This year’s KC Animal Health Corridor Summit was forward-looking, thought-provoking and even disturbing at times, living up to its sound reputation. Congratulations to the KCAHC team and thank you for all those who contributed as presenters, panel members and participants. The overarching takeaway was that, to meet consumer demand for environmentally friendly protein and pet … [Read more...]
Keys to Leave no Trace trail riding
Randy Rasmussen outlines ways for trail riding groups to be environmentally responsible, especially in shared-use areas. He lists the following: Plan before proceeding Respect the environment Manage your horse’s manure Source: EQUUS, July 8, 2020. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider the number of youth groups that need volunteer hours as possible resources for beginning … [Read more...]
Back to school time . . . maybe?
Commentary Historically, the end of August includes the rush to finish vacations, prep children for school, fall sports practices and moving young adults onto college campuses. Animal health pros often find themselves with extra time as Labor Day arrives and animal owners are focused on other things. This year? Who knows? One of the traditional activities to occupy this … [Read more...]
10 things we do that puzzle and scare horses
The authors share 10 common challenges we present to horses and typify human-to-horse interactions as a culture clash, of sorts. It is interesting that equine veterinarians are more at risk of workplace injury than a firefighter. Source: PhysOrg, July 31, 2020. Link. Horses rarely defend themselves out of malice but from react from fear. Understanding why horses find so many … [Read more...]
Managing heat stress in horses
Aubrey Moore reminds us that days with high temperature, plus high humidity put horses at the greatest risk for heat exhaustion. All horses are susceptible to overheating, regardless of their activity. . . . when in doubt, if you’re overheated, they’re overheated.” Source: The Horse Network, August 3, 2020. Link. The Fédération Équestre Internationale recommends continuous … [Read more...]
Protect horses from mosquitoes and biting flies
No single insect control strategy cures all the pest problems on a horse property, says Nancy S. Loving, DVM. It takes a compilation of approaches to keep horses bothered as little as possible during insect season. She presents a variety of pest control options from fans to parasitoids to Muscovy ducks. Environmental management is essential to reduce insect population … [Read more...]
Help to understand prebiotics and probiotics for dogs and cats
The business of nutraceuticals used as prebiotics and probiotics is confusing, full of misdirection and often neither good nor bad. Ann Wortinger BIS, LVT, VTS, writes, “According to the hype, these products can improve the immune system and gastrointestinal function while performing a number of other tasks just short of emptying the litter box.” Her comment sets the stage for … [Read more...]
Elanco welcomes Bayer Animal Health (video)
Complimentary commercial content Jeffrey Simmons, president and CEO at Elanco, welcomes Bayer to the Elanco business. His message is one of commitment and excellence, hallmarks of brands from both entities. This is a significant event in animal health. It is important to really listen to the breadth and scope in the narrative. Source: YouTube, August 3, 2020. … [Read more...]
9 Florida horses confirmed to have EEE
Speaking of the mosquito-borne diseases, Florida officials confirmed the state’s ninth case of Eastern equine encephalomyelitis. The serious viral disease affects horses, birds and humans. Vaccination, supported by two to three boosters per year, can help prevent EEE. Source: University of Florida Extension, July 24, 2020. Link. “EEE is a serious and often fatal injection in … [Read more...]
Every horse on a farm is at risk
There are risk avoidance opportunities in health care for humans and animals. Even top-of-the-line biosecurity cannot prevent core disease sources from getting on a property and infecting horses. These diseases can lead to death, but vaccinations help avoid morbidity and mortality. Equine veterinarians discuss the five core diseases: Rabies West Nile virus (WNV), … [Read more...]
Equine wound management (podcast)
In this episode of Disease Du Jour, equine wound issues are presented by Earl Gaughan, DVM, DACVS, a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health. Source: EquiManagement, June 18, 2020. Link. History and duration of wounding is important . . . there’s a difference between wounds that are acutely noticed versus one that has acutely occurred” – Earl Gaughan, DVM, … [Read more...]
Rabies reported in cattle in 3 states
Considered rare, five rabies cases in cattle have been reported in three states. Rhonda Brooks shares information about historic incidences in cattle, rabies forms and protecting livestock. In the U.S., several distinct rabies virus variants have been identified in terrestrial mammals, including raccoons, skunks and foxes. In addition to these reservoirs, multiple species of … [Read more...]
Managing wounds; an equine DVM’s perspective (podcast)
If you own horses, there will be wounds. Merck technical services veterinarian Earl Gaughan, DVM, DACVS, breaks down wound management from the veterinarian’s eyes. Evaluating the horse’s health first is important before attending to the wound. A wound happens from the outside in but diagnostics need to happen from the inside out” - Earl Gaughan, DVM, DACVS Source: … [Read more...]
Quiz: Boost your fly warfare expertise
Whether on the farm, in the stable, near the kennels or backyard patio, flies are a nuisance. Barb Crabbe, DVM, offers a 10-point quiz followed by the answers and some facts about each question. It’s likely there will be few perfect scores! Source: Horse and Rider, June 15, 2020. Link. INSIGHTS: At least half of the answers can be used in social media posts, newsletters or … [Read more...]
Horses need to beat the heat, too!
Hydration, heat exhaustion and sun protection top the list of tips for summer horse care according to Wendy Krebs, DVM. Horse owners will appreciate the reminders in her 7 tips for summer horse care list and the information on dust control from Alayne Blickle. Use these articles in communications with horse owners on social media and in newsletters. Source: The Horse, June … [Read more...]
