About 80 percent of Iowa deer tested between late November 2020 and early January were infected with the pandemic coronavirus according to a New York Times report. The deer picked up mutations and variants in similar patterns to humans across the state, suggesting humans passed infections to deer multiple times. The rapid rise in the prevalence of infections indicates … [Read more...]
Tackling listeriosis on the farm
Listeriosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. It is present everywhere in the environment and survives well in moist soil for about one year. A synopsis explaining the infection path of Listeria and how farmers can keep the infection at bay is provided here written by Clare Holmes from Northern Ireland’s Agri-Food and Biosciences … [Read more...]
10 early interventions to rescue sick calves
Scours and pneumonia are the twin challenges of every calf raiser, especially heading into winter. However, early detection along with proven interventions, will help many calves pull through temporary setbacks and thrive. . . . supportive care is more valuable than antibiotics.” - Pamela Ruegg, DVM, MPVM Source: Dairy Herd Management, November 3, 2021. Link. Develop … [Read more...]
The history of the Kansas City Stockyards
Kansas City once housed the second-largest meat packing industry in the nation, just behind Chicago, known as the Kansas City Stockyards. The last cattle auction took place in September 1991. The stockyards then closed because of rising costs and changing agricultural marketing patterns. Meat processing challenges have been discussed routinely in 2020 and 2021 as the … [Read more...]
Time to FOCUS on biosecurity
Opinion The theme for the Kate Dion’s discussion of the biosecurity research currently in progress could be begin with the end in mind. She describes current work at Iowa State University to understand the rate of disease transmission in growing pigs and associate the timing of disease introduction with <location> biosecurity characteristics or events that could cause … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – November 3, 2021
Last week’s. . . . . . most read post Beef upcycles well. It’s a great story we all can share. Link. . . . AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin - October 28, 2021. Link. Culling moose in Maine to control ticks Source: Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2021. Link to PDF. To save Maine’s moose population from being decimated by ticks, … [Read more...]
60 percent more milk from 30 percent fewer cows
Karen Bohnert shares some of the drivers changing the future of U.S. dairy including areas where cows will be milked in the future. Source: Dairy Herd Management, August 31, 2021. Link. Sponsored Content Our industry’s researchers have investigated all aspects of individual cow health during, ahead of and at the end of milk production. Early detection of infection at … [Read more...]
Cattle rendering, an unsung sustainability success story
Key points from last week’s post, Beef upcycles well Link, are reinforced in this article from Jennifer M. Latzke. Without the rendering industry, America would fill to capacity every one of its landfills in four years just with the offal and other parts of cattle that don’t go into the butcher’s meat case, she writes. This was one key point from a peer-reviewed study … [Read more...]
Paired housing in lieu of group housing
Group housing for dairy calves is not an easy system for all farms to implement. Dairies can still reap the benefits that come from raising calves in social groups by housing two calves together as a pair. I really like pair housing because we get a lot of the advantages of social housing without the detrimental effects of large groups. There is a lot of opportunity to modify … [Read more...]
Offer proper winter ventilation for calves
Calves are constantly producing water vapor as they breathe. At 37°F it is estimated that a calf is producing about 1.25 ounces of water per hour that generates a quart of water per day. The winter focus needs to be on controlling and removing excess moisture produced within the calves’ shelters. Source: The Bullvine, November 1, 2021. Link. Cold temperatures within calf … [Read more...]
If you’re cold, they’re cold (video)
It is that time of year to consider the effects of colder weather on animals. Danika Harvey, DVM, says any sick, young or senior animals should be brought indoors when temperatures start to drop to avoid any risks of hypothermia. It’s just the same as if you had a very old person or an infant, you know, they don’t do well in cold temperatures and our animals at our ages don’t … [Read more...]
Know and share the signs, risk of EHD in deer and livestock
We’re posting this because deer seasons have opened around the country. Please consider sharing it with local media to encourage hunters and livestock producers to be on the lookout for deer, particularly whitetail deer, and livestock exhibiting symptoms. EHD is a reportable disease in North Dakota where drought has caused many producers to relocate their cattle. The virus … [Read more...]
Pigs will upcycle almost anything into nutritious food
There’s no animal superior to the pig at converting surplus nutrients into dense, living flesh. You might call pigs on-the-hoof food storage, writes Shawn and Beth Dougherty. Their context is hobby or subsistence farming, but the list of things hogs will eat should be interesting to anyone who never slopped the hogs. Pigs, like humans, are omnivores; they eat just about … [Read more...]
Stay safe when pumping manure
Sometimes before harvest is completely finished, manure slurries get pumped and put on fields already harvested. It is an important part of the pork industry's sustainability story but handling manure is inherently risky. Ted Funk shares 10 tips to control the risks to employees, manure handling contractors and avoid the potential to transfer diseases to … [Read more...]
Get BQA certified, assure customers of quality beef
Consumers trust beef producers more when they get BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) certified, which can be done online or in person in some states. Funded by NCBA, the program teaches techniques of sound animal care and resource management. BQA training certifies producers’ commitments to do things right when it comes to injections, pest protection, resource management and overall … [Read more...]
Beef upcycles well. It’s a great story we all can share.
