Commentary This caught my attention along with a comedic image of stoned cows and memories of cutting and burning hemp along horse pasture fence lines. This Science article notes hemp is cheap, widely available and a nutritious (possible) feed alternative comparable to alfalfa. But tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in the milk are concerning. Source: Science, November … [Read more...]
USDA updates National Bovine Brucellosis Surveillance Plan
Brucellosis has been eradicated from domesticated cattle herds in all U.S. states. However, B. abortus is still present in wild bison and elk in the greater Yellowstone area. The updates seek to increase the ability to detect brucellosis with a high degree of confidence and avoid potential zoonoses. Source: Feedstuffs, November 11, 2022. Link. Also see: Brucellosis: … [Read more...]
Selecting the RIGHT replacement heifers (audio recording)
Selecting replacement heifers is expensive and time-consuming, writes Lindsey Sawin. Knowing the breeding objectives for a producer’s herd may be the most challenging part of the process. Sawin shares some parameters and tools commercial cattlemen can use to select the right females for their operation including: EPD: expected progeny differences CED: calving ease … [Read more...]
Pigs may help treat, prevent diseases in humans
2019 Png vectors Scientists at the National Swine Resource and Research Center at the University of Missouri have become the go-to source for genetically modified pigs. The animals are used by researchers across the U.S. to study various diseases that affect humans. The work is categorized as translational medicine where therapies and treatments … [Read more...]
HPAI wipes out 49 million birds in backyard and commercial flocks
Biosecurity is critical to avoid highly pathogenic avian flu outbreaks. While infected migratory waterfowl and their droppings are frequently blamed as the cause, human-mediated spread remains significant requiring continuous biosecurity vigilance. Fully committing to biosecurity is crucial to shut down HPAI in the layer industry.” In March 2022, Carol Cardona, DVM, PhD, … [Read more...]
Is customer service bad by design?
Animal health customer service pros and their executives will want to invest the time to listen to this episode of On Point. It takes on customer service frustration and success from customers’ and employees’ points of view. The discussion among the host and two customer experience experts features relevant examples of poorly designed customer journeys and ways to improve … [Read more...]
Vintage mastitis-causing pathogen on the uptick
Prototheca bovis has been linked to mastitis since 1952. However, within the last five years, its prevalence has significantly increased. It is a non-photosynthetic, yeast-like microalgae thrives in high humidity and plentiful damp organic matter. Similar to Staph aureus and mycoplasma, Prototheca is hard to detect, has no known cure and is contagious by intermittently … [Read more...]
Using fecal metabolites as biomarkers for pigs
Sanitary conditions alter the composition of the microbiome in pigs which affects their productivity, health and welfare. Researchers in the Netherlands believe the use of biomarkers could provide the basis for monitoring subclinical health status in pigs or formulating targeted nutritional interventions aimed at balancing the immune system in young pigs without being … [Read more...]
When to cull bulls
Last week we shared timely bull fitness advice <Link>. In this article, Amanda L. Cauffman shares rationale for culling bulls now instead of waiting until spring. Source: BEEF, October 6, 2022. Link. . . . producers can save 6 months’ input costs by culling bulls in the fall . . .” … [Read more...]
Prep dairy farms for winter now
It’s never too soon to prepare a dairy for winter. This task list from Penn State University Extension is a handy reminder for producers and a good conversation starter in person or via phone. Source: The Cattle Site, October 31, 2022. Link. Below are a few reminders when prepping the farm for the winter season. Make a checklist Barn maintenance Water Maternity … [Read more...]
BRD during weaning, backgrounding adds long-term costs
Duh! Over and over we study, measure and see the production costs associated with bovine respiratory disease. Yet the health of cattle arriving at backgrounders and feedlots continues to be a major issue despite better products, management methods and improved genetics. Health and performance will continue to be a problem for calves sold after simply removing calves from dams … [Read more...]
GFI #263 – understanding new rules for livestock antibiotics
University of Idaho Extension Educator Carmen Willmore helps animal health pros understand the new rules surrounding livestock antibiotics. By rule, commonly used over-the-counter antimicrobials will require a prescription from a veterinarian as part of a valid VCPR. GFI #263 is slated for final implementation on June 11, 2023. Source: Animal Health International, INSIGHT, … [Read more...]
New interventions against pinkeye may be on the way
Scientists recently revealed there are two variants, or genotypes of Moraxella bovis, a bacterium that causes pinkeye in cattle. This discovery helps scientists understand how different types of M. bovis cause infection an how to help develop preventive measures to protect cattle. Source: BeefProducer, October 25, 2022. Link. USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and … [Read more...]
Bull fitness advice for the off-season
Bulls’ work is done for now, but their soundness and health are important for next breeding season. Experts from Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute share their advice on how to keep bulls healthy and ready for the next breeding season. . . . one of the main reasons bulls are culled is due to feet and leg problems causing lameness.” Source: Drovers, October 21, … [Read more...]
