Complimentary Content Pet owners are frequently surprised at the cost of veterinary care. This is partly because veterinary teams are reluctant to proactively discuss the cost of a lifelong commitment to pet ownership. Further, there is a distinct difference between price of care versus cost of care over the life of the pet. Wendy Hauser, DVM, shares how being proactive … [Read more...]
Table Talk to provide information about canine genomic testing in veterinary practice
Complimentary content DNA testing options are continuously being developed for dogs and adoption of the technology is on the rise. Veterinarians can now use genomic testing to screen for common, actionable disorders to anticipate health issues and enable preventative care. Join Lindsey Kock, DVM, and Lauren Thorne of Neogen® for a free RACE CE approved Table Talk: … [Read more...]
Biosecurity lessons learned from animal ag to fight COVID
It’s hard to take the lessons learned from animal ag and incorporate them into daily human life, writes Ann Reus. Even in the agri-food sector where biosecurity is almost second nature, companies are increasing their efforts to protect the health and safety of the animals and, by default, the health and safety of consumers. Source: Feed Strategy, September 24, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
But I have corn to harvest
Complimentary Content This beef producers’ excuse resonates across the corn belt this time of year when approached by livestock veterinarians wanting to schedule herd work, “. . . but I have corn to harvest!” W. Mark Hilton, DVM, PAS, DABVP, shares his experiences with delayed cattle work and the economics of working cattle ahead of harvest. The best day of the year to own … [Read more...]
5 ways to optimize your pet’s health
Complimentary content Katie Woodley, BVSc, cVMA, GDVCHM, brings a collaborative mindset to integrative veterinary medicine. She combines western and eastern approaches to improving the quality of life for pets. A frequent guest on The Bridge Club Pets*, she anchors on food being the foundation for health. She asserts five steps to implement into pet's lives for optimal … [Read more...]