will interest some animal health pros. Now if the world of science could just do something about people’s irrational fear of vaccines, we’d really have something.” – Mark Wilson Source: Fast Company, … [Read more...]
Manage fire ants with planning
Red imported fire ants infest pastures, hay fields, barns and equipment. They injure livestock, horses, pets and us, too. Creating a fire ant control plan helps ensure the greatest efficacy using the right products. Antixx Fire Ant Bait <link> (link to tech sheet PDF) from AHD sponsor Neudorff USA is an effective tool that fits a sound fire ant management plan. Spinosad, … [Read more...]
Good VCPR important for all animals, even horses
David Ramey, DVM, shares experiences in managing the VCPR with horse clients. He focuses on the challenges of communications and reminds us that the P is what it is all about. . . . it seems that just about anything that I say to people about their horses comes with an undertone of apprehension. Given that people are asking me advice for how to care for their horses, I am … [Read more...]
National FFA Week in progress (video)
Agriculture is more than planting and harvesting. It involves science, business and more. There’s no doubt that some of today’s 700,000-plus FFA members are tomorrow’s future biologists, chemists, veterinarians, engineers and entrepreneurs. 2020’s National FFA Week (Feb. 22-Feb. 29) is a time for FFA members to host activities that raise awareness about the role of FFA in … [Read more...]
Equine body condition tips
Gauging a horse’s weight without a scale is inexact, so most horse owners must rely on other methods for monitoring their horses’ body condition. Veterinarians and nutritionists encourage horse owners to use the Henneke Body Condition Scoring system. Factors such as height, breed, and reproductive status will affect weight, and you can’t identify a ‘healthy weight range’ that … [Read more...]
Helping foals survive in this pathogen-filled world
Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA, reminds us that an uneventful arrival of a new foal isn’t a guarantee that all is going to be fine. She provides the green lights and red flags of neonatal health along with guidelines on how to handle the warning signs and what to expect if a foal’s health goes downhill. Source: The Horse, February 2020. Link. (paywall) Lesté-Lasserre discusses … [Read more...]
Free horse advice is worth what you pay for it
Not discounting internet and social relationships, Kaylon Sullins Robinson asserts there are questions that when asked online could lead you and your horse into a dangerous or unhealthy situation. She highlights three: Should I call the vet? How can I fix this? What bit should I use? Note that Robinson recommends calling the veterinarian or trainer in each of her … [Read more...]
Fire ants getting busy, especially after heavy rains
Sponsored by Neudorff USA Already fired up by warmer weather, red imported fire ants will become even more active and dangerous after recent heavy rains in southern states. Livestock, poultry and pet owners are advised to watch for the telltale mounds the pests build. Newborn calves and foals are especially at risk in … [Read more...]
The scoop on poop. Fecal microbiota transplantation in horses.
Treating a horse with diarrhea is expensive and inconvenient. The clinical impression at Tufts Equine Center is that fecal transplant is an effective treatment. Its clinician-scientists wanted to look closer into the effects of fecal transplant on the gut of treated horses. Cummings School researchers have been working to document the effects and mechanisms of this … [Read more...]
Saying goodbye, a horse owner’s difficult decision
It is relatively uncommon these days for a horse to die of natural causes, writes Natalie Voss. At some point a horse owner, along with their veterinarian, will need to decide when it’s appropriate to euthanize. . . . it is best to think about end-of-life plans for horses regardless of age” Source: Acreage Life, March 2020. Link. Predetermine what is an acceptable quality of … [Read more...]
Opinion – Caretaker training improves animal welfare
Samantha Marais presents the value of employee training and how it improves pig welfare. From this, we can assume that training people to care for animals of any species likely increases animal welfare. Our industry routinely separates food animals, companion animals, equine and poultry. Universally however, people receiving proper and continuing education about animals in … [Read more...]
