You don’t have to raise cattle to help answer tough questions about beef and raising cattle. MBA NextGen can arm you with the information you need to be a strong advocate for the beef community and communicate with interested consumers. Source:, January 13, 2021. Link. MBA NextGen consists of five self-guided online lessons, open to everyone, and at … [Read more...]
First-aid kit checklist for keeping sheep in tip-top shape
Got sheep? “It’s inevitable when you have a flock of sheep, there will be illness and there will be injuries,” says Jana Wilson. She shares a checklist of items sheep owners should use to deal with both emergencies and regular maintenance. Wilson praises Kirk Hubbard, DVM, for his role in a webinar hosted by Purdue University that dealt with first aid for sheep and goats … [Read more...]
10 states with the worst air quality
More than four out of every 10 Americans live in regions that have observed unhealthy ozone according to the American Lung Association. Smog, soot and other particle pollution have substantial implications for health and can even increase the decline in air quality. There are a couple surprises in the top 10 list of states. Source: The Outdoor Wear, November 20, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
Gene editing technology could soon be common practice for beef cattle industry
Jack Ward, executive vice president of the American Hereford Association, spoke about gene editing as one of the advanced technologies to enhance beef cattle during an interview broadcast on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network < link >. He believes this technology will be good for animal agriculture and could soon be a common practice for the beef cattle seedstock … [Read more...]
Merck Animal Health launches intranasal BRD vaccine for calves at 1 week of age or older
Complimentary Commercial Content Merck Animal Health has announced that Bovilis® Nasalgen® 3-PMH is now available to veterinarians and cattle producers to protect cattle from five of the most common pneumonia causing viral and bacterial pathogens. Approved for use in dairy and beef cattle, this is the first intranasal vaccine effective in providing early, broad-spectrum … [Read more...]
While late, horses still need a fall wellness exam
Winter is in full swing, but with all the confusion from Covid-19, not all horses received their normal exams. Christine Barakat, DVM, stresses the importance of comprehensive wellness exams to help prevent problems. She shares a partial list of the topics likely to be addressed in them and why. With mares foaling now, veterinarians receive calls to assist. Performing exams … [Read more...]
Taking the temperature of big game
This title begs a comedic question, “How do you take the temperature of a moose?” The answer is, of course, “Very carefully!” But to Jeff Martin, PhD, and Dan Thompson, PhD, how large game responds to rising temperatures provides key insights into the future sustainability of moose and bison populations on landscapes where increased warming is a concern. Source: Drovers, … [Read more...]
Dairy farming; being cruel to animals is a perception and sometimes a reality
Multiple animal activists groups have argued for years that dairy farming is no less than animal cruelty. Despite their actions being denounced by dairy owners, industry groups and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, activists are making headway. Market forces and the coronavirus pandemic are helping their cause, too. Scientists are working to show ways the … [Read more...]
Global leaders take action to control ASF
Disease surveillance is table talk today, but most of it is not actionable. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Organization for Animal Health united in late October to launch The Global Control of ASF Initiative to keep African swine fever at bay. The program helps swine professionals in multiple capacities to coordinate and strengthen control … [Read more...]
Don’t forget the bulls this winter
Their seasonal work may be done, but bulls need attention to recover body conditioning and breeding soundness during winter months. Cassidy Woolsey shares information from a December Beefwatch webinar series featuring Kacie McCarthy, cow-calf specialist at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Source: Progressive Cattle, December 29, 2020. Link. “Coming off the breeding … [Read more...]
Backyard wildlife; Beware the January thaw
Commentary In some parts of the U.S., we usually have three or more days where winter temperatures moderate and we thaw out. At the same time, daylight hours are increasing. This period begins the breeding season for some wildlife species. Skunks, raccoon, foxes, bobcats and coyotes start looking for mates and food, and they’re driven by hormones and hunger. Breeding … [Read more...]
Shepherding off the coast of Maine remains unchanged for eons
Interested animal health pros will find this photo-filled story interesting, if not memorable. Experience how the Wakeman family works to maintain the traditions of island shepherding, which have been unchanged for centuries. Source: New York Times, December 31, 2020. Link. Historical evidence suggests that sheep have been raised on Big Nash Island for more than 300 years. … [Read more...]
For aspiring animal scientists, it all starts in AnSci 101
Lots of opportunities for animal health pros to get involved. Many animal health professionals take an Introduction to Animal Sciences course early in their coursework. When the conditions are right, an introductory course can serve as a springboard where students find additional opportunities and formalize their interest in the subject. Conversely, an ineffective intro course … [Read more...]
Beef on the TV for the holidays
Checkoff-funded “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” is running its famous holiday Drool Log as a TV commercial series during the Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas. Several commercial versions will air more than 50 times ending at New Year's. The campaign is funded with joint monies from national and state checkoff programs and fulfills members’ requests for better consumer … [Read more...]
Most common dairy farm inspection debits
From behind the scenes, a Minnesota, dairy farm inspector shares violations that occur over and over. The list reveals how much observational diligence is required on dairies. . . . to market Grade A milk, farms are required to undergo routine state and milk buyer inspections and pass federal milk inspection requirements. Source: Farm Progress, December 21, 2020. Link. Repeat … [Read more...]
Drought! Is it time to worry?
