Includes Sponsored Content In this issue of EQUUS Extra, seven key management challenges presented by advancing horse age are discussed. The intention is to increase the chances of an aging horse enjoying a longer, healthy and productive life. The key is to remain vigilant to subtle changes in their demeanor and condition and to catch developing issues before they grow out … [Read more...]
Horse tail issues easy to miss
Despite routine grooming, the underside of a horse’s tail is easy to miss. It’s a target area for ticks, skin irritations as well as melanoma tumors. Even if a horse’s tail appears healthy, look at the underside occasionally to look for ticks <or irritation>. – EQUUS editors Source: EQUUS, June 20, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Concise articles like this one are good content … [Read more...]
Ferrets provide rodent control in horse barns
Jagger and Slim Jim provide an unconventional form of rodent control at Amira Chichakly’s Saratoga barn. Source: Paulick Report, August 29, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Location, activities determine fall vaccine needs
Elizabeth Davis, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, presents the AAEP’s vaccine guidelines as fall approaches and horses get boosters or vaccines for the first time. She emphasizes the importance of core vaccines, plus evaluating risk-based inoculations based on lifestyle, geography, planned travel and more. Source: The Horse, August 25, 2022. Link. Consider all factors that keep horses … [Read more...]
PET scans help determine if horses are sound enough to run, or not
Positron emission tomography (PET) produces particularly detailed three-dimensional images. The technology was first developed for humans in 1974 is most used to detect the presence and spread of cancer. The sesamoid bone is of high interest for us because the majority of breakdowns that happen are due to fracture of this little bone at the back of the ankle, the sesamoid … [Read more...]
Checking a horse for sand (video)
One of the reasons causing a horse to be skinny could be sand in its stomach. Mike Hughes demonstrates how to float horse manure to determine if sand is part of the problem. Source: Mike Hughes Horsemanship. Link. … [Read more...]
Buyers guide to halters
Not every halter is going to suit an owner’s management style and handling philosophy any more than every halter is going to fit your horse’s head just perfectly, writes Joanne Meszoly. She shares the features, functions and benefits of various halters noting all halters don’t serve all control needs equally well. The bottom line of halter selection is a horse’s safety and … [Read more...]
Knowing what equine lab tests to take can speed diagnoses
Kimberly S. Brown discusses lab testing with Toby Pinn-Woodcock, DVM, DACVIM, in this episode or Disease Du Jour. The objective is to help veterinarians in the field better understand which samples to send to the lab to help diagnose a sick horse. Knowing what samples to take, how to store them properly and how quickly they need to get to a lab is critical in learning more … [Read more...]
Dechra Pharmaceuticals acquires Med-Pharmex
Dechra Pharmaceuticals (LSE: DPH) has acquired Med-Pharmex Inc. Med-Pharmex is a leading veterinary pharmaceutical manufacturer based in Pomona, California. The total consideration paid was US$260.0 million on a debt-free and cash-free basis and was subject to normal closing adjustments. Source: NewsnReleases, August 30, 2022. Link. I am delighted that we have completed the … [Read more...]
September is National Preparedness Month
To help get ready for National Preparedness Month, The American Veterinary Medical Foundation created a downloadable guide to disaster preparedness, Saving the Whole Family. No one is immune from a natural or man-made disaster. Planning and preparation are critical to ensure the well-being of you, your family and your animals. Source: American Veterinary Medical … [Read more...]
KCAHC #AHSummit22 exceeds expectations
Kudos to the KCAHC team; Corridor committee; Spencer Breithaupt, Chairman; panel participants; speakers and presenting companies. Congratulations to: Scott Campbell, DVM, who was awarded KCAHC Iron Paw <Link> Vidium Animal Health for being selected as the 2022 Innovation Award recipient for @vidiumah which provides veterinarians and pet owners more tools to manage … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 25, 2022
Last week’s most read post Confronting your biases (video). Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, August 18, 2022. Link. =================================== Help bring the dairy farm into the classroom Source: Discover Dairy. Link. The Adopt-a-Cow opportunity for this year closes on September 15th so there’s still time to let … [Read more...]
Ringworm can easily be mistaken for girth gall
Girth gall is commonly associated with dirty tack and poorly groomed horses. But even horses with the cleanest tack get sores. Sometimes these are ringworm, not poor skin care. Despite its name, ringworm is a fungal skin infection that is easily passed from horse to horse on shared equipment. It can also be passed by a rider’s boots, which would rest on the horse just behind … [Read more...]
Keep horses’ feet healthy with these tips
Horse feet? Hooves to most. Regardless, the health of those four appendages makes or breaks the value and life quality of a horse. Horse and Rider shares three articles on hoof health, care and whether to shoe or not. Consider sharing these articles with horse owners on social media, in newsletters and with equine hobby groups. Sources: Why hoof cracks happen, Horse and … [Read more...]
Ultrasound screening shows potential for early bucked shin diagnoses
Tiny stress fractures and new bone formations occur in racehorses’ legs as they enter training at about two years old. This condition, called bucked shin, occurs in about 70 percent of the animals, leading to pain and delays in training schedules. Japanese researchers developed a method to screen for bucked shin using ultrasound instead of traditionally disruptive X-ray … [Read more...]