Warning signs for African horse sickness are present
Officials and the U.S. horse industry are monitoring for African horse sickness, which will put horses at risk if it enters the country. This disease, which has a horse mortality rate of 90 percent, was recently discovered in Thailand. It is believed it was introduced by imported infected zebras. The disease is caused by an Orbivirus that is primarily transmitted by biting … [Read more...]
Cleaning product misuse doubles Pet Poison Helpline calls (video)
Pets have been an indirect victim of increased household chemical use. Pet Poison Helpline reports a 100 percent increase in calls about the misuse of cleaning items compared to last year. In response, the Helpline put together a new video < link > with tips on how to help keep pets safe from cleaning chemicals. Source: Pet Business, June 23, 2020. Link. INSIGHTS: … [Read more...]
Autoship sales projected to help Chewy retain 1.6 million new customers
Commentary: includes complementary commercial content from VetSource® Chewy’s success is getting noticed by our industry. For veterinary hospitals, it is a definitive call to action to embrace, implement and optimize home delivery” - Kirk Augustine Like Amazon and other e-commerce retailers, Chewy has seen the kind of growth that was expected to take years to achieve, get … [Read more...]
Wildlife among us
Commentary A fecal deposit on my deck and a latrine under a tree recently are stark reminders that suburban backyards are frequented by an ever-increasing citified wildlife population. Animal health pros immediately think of rabies and ideally have been able to keep vaccinations current in pets that go outdoors. Beyond deer eating in our yards and predators like foxes, … [Read more...]
Dang those flies!
Flies are a nasty nuisance. Whether on the farm, acreage or in the backyard, they are an insidious challenge for animal owners and people alike. It’s summer. When the temperatures go up, fly numbers rapidly increase. If not controlled, adult flies continue to lay eggs and increase the fly population. Managing larvae and adult flies should be a continuous process. Every … [Read more...]
Why dog import legislation is important to animal health pros
Commentary Art Parola, a pet industry consultant, recently wrote the column, Why Cattleman Should Care About Dog Import Legislation, for Drovers. He highlights the real risk of Bont ticks being imported while attached to dogs coming into the U.S., especially those from the Caribbean region. It is highly infested with heartwater for which hont ticks are vectors. Heartwater … [Read more...]
Global Vet Link offers free regulatory compliance education
Content provided by Global Vet Link. Complicated animal health regulations and movement requirements are always changing. The GLV platform helps simplify these rules for veterinarians and helps ensure compliance. The company is expanding industry knowledge of animal health regulations and documentation to everyone with GVL University < link >. Source: GVL, June 3, … [Read more...]
Dr. Ramey on the equine microbiome
When it comes to the equine microbiome, we don’t really know enough about what’s normal to make strong recommendations or have firm conclusions about what to do when things are abnormal. Happily, horses seem to do pretty well on their own, but there’s certainly a lot more to learn. David Ramey, DVM, discusses the nuances of the equine microbiome with researcher Dr. Carolyn … [Read more...]
Never seen a screwworm? Here’s why.
Except for occasional reintroductions, primarily in imported dogs and horses, the screwworm has been eradicated in the U.S. Eradication started in the 1950s with the joint vision of ranchers working with USDA in a multidecade effort that included Mexico and Central America. This fascinating article sheds light on what it took to get rid of screwworms. As importantly, it focuses … [Read more...]
The 4 parasites horses hate
Sponsored Content from Bimeda U.S.A. Take a look at how modern deworming approaches are preventing the evolution of super parasites and the techniques to employ to keep horses healthy. This special edition covers: The four worst parasites for a horse What’s the future of parasite control? Know the most effective deworming techniques The most effective deworming … [Read more...]
Flooding making fire ants meaner
Sea level rise and flooding are making fire ants bigger and meaner. Their bites are getting worse, too. According to a recent Louisiana State University study, freshwater and saltwater increase the already aggressive nature of red fire ants. Source:, April 22, 2020. Link. Coastal flooding caused a 72% increase in the volume of venom sacs in individual fire ants 24 … [Read more...]
Equine herpesviruses, we’re still learning
EHV-1 and EHV-4 are alphaherpesviruses that generally bring to mind respiratory disease, abortion and neurologic disease. Horses are also hosts of EHV-3, an alphaherpesvirus that causes equine coital exanthema. Kate L. Hepworth-Warren, DVM, DACVIM, reminds us of the often forgotten EHV-2 and EHV-5, gammaherpesviruses are quite prevalent in the equine population, as well. … [Read more...]
Horses: skin care, socialization and going swimming
Horse owners are inquisitive. They work hard to own and nurture horses for what may be relatively few days of riding enjoyment. The articles below help clear up some issues with aggression and ensure horses and riders enjoy time together. Sources: Why horses need social bonds, Horse Network, May 20, 2020. Link. Domestic horses spend more time in aggressive behavior and … [Read more...]
It’s hard to floss a horse
Research on periodontal disease in horses is limited. Matt Kane, DVM, he believes most periodontal disease in horses is secondary to food stasis, or organic debris lodged between two teeth against the periodontia. Discovery of the condition answers the what. The why requires further investigation. Source: DVM 360, March 17, 2020. Link. Owners can be difficult to convince, … [Read more...]
Properly prepare pets for travel
Whether cross-country, by air or locally, it is critical to ensure pets are prepared for a trip for their health and to prevent potential zoonoses. This brings an increased need for animal health certificates, especially certificates of veterinary inspection that show pets are healthy and free of transmissible diseases. Digital health certificates make it easy to keep patients … [Read more...]