Potential conditions that could provoke headshaking include dental diseases, osseous and articular disease, and sinusitis, says Nancy S. Loving, DVM. She reviews the findings from a retrospective study of 103 cases of headshaking. CT findings, targeted treatments and treatment success were evaluated. In her summary, Loving says 94 horses had relevant pathologic findings. The … [Read more...]
Water temperature is key to keep horses hydrated in cold weather
To encourage water consumption during cold weather, providing either continuously heated water, ranging from 68°F to 95°F, or filling buckets with water ranging from 115°F to 120°F twice daily at feeding time as an effective strategy for most horses. Source: EQUUS, January 4, 2023. Link. Also see: Cold weather colic, AAEP. Link. Horses must drink 10-12 gallons of fresh … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – January 5, 2022
Top five most read posts from December 2022 - Middle managers are exhausted. Top teams need to listen. Link. Find happiness at work instead of quiet quitting. Link. What a cat friendly veterinary experience looks like. Link. The top pet products of 2022. Link. Thank you! Link. ================================================= Quiz: Surgical … [Read more...]
Silvopasture; forest stewardship meet animal agriculture.
Silvopasture is a regenerative farming method involving the deliberate integration of trees and livestock grazing on the same land. It is one of five forms of agroforestry, and the only one that includes livestock. It is considered a sustainable method of rearing livestock because grazing animals benefit the forested environment and vice versa. Silvopastures can be … [Read more...]
CE on the hoof
Veterinarians and vet technicians can receive up to 16 continuing education credits by attending the 2023 International Hoof-Care Summit to be held Jan. 24th through 27th in Cincinnati, Ohio. Source: American Farrier’s Journal, January 3, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
FDA releases 2021 report on antimicrobial use in livestock
The FDA instituted elements of veterinary oversight of antimicrobials in 2017. The recent 2021 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals shows that compared to 2015 (peak year of sales), 2021 sales decreased 38 percent. Sales in 2021 versus 2020 decreased by less than 1 percent between 2020 and 2021. Source: National Hog … [Read more...]
Nearly 100 U.S. horses suspected ill with botulism, 45 have died
Horse owners are being asked to not feed Top of the Rockies alfalfa cubes as U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with state departments of agriculture in Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas, continue to investigate the illness and deaths of horses suspected to have contracted botulism from it. Source: The Paulick Report, December 16, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Variations in ivermectin absorption studied; diet variations suspected
A study from Poland suggests that a horse’s diet can affect how quickly he absorbs the medications he receives. Key takeaways: The researchers speculate that diet, rather than season of year, accounts for the variability in absorption The slower absorption rate had no effect on ivermectin’s efficacy The findings raise questions about how diet may affect the … [Read more...]
Cannabinoids in veterinary medicine (video)
Complimentary Content For those who did not join live, The Bridge Club’s in-depth conversation with experts from across the profession addressed questions it has about cannabinoids. Cheryl Good, DVM, moderated conversation with guests: Mark Cushing, J.D. CEO, of Animal Policy Group Jeffery Pollard, DVM, DABVP, from the advocacy committee, Veterinary Cannabis … [Read more...]
Helping animals in Ukraine: Galaxy Vets Foundation’s year in review
Complimentary Content The war in Ukraine caused a massive animal welfare crisis and limited access to veterinary care for millions of pets. Galaxy Vets Foundation’s first initiative, Animal Help Ukraine, was launched in spring 2022 in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Key facts: 275 veterinarians and techs/nurses from the U.S. and the world signed up to … [Read more...]
Hay quality benefits from protection, proper storage practices
NOTE: This article is a conversation starter at coffee shops or restaurants where producers meet routinely. It is good leave-behind information and makes good content for social media and newsletters. Stewardship of harvested forage is as important as producing it in the first place.” This year’s hay supplies are down six percent year over year <Link> making taking care … [Read more...]
Tips to preserve joint health and manage equine arthritis
Includes Sponsored Content Horses eventually develop some degree of arthritis. It is inevitable but with careful management coupled with understanding risk factors and preventing the worst types of arthritis horses can be kept comfortable and reasonably productive. Source: EQUUS Extra, Volume 73, 2022. Link. Topics include: Fitness vs. overwork NSAIDs and … [Read more...]
VetWatch® Commentary for Week 48 thru December 7th
Opinion The numerical trends in the VetWatch updates can appear to be minimal. However, considering the average annual value of a cat at about $400 and the average annual value of a dog is at least $900, retaining and engaging clients is critical to long-term practice revenue, healthier pets and happier clients. Simple math shows a veterinarian with 4000 active clients of … [Read more...]
Updates on equine anesthesia safety (video)
Bryce Dooley, DVM, MS, DACVAA, explains the categories considered as the latest advancements in technology, equipment and ways to ensure horses recover successfully from anesthesia. Source: DVM 360, December 3, 2022. Link. (2:48 minute video) … [Read more...]
Possible benefits of medicating patients before and during vet visits
Using pre-visit sedation can be a win-win, win for patients, the owner and veterinary team, explains Heather R. Carter, MPS, LVT, VTS. She shares the importance of preparation and client education along with medication options. Source: Today’s Veterinary Nurse, Winter 2021, page 30. Link. Reducing patient stress should be a priority in any veterinary setting.” - Heather R. … [Read more...]