For those east of the Mississippi River, drought is not a great concern. However, areas west of there are experiencing a growing drought footprint. Currently, 67% of the country is afflicted with varying levels of drought, with 22% in the two most severe categories – “extreme” and “exceptional.” Source: Feedstuffs, December 16, 2020. Link. Forecasters are concerned that soil … [Read more...]
Covid fatigue is winning at the worst possible moment
Covid-19 fatigue is manifesting in an alarming number of people shrugging off safety measures and consuming less news about the pandemic, according to a new Harris Poll conducted exclusively for Fast Company. 27 percent of Americans say they’re less likely to engage in certain safety precautions than they were six months ago, curtailing things like frequent handwashing, … [Read more...]
Another new virus is coming. So, scientists study bats.
The coronavirus outbreak is nowhere near over and researchers are already trying to discover what will hit us next. Their goal is to identify other viruses that may be highly contagious to humans and use that information to stop them. It may seem early to study this, but scientists say that its highly likely another novel virus will jump from animal to human host and spread as … [Read more...]
75 days to prep for calving
Say what?! It’s time to plan for calving season as the first of the 2021 crop will start dropping around March 1. Greg Henderson provides tips to help producers prepare: Assess the body condition of your cows and heifers Review the herd health plan Conduct an inspection of your calving facilities to make sure everything is in working order Check your calving … [Read more...]
Honey, I shrunk the goat
When considering a backyard pet, a manageable 4-H project for a child, or smaller livestock for a homestead or hobby farm, consider these small goat breeds. Theresa Miller offers a concise catalogue of compact caprines. Source: Backyard Goats, October 9, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
RFD-TV celebrates 20th anniversary (includes video)
Complimentary commercial content Founder Patrick Gosch’s conviction from 20 years ago is certainly as true today as ever. He set out to connect city and country for with rural programming that was being ignored by urban broadcasters. Today, Rural Media Group is the world’s leading provider of multimedia content dedicated to the rural and Western lifestyle. RFD TV is … [Read more...]
So long, BEEF, Feedstuffs and National Hog Farmer. “It’s been a heckuva ride.”
BEEF, Feedstuffs and National Hog Farmer will suspend print publications with January 2021 issues. Some digital presence of each will remain. We’ve shared plenty of their articles and web postings since Animal Health Digest began and their contributions are appreciated. Source: BEEF, November 25, 2020. Link. By suspend, they mean that BEEF print, along with the print … [Read more...]
National Pork Board launches AgView to respond to disease outbreaks
The National Pork Board launched AgView, a tool to help the pork industry respond quickly to a foreign animal disease outbreak. The voluntary system is designed to enable producers to input premise identification data, diagnostic data and pig movement data for pig contract tracing in the event of a disease outbreak. Source: The Pig Site, November 11, 2020. Link. “AgView is … [Read more...]
Animal welfare through an animal activist’s eyes
Dairy farmers met an activist during a recent Dairy Cattle Welfare Council webinar. Taylor Leach reports on the discussion, including the biggest three concerns from activists’ point of view: Individual calf housing Tie-stall barns Bull calf treatment Source: Dairy Herd Management, December 2, 2020. Link. Being aware of what animal welfare is – that it’s going … [Read more...]
The never-ending parasite dilemma
John Gillam, DVM, discusses parasites in ungulates including types, life cycles, treatments, testing and slowing down resistance. . . . understanding parasite treatment and the worms that can plague cattle is critical to developing healthy herds.” - John Gilliam, DVM Source: High Plains Journal, December 2, 2020. Link. “We actually select those parasite populations for … [Read more...]
Water: the forgotten nutrient
Water is known as the forgotten nutrient. Google it and you’ll find references to many species. Pedro E. Urriola shares perspectives from discussions at the recent Lehman workshop on water’s importance in pig production. . . . water can absorb a lot of heat before it starts to get hot. . . it is essential to thermal homeostasis of pigs, and all living species . . … [Read more...]
Role of veterinarians, nutritionists changing on dairies
University of Kentucky Extension professionals say the role of veterinarians in the dairy industry is everchanging. The size and sophistication of dairies has reduced the hands-on need for exams and treatments. Now veterinarians play an intrinsic role in establishing protocols, especially as they relate to treatments with antibiotics, pain management and training farm employees … [Read more...]
Manna Pro Products launches “YolkTube” YouTube channel for chicken aficionados
Manna Pro Products launched “YolkTube by City Folks,” a YouTube series that helps teach first-time and established chicken owners basic and advanced care for chickens in backyard poultry setups. The channel is Manna Pro’s latest resource to expand its community of urban and suburban chicken owners can connect and share tips. Source: AgriMarketing, December 8, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
Dr. Jen’s top 5 holiday dangers for pets
Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, and twin brother Jason Chatfield, DVM, discuss holiday dangers for pets in a new edition of Is this a Thing? They discuss these top 5 holiday dangers: Out of town guests; people and their pets Holiday decorations; tinsel, ornaments and seasonal plants Holiday travel; microchipping and registration reminders Holiday foods Weather … [Read more...]
Fences revisited, this time without wire
Last week we shared an article about the ecological impact of fences < link >. In ongoing research in Nevada, ranchers are experimenting with virtual fences using technologies that work like pet fencing but use GPS technologies instead of a wire in the ground. They hope to use the technology to improve rotational grazing and restrict cattle from grazing areas where toxic … [Read more...]