Sustainability is a buzzword worldwide, but it is sometimes real. Beef’s sustainability is demonstrable after animals are harvested, considering only half of what a beef carcass yields is considered consumable in the U.S. Carrie Veselka’s recap of a Cattlemen’s College session about how beef byproducts are used and developed provides proof that “they use everything but the … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 21, 2021
Last week’s. . . . . . most read post Grain-free? Grain-ful? The Chatfields discuss pet food choices. Link. . . . AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin - Oct 14, 2021. Link. Label pea-protein cat food as not for ferrets, vet says Source: Petfood Industry, October 11, 2021. Link. Bladder stones in ferrets may be related to diets containing … [Read more...]
Undeniably Dairy campaign designed to reach Gen Z
Did you know The dairy checkoff’s Undeniably Dairy campaign has a new wave to create deeper connections between Gen Z and dairy products. The campaign will use media channels and marketing strategies, including gaming, social media influencers and digital content, to engage with Gen Z to grow sales and trust of dairy. Did you know dairy can do more than set you at ease? It … [Read more...]
When do we need to re-treat? Cattle Chat discussion.
Treatment intervals and comfort care were discussion topics on a recent Cattle Chat podcast hosted by the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute team of veterinary experts. Producers need to start a protocol and track the results. Research has shown that the response rate improved if we followed a 5-7 or 7-10-day window as opposed to an immediate retreatment. . . … [Read more...]
4 facts about heaves in horses
Heaves is an allergic-based disease that compromises a horse's ability to breathe, similar to the way asthma affects humans. Horse heaves is chronic and can threaten a horse's long-term health and performance. Fall always brings changes to air quality as harvesting adds more dust particles, new hay sources become available, and horses begin spending more time inside. All … [Read more...]
Safely control those rodents moving in with you
It’s that time of the year when rodents move inside to escape chilly weather. They can damage buildings, walls, contaminate food items and transmit diseases to people and pets. It is important to take proper precautions to keep them from entering. Choose and consider the best ways to keep the rodents away. It can be natural or chemical. Source: The Outdoor Wear, October … [Read more...]
Kid approved chicken chores
The Centers for Disease Control continues to warn people to stop cuddling and kissing backyard poultry because chickens may spread salmonella. The warnings are warranted, but chickens are excellent starter animals for homesteaders or home-produced food enthusiasts. Kids enjoy the birds too. Patrick Diggs, PhD, shares chicken chores kids can help with and reinforces the CDC … [Read more...]
5 facts about the labor shortage in agriculture
Labor shortage trends continue to be prominent in the news. The problem is not only for city workers, agriculture is facing challenges, too. Jenny Shaffstall shares five issues affecting ag businesses’ ability to find qualified workers. Source: Ag Web, July 27, 2021. Link. The June Ag Barometer from Purdue University found nearly two-thirds (66%) of respondents said they … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 14, 2021
Last week’s. . . . . . most read post LED technology helps locate cows needing attention. Link. . . . AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin - Oct 7, 2021. Link. 7 animals that can harm dogs Source: Outside Resource, July 28, 2021. Link. Good reminders for fall as food resources begin to diminish and young animals strike out on their … [Read more...]
Scours treatment. Dealing with dehydration.
It’s generally not the gut infection that causes scours that kills the calf, it’s dehydration. Regardless of the cause of scours (whether bacterial, viral, protozoal or something else), dehydration and the resultant acid-base imbalance is often what kills the calf. Dehydration, the loss of electrolytes and decrease in pH in the blood (metabolic acidosis) are the three biggest … [Read more...]
Should we let cattle swim?
A group of beef cattle experts discuss the pros and cons of letting cattle have free access to ponds in the summer. Among the concerns were water quality, bank erosion, mastitis and foot rot. Overall, the risk of health challenges for beef cattle in ponds is low, and when considering investments in the herd, fencing off the pond is a low priority on my list of recommendations … [Read more...]
Temple Grandin: Looking back, looking ahead
Emphasizing the people side of the cattle business, Temple Grandin, PhD, recently told Wagyu breeders that all the technology you can buy won’t replace actually looking at your cattle. (Equipment) makes handling a lot easier. (But) equipment doesn’t replace management.” – Temple Grandin, PhD Source: Drovers, October 8, 2021. Link. Of the many lessons that COVID taught, … [Read more...]
Asian longhorned tick found in Georgia
The Asian longhorned tick, an invasive species, was recently positively confirmed on a cow in north central Georgia. The ticks can cause severe anemia and tick fever in livestock. If an animal has one tick it’s probably our common Lone Star Tick. If a cow [or other animal] shows up with hundreds of ticks on it, we’re going to be very suspicious that we’re looking at an Asian … [Read more...]
USDA vaccine candidate successful in blocking ASF
One of the USDA African swine flu vaccine candidates has been shown to prevent and effectively protect both European and Asian bred swine against the current circulating African strain of the virus. Source: Feedstuffs, September 30, 2021. Link. A major step for science and agriculture, a commercial vaccine for ASF virus will be an important part of controlling ASF in … [Read more...]
LED technology helps locate cows needing attention
Complimentary Commercial Content Allflex Livestock Intelligence, a livestock portfolio of digital products within Merck Animal Health, introduced new ear tag technology featuring a light-emitting diode last week. The AllFlex V2 monitoring ear tag allows for precision cow management in the pen. Different LED light patterns indicate individual cow needs based on critical data … [Read more...]