Sponsored Content Saving time is about finding time management techniques that work in practice. Talkatoo’s Deanna Beltsis offers seven time management tips to increase productivity, streamline schedule flow and make workdays easier: Remember to delegate Leverage technology Speed up dictation and documentation Increase team capabilities Focus on … [Read more...]
The 7 types of rest every person needs (TED Talk)
Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two. Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD, shares seven key areas of your life where rest should equal restoration. Source: TED, Idea series, May 2021. Link. Also see: Seven hours of sleep is ideal for most adults, Health, May 9, 2022. Link. Getting too little or too much sleep starting in middle age … [Read more...]
Depressed or burned out? Experts discuss the differences.
If you've been feeling numb or overwhelmed and can't tell whether you're depressed or burned out, this article may help you understand the differences and how they're treated. Generally speaking, burnout is focused and related to occupational areas, while depression can be triggered, exacerbated, and maintained by a variety of factors like genetics, negative life … [Read more...]
Counter cyclical leadership
Leading counter-cyclically in tough times means knowing when to stop pushing, knowing when to lead with empathy and make things lighter, not heavier. Source: Medium, May 3, 2022. Link. The best way to communicate difficult news is to be straightforward. INSIGHT: You don’t have to wait a lifetime to leave people better than you found them.” … [Read more...]
VetWatch™ Commentary, for Week 19 – thru May 14, 2022
Complimentary Content Trends from more than 32,000 practices and shelters help animal health professionals understand shifts in our industry’s business. The data captures purchasing trends reported for practices & shelters of core therapeutic and supply categories. The VetWatch™ weekly report provides the option to see trends by geographies, a significant benefit for … [Read more...]
CDC: Test before you travel
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its domestic travel recommendations and now advises all travelers to consider taking a Covid-19 test as close as possible to the departure time of a trip, but no more than three days prior to the trip. Source: Northstar Meeting Groups, May 17, 2022. Link. The CDC continues to recommend that all people . . . properly … [Read more...]
KC Animal Health Corridor announces dates, speakers for 2022 Animal Health Summit
Gathering live again, the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor will welcome industry leaders and guests at the 2022 Animal Health Summit August 29th through August 30th at the Arvest Bank Theatre at the Midland in Kansas City, Missouri. The Summit theme, The Way, represents the answer to the question, “Where do we go from here?” The summit will feature industry thought leaders … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 12, 2022
Last week’s most read posts The Great Resignation is becoming a great midlife crisis. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, April 28, 2022. Link. =================================== The cost of pet care for cats is often underestimated Source: Catster, April 22, 2022. Link. Cost findings for annual and lifetime spending are … [Read more...]
Disease outbreak in BLM facility: Wildfires, dust storm and wind indicated
Source: Paulick Report, May 7, 2022. Link. A highly contagious, equine respiratory disease outbreak began on April 23 at the Cañon City Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse and Burro Facility in Colorado. We noted the explanation of outside horses being brought into a vaccinated herd during relocation caused by fire and drought. … [Read more...]
Record-breaking temperatures, raging fires, drought. It’s just NOT GOOD!
Source: CNN, May 9, 2022. Link. We believe it is important to consider the potential consequences and get prepared for challenges now and through the second quarter of 2022. … [Read more...]
Hybrid approach helps maximize colostrum quality
Achieving high levels of circulating IgG in newborn calves may be easier by boosting maternal colostrum with commercial colostrum replacer. It give calves the best of both worlds when it comes to maximizing passive transfer of immunity. Source: Dairy Herd Management, May 6, 2022. Link. With excellent dry-cow vaccination and colostrum protocols in place, supplementing … [Read more...]
Sound hospital pen strategies can improve outcomes
Good hospital pens are crucial for effective, efficient treatment of sick cattle to get them back to their home pens quickly, writes Heather Smith Thomas. One size doesn’t fit all. After interviewing different veterinarians, she shares different ways hospital pens are managed to meet the universal objective of reuniting sick livestock with their pen mates. Antibiotics are … [Read more...]
Keep manure samples cold
Research suggests the way horse manure samples are stored can have a significant impact on the accuracy of fecal egg counts. Comparing various preservation techniques, the researchers found the egg counts in refrigerated samples remained more stable than others. They recommend storing samples for no longer than a week before testing. Source: EQUUS, April 26, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Project Hive Pet Company ties pet toys to saving bees
Project Hive Pet Company has a line of five treats and five toys that generate revenues and associated company donations to the Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund. To date, the partnership has resulted in more than 2 million square feet of healthy bee habitat planted, with a goal of planting 50 million square feet over the next five years. Source: Pet Food Industry, April … [Read more...]
Plant insectary strips of pollinator-friendly plants
Our April 26 post about mason bees drew a lot of attention <Link>. Leah Smith shares ideas for insectary strips in Hobby Farms. Looking at the plants listed, apartment dwellers with an outside deck or window can also provide nectar yielding plants that contribute to feeding the bees. Gardeners should plan to add a row of flowers alongside their veggies as well. In … [Read more...]