Small companies, big discoveries
Kristi Fender covers the expanding landscape of new advancements in animal health from startups and partnerships in a variety of developing categories, describing it as an innovation explosion. She highlights differences in the people now working in biotech and the need for a commitment to standards. Source: Vet Advantage, December 2022. Link. Only a handful of animal health … [Read more...]
Ramey: Can horses have mental illness?
There's no objective way to tell if a horse might have mental illness, writes David Ramey, DVM. While he thinks it's possible, it is admittedly hard to tell. Source: The Paulick Report, August 22, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Winter hoof care
Every winter is different. Thus, it is always important to remind horse owners to ensure horse and hoof health through the colder months. The AFJ team compiled a checklist of the dos and don’ts for horse owners who experience even the mildest winters. The Winter Hoof Care Checklist is saved in the AHD library for convenient access <Link>. Source: American Farriers … [Read more...]
You can lead a horse to water . . .
Amy Parker, MS, PAS, reminds us that horses are 70 percent water. She shares the importance of hydration to overall horse health and how it varies with different nutrition and activity. Understanding what stimulates thirst and how to increase consumption or create circumstances under which the horse will continue to drink is what’s important.” Source: The Horse, November 28, … [Read more...]
WHO cites antimicrobial resistance as one of the top 10 threats to humanity
Reinforcing the messaging of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week the senior animal health officer for FAO, discusses the impact antimicrobial resistance is having on animal health. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobial drugs in human medicine, veterinary medicine, and food production have put our future at risk.” Source: News Medical, November 24, 2022. Link. Responsible and … [Read more...]
Outbreaks are inevitable, but pandemics are optional (video)
Experts suggest a new era of zoonoses and elevated risks demands new thinking and approaches, shares Krissa Welshans referencing “Zoonotic Diseases in Animal Agriculture and Beyond: A One Health Perspective,” a new paper from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. It focuses on zoonotic diseases and the importance of One Health. Source: FEEDSTUFFS, November 23, … [Read more...]
AVMA Humane Slaughter Guidelines now available for comment
Dr. Robert Meyer says expanded guidelines have been made more user-friendly via organization by species, rather than by techniques. More species are also cited. This includes the slaughter of animals not primarily designated for the food chain, such as animals raised for fur. Every stage of the slaughter process is addressed, from an animal’s arrival at a facility, when … [Read more...]
Six Horse Hitch Championship Finals to air on RFD-TV (video)
Horse enthusiasts will enjoy this week’s one-hour special of “Gentle Giants” which covers the 2021-2022 North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series Championship Finals. The top 12 hitches of Belgians, Percherons and Clydesdales from the U.S. and Canada thunder into the arena, competing for $100,000 and the World Championship. Thursday, November 24, 2022, 9 p.m. CST; Friday, … [Read more...]
Don’t filet the frog and hoof stability guidance
As the hoof goes, so does the horse. The frog is one of the most important anatomical structures of the horse, writes Steve Stanley. He explains the priorities of frog health and what happens when it is abnormal. Source: American Farriers Journal, November 18, 2022. Link. One detriment to frog function is a sharp hoof knife. Dr. Doug Butler suggests, “Only trim enough of the … [Read more...]
Most read AHD posts
These posts meet our criteria for high readership. They reflect our readers’ interests, challenges and opportunities. Source: Animal Health Digest. Some most read posts from recent AHD Bulletins include: Confronting your biases (video) <Link> African swine fever . . . catching up <Link> Need to vent? <Link> Veterinarians shouldn’t do it all … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 17, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – Horse owners’ survival guide for fall. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, November 10, 2022. Link. ================================================================= 45 days remain in 2022 Source: time and date.com, November 17, 2022. Link. 43 days remain excluding holidays but only 30 days … [Read more...]
Equine anaplasmosis easily confused with Potomac horse fever
Darned ticks! Anaplasmosis is a tick-borne disease caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum* that infects white blood cells. The Anaplasma organism typically infects horses from late fall to early spring and is spread by Ixodes ticks* which also spread Lyme disease, says Jean-Yin Tan, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM. *previously known as Ehrlichia phagocytophila and Ehrlichia … [Read more...]
Topical anesthetic may be a solution for needle-shy horses (video)
A recent study to evaluate the efficacy of using topical lidocaine to numb injection sites has confirmed veterinarians’ clinical impressions. Decreasing injection reactivity improves safety for equine veterinarians and handlers. . . . application of topical anesthetic just two minutes in advance of intramuscular injection can effectively reduce the behavioral reaction of … [Read more...]
Top 10 pet toxins: in the Chatroom with the Chatfields
Complimentary Sponsored Content Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield are joined by Dr. Renee Schmid from the Pet Poison Helpline and Safety Call International to chat about the top 10 toxins in pets in 2021. Includes V’s view from vet school. The Pet Poison Hotline is available for anyone concerned an animal has ingested or been exposed to a potential toxin. Animals are … [Read more...]
Vet Watch trends. Do these concern you?
Commentary The latest Vet Watch trend tracking begs attention. Note the metric showing a reduction in the number of clients. It is an area where practices and the animal health pros who serve them can focus actionably. Returning clients and their pets to an active status requires individual communication supported by client base communications. Start with your own staff, … [Read more...]