Equine joint injections: case by case
It’s well known that horse medicine is practiced on a per horse basis. When considering joint injections, the approach can be complicated by a horse’s age, purpose and health. Chris White, DVM, shares how veterinarians approach various scenarios. While joint injection techniques are well-documented, the tricky part is what goes into the syringe. Gone are the days of simple … [Read more...]
Pit viper envenomation in a dog
A venomous bite is called an envenomation. Venomous snakes found in the U.S. include rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths/water moccasins and coral snakes. Each year, an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S., and about five of those people die <Link>. According to the Morris Animal Foundation, approximately 150,000 dogs and cats in … [Read more...]
Living with the Budweiser Clydesdales
Warm Springs Ranch sits just off Interstate 70 halfway between Kansas City and St Louis, Missouri. Amy Trout manages the ranch home where most of the Budweiser Clydesdales live. She shared what her job is like overseeing the horses' care and breeding with Insider’s Asonta Benetti. If you’ve not toured the Clydesdales’ home, it is worth the trip! Budweiser has been using … [Read more...]
10 veterinary trends worthy of attention
Bob Lester, DVM, shares trends in the veterinary profession he is watching. He outlines 10 of the galvanizing issues facing veterinary medicine: The workforce shortage The rise of the connected pet Regulatory The bond Veterinary education Consolidation Work-Life Segmentation Preventive care Team health care delivery Source: Today’s Veterinary … [Read more...]
Tips for controlling flies in livestock herds
Includes Commercial References Flies are a problem wherever you find them. For beef producers, there are four types that impact livestock herd health and productivity: houseflies, horn flies, stable flies and face flies. These are the same flies drawn to garbage, pet feces, roadkill, compost bins, backyard chicken coops and our outdoor activities that include food. Kansas … [Read more...]
Health and comfort for the aging horse
Aging isn’t a disease process. Many conditions associated with older horses are simply natural changes. Christine Barakat writes about the five health attributes most affected by age and how to prepare for them: Weight loss Arthritis Weakened immune system Loss of fitness Dental troubles Source: EQUUS, May 27, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Share this with owners … [Read more...]
Changes coming to compounded animal health medication
Complimentary Content Thank you, Nicole Clausen, Veterinary Care Logistics, for bringing this to our attention. FDA's Guidance for Industry (GFI 256) will affect how you order and prescribe compounded medications, according to Wedgewood Pharmacy. We noted these statements in its document: Veterinarians are responsible for understanding all applicable state regulations … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 4, 2022
Last week’s most read posts The oral microbiome, new in the clinical practice of dentistry. Link. Grief balloon ends up scaring a pony. Link. The all-important pre-purchase exam of a horse. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, July 28, 2022. Link. ========================================= AVMA delegates pass policies … [Read more...]
Why horses kick
Horses kick to deliver different messages to their herd mates, writes Jennifer Williams, PhD. She shares what a horse's kicking means and what can be done to deal with this potentially dangerous behavior. Source: EQUUS, July 23, 2022. Link. Some situations will compel practically any horse to lash out–to protect himself or to relieve pain. Yet in other cases kicking is a bad … [Read more...]
How to safely travel with horses
Whether horses travels by road or by air, owners must be aware of the complications that may occur due to transportation, including traumatic injuries, diarrhea, muscular problems, respiratory problems, overheating, colic and even laminitis. The AAEP encourages equine veterinarians and horse owners read Practical Guidelines to Assess Fitness for Transport of Equidae to … [Read more...]
Veterinary Virtual Care Association releases model telemedicine regulations
The Model Telemedicine Regulations released during the AVMA annual conference this week facilitate the practicing veterinarians’ trained judgment and address the growing demand for guidance surrounding the veterinary client patient relationship when providing telemedicine services. The VVCA issued these regulations as a framework to provide support and direction for … [Read more...]
Coalition of veterinary groups launches telehealth initiative
The Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care launched this morning at AVMA Convention 2022 in Philadelphia. The founding members are the AVMA, Veterinary Study Groups and Merck Animal Health, along with more than 30 veterinary organizations and companies that have signed on so far. The coalition will develop education and resources to help veterinarians integrate telehealth … [Read more...]
Potentially deadly bacteria been found in U.S. soil and water for the first time
Note: This piece is important considering how frequently potential non-human disease hosts are transferred across the world in shipping containers, hay and grain, between shelters, in a variety of animal trailers and on migratory species. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked healthcare workers to look for symptoms of melioidosis in patients. Melioidosis … [Read more...]
Preventing thumps
Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter, thumps for short, is a metabolic disorder in horses. Typified by rhythmic twitching of the muscles near a horse’s flanks, thumps is a warning that his internal calcium reserves are running low. Laurie Bonner and Melinda Freckleton, DVM, share how to address active thumps in horses when they occur and how to avoid future incidents in horses … [Read more...]
The all-important prepurchase exam of a horse
Chris White, DVM, shares what to expect and the value of a pre-purchase exam of a horse a client is considering buying. There’s nothing worse for DVMs than performing a post-purchase exam on a horse that didn’t receive a PPE and delivering the news that a new equine companion has terrible navicular changes or severe kissing spines” - Chris White, DVM Source: The Horse, July … [Read more...]