The best mentorships help BOTH people grow
Opinion We’re living in a time where change comes at breakneck speeds. Rapid changes require us to learn new skills and ways to work, meet the desires of four generations working together and likely radically remodel infrastructures. One might say our future successes will be dependent on how well we engage, share, collaborate and learn from one another. We’ll need … [Read more...]
30 is not the new 20
Opinion Graduation season is a time to celebrate endings and new beginnings. Amid the gaiety, clinical psychologist Meg Jay’s message from 2013 could not be more timely or more important for our relationships, families, new employees and our future. As our animal health industry grapples with employee shortages, work-life balance, work ethic perceptions, aging … [Read more...]
In case you missed the 148th Kentucky Derby
Coming from way back in the field, late entry Rich Strike wins at 80:1. Watch his incredible Run for the Roses. Source: BLOODHORSE, May 7, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Celebrate graduations
The AHD team acknowledges the commitments made by students, their families, sponsors, faculty members and institutions for these achievements. We also want to remind graduates to reflect on how you got to this point. Consider the importance of influencing those who come behind you over the next four or more decades of your career, in your communities and as you develop your … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 5, 2022
Top five most read posts in April 2022 Pet owners unaware of vet technicians’ roles during vet visit. Link. Traditional recruiting is broken. 6 ways to reimagine it. Link. Asian longhorned ticks on the move. Link. Your customers buy benefits. Link. The 411 on fetch. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, April 28, … [Read more...]
Valley Vet Supply DVMs talk calf care
Across cow-calf country, the 2022 calf crop is becoming visible on rapidly greening pastures. Tech services veterinarians Tony Hawkins, DVM, and Ray Shultz, DVM, share some tips looking toward the months ahead: Umbilical infections are a real thing Scours is one of the gravest challenges affecting young calves Check right away for calf vitality During springtime, … [Read more...]
The impact of genomics in dairy
Animal production has always sought to find and duplicate the best of the best. In the past 13 or more years, genomics in the dairy business has been transformational. Most striking is the rate of genetic progress for essentially all traits of importance has increased due to genomics. Genetic evaluations provide increased accuracy, especially for young animals, offering the … [Read more...]
Bovine vaccine study reveals role of genetics in immune response
Computer science researchers in the Department of Computer Science at John Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering set out to answer an age-old question, “Why are some individuals within the population of black Angus cows responding very differently to the same vaccine?” Their research examined a distinguishing feature of bovine immunity: the long complementarity-determining … [Read more...]
Evaluate bedding choices for horses
A stabled horse spends the better part of his day in direct contact with his bedding. It’s worth the time to periodically reassess bedding choices, according to the authors. Chances are the current bedding it still suitable, but horse owners will never know for sure until they take the time to consider other options. Source: EQUUS, April 20, 2022. Link. The purpose of … [Read more...]
Bird flu updates
More than 36.66 million reported birds have been affected by HPAI to date. Seven of every 10 birds lost to bird flu this year have been egg-laying hens totaling 24.2 million at latest count. Most recently, a person in Colorado has tested positive for avian influenza. Sources: $263 million additional funds by USDA, Successful Farming, April 28, 2022. Link. Three new … [Read more...]
Making yards pet friendly and safe
Making a fresh, plush carpet for pets and people, our yards are places for fun, games and pleasant play. Making them safe and friendly for our animal friends are the focus of these two articles. Sources: How to make your yard pet friendly, The Outdoor Wear, April 29, 2022. Link. How lawn chemicals affect your cats, even indoor cats, Conscious Cat, via AAHA NEWStat, … [Read more...]
Daily hydration key to top animal care
The best animal care begins with providing daily hydration. We focus on it more during the warmer months, but it remains a daily need. Jared Mitchell, DVM, CVMA, shares why keeping dogs and cats hydrated is so important and how to help ensure enough water is being consumed. He also writes about recognizing dehydration and what to do about it. Water is known as the forgotten … [Read more...]
The Great Resignation is becoming a great midlife crisis
The changing composition of who is quitting jobs paints an increasingly complicated picture of the state of work in America. Although quit rates have decreased slightly from their highs last year, the phenomenon is not going away just yet. Older and more tenured people are especially likely to be quitting in knowledge worker industries like finance and tech. Source: Vox, May … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 28, 2022
Last week’s most read posts Asian longhorned ticks are on the move. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Link. =================================== Love is the key to career success: Marcus Buckingham Source: Harvard Business Review, April 15, 2022. Link. (video) Buckingham says you don’t have to love all … [Read more...]
Weaning beef calves: higher feed costs but short-term savings may affect long-term profits
Opinion The story seems to repeat year after year. There’s always something to question. This year cow-calf producers face higher feed costs and extended drought in some areas which will likely raise questions about preconditioning expenses. Wesley Tucker shares his perspectives on investing in preconditioning protocols. His tips can help cattle producers sharpen their … [Read more...]