One Health certification available for DVMs, physicians
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association is offering a 20-module online certificate program for physician and veterinarian members to become certified as One Health Practitioners. The course is free to WSVA and AVMA members as well as human doctors. Source: DVM 360, December 4, 2020. Link. The hope is that both veterinarians and physicians will eventually take the … [Read more...]
Solutions for a biting horse
For horse people, a biting horse is a liability. They are dangerous to you, other people and other horses. Even a warning nip can cause injury, and a full-on chomp can be tragic. Learn some of the underlying causes, plus how to manage and reform a horse that bites. Source: Horse and Rider, January 20, 2020. Link. Slapping a biting horse on the muzzle is not a useful … [Read more...]
Choke in horses, a slow-motion disaster
Choke in horses is a blockage of the esophagus rather than the airway, writes Laurie Bonner. It occurs when a horse tries to ingest inadequately chewed feed or something he cannot swallow properly. Most instances of choke clear on their own but may be a sign of something that needs attention. Bonner shares reasons, risks and prevention tips that include having a veterinarian … [Read more...]
Optimizing digestive health in horses
Sponsored Content from ADM Animal Nutrition The new issue of EQUUS Extra is dedicated to nutritional aspects of equine digestions, colic and ulcers. In our post Colic comes in many forms, January 14, 2020 < link >, we shared an overview of three types of colic. Dr. Annette McCoy broke down colic cases by type; non-strangulating, strangulating and inflammatory. She also … [Read more...]
Horse hoof care resources
Horse owners and stable hands are always learning. Each new horse and age milestones in on-farm horses can bring new challenges. Hoof care is one area where presenting sound information can help animal health pros increase their value on-farm and when discussing hoof care with horse caretakers. These articles are great aids to review and then share to benefit horses, owners and … [Read more...]
Repurposing racehorses on the ranch
Approximately 20,000 Thoroughbred foals are born each year. By the time they are two or three years old, few make the grade to become money winning racehorses. This leaves an ongoing supply of retired racehorses looking for new jobs. Megan Arszman shares that not all retired racehorses find new jobs doing 3-day eventing or show jumping. Many end up being cow horses and they … [Read more...]
Thoroughbred sales auctions announce reforms for 2-year-old sales
Keeneland, Fasig-Tipton, and Ocala Breeders' Sales jointly announced important changes to policies regarding medication. They include restriction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and a ban on bronchodilators at all 2-year-old sales, plus limited use of riding crops. We continue to refine and adapt our policies with the overriding goal of protecting both the … [Read more...]
Colic comes in many forms
Depending on a colic’s cause, treatment steps and prognoses can vary widely, writes Alexandra Beckstett. She breaks down colic cases by type—non-strangulating, strangulating and inflammatory. Source: The Horse, January 2020. Link. (article excerpt). Flank-watching or -biting, pawing, trying to roll, an elevated heart rate, a lack of gut sounds or bowel movements. While … [Read more...]
Facing veterinarians’ loss of mindshare
Veterinarians created Dr. Google by its restricting access to veterinary expertise at clients’ times of need, shares Ed Blach, DVM. If you bristle at these words, you are likely on a veterinary team. Blach’s article speaks to the declining influence veterinarians possess and how this occurred. An admonishment? Yes. But, not without a situation analysis and actionable … [Read more...]
Video: Banfield launches free suicide training
Banfield has created the first suicide-prevention training designed specifically for veterinary professionals to help curb the industry suicide crisis. The interactive e-learning program, ASK, is an acronym for assess, support, know. The training is available at no charge, compliments of Banfield Pet Hospital. Source: NAVC Spark, January 6, 2020. Link. Male veterinarians are … [Read more...]
Let it go: Stop judging your thoughts and feelings
Learn how to let go of painful emotions Start by becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings so you can accept and embrace them. Then eliminate judgement by stopping yourself from labeling your feelings as good or bad and accepting them just as they are. Source: Veterinary Practice, Link. “Holding on to distressing and painful emotions disempowers you. Letting go of … [Read more...]