30 black-footed ferrets released in Colorado
Calling it a big day for wildlife conservation, experts introduced 30 rare black-footed ferrets into a prairie dog colony on the 44,000-acre Southern Planes Preserve in Lamar, Colorado. This is the eighth group of ferrets introduced in the state. Source: Outdoors, October 21, 2022. Link. A robust prairie dog colony is crucial to the survival of black-footed ferret as prairie … [Read more...]
New HPAI cases four new states in backyard flocks
Highly pathogenic avian flu continues to infect poultry flocks. Commercial and backyard flock owners should prevent contact between their birds and wild birds. Enhanced biosecurity remains the best line of defense to protect animal health. Source: Successful Farming, October 21, 2022. Link. HPAI symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and other signs of … [Read more...]
Pet Poison Helpline data drives interactive toxic trends map
Toxin Trends was created to educate pet owners and veterinary professionals on the variety of toxins that are near their communities. Chrysanthemums, 27th on the tableau toxin list, are popular fall flowers across the country. The highest number of calls to the helpline come in October as shown in the interactive map. Source: Pet Poison Helpline, Toxic Trends. … [Read more...]
Melting glaciers may bring the next pandemic
Melting ice may bring the next pandemic, according to recent data. Genetic analysis of soil and lake sediments from Lake Hazen, the largest high Arctic freshwater lake in the world, suggests the risk of a virus infecting a host for the first time may be higher close to melting glaciers. Source: The Guardian, October 18, 2022. Link. For instance, last year, researchers at … [Read more...]
Wildlife doesn’t always obey the rules (video)
Commentary Wild animals are opportunistic eaters and the squirrel* in this video is no exception. Our recent post, Backyard visitors spell RISK for pets, people, preceded a plethora of media stories about encounters with bears, cougars, coyotes, deer, elk, moose and more. Drought, wildfires, seasonal changes and crop harvesting has wild critters moving to find new food … [Read more...]
Global One Health Joint Plan of Action set in motion
The objectives of the OH JPA seek to create a world better able to prevent, predict, detect and respond to health threats and improve the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment while contributing to sustainable development. Six interdependent action tracks form the plan’s pillars. These priorities are to help achieve sustainable health and food systems, reduce … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 27, 2022
Last week's AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, October 20, 2022. Link. ====================================== First honeybee vaccine could protect the entire hive, starting with queen Source: Popular Science, October 21, 2022. Link. A study published on October 17 in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science found honeybees born … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 20, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – Socializing new puppies? Manage the right amount of playtime. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, October 13, 2022. Link. 10 commandments of dog ownership Source: AHD, June 28, 2022. Link. Reposting because it is important to routinely reinforce the responsibilities of pet ownership, … [Read more...]
Lame cows are not to be tolerated on dairies
“Acknowledging the importance of hoof health and purposefully reducing lameness incidences may not position farms to maximum performance and profit in the short term, but it is a must-do if a farm is going to achieve a balance of optimal profit, efficiency and welfare by definition of sustainable,” shared Jennifer Walker, DVM, in a recent presentation. At any given time, 25% … [Read more...]
Cool things seen at 2022 World Dairy Expo
Progressive Dairy’s editorial team shares the latest new products and ideas in the dairy industry in this article. Dairy producers participating in an onsite survey indicated labor and input costs were their leading worries. Source: Progressive Dairy, October 12, 2022. Link. New products includes several new advancements that can assist with the essentials of dairy life. … [Read more...]
Working together to keep African swine fever at bay
Commentary We noted instructions for international travelers on the USDA website <Link> including sanitizing or burning clothing and shoes. This warning is important for all animal health pros and is relevant considering the growing U.S. population of feral hogs: Do NOT visit a farm, premises with pigs, livestock market, sale barn, zoo, circus, pet store with … [Read more...]
Frost slows pests for certain
The first frost is welcomed by livestock, livestock producers and farmers alike. While all pests aren’t eliminated, freezing temps slow remaining ones and help move crops to harvest conditions. It is a good time to visit with producers about parasite control measures, fall forage and winter preparations. Source: FEED-LOT via Facebook. Link. INSIGHTS: Many winter … [Read more...]
6 things horses appreciate in riders
Horse Speak® founder Sharon Wilsie says horses value certain qualities in riders just as riders seek preferred qualities in their horses. Riding is supposed to be fun; not only for us, but for the horse as well.” – Sharon Wilsie Source: Horse Network, October 5, 2022. Link. We are now in an era of choosing to ride horses because we want and seek a relationship or partnership … [Read more...]
Considerations when repurposing containers
Russ Daly appreciates the ingenuity of various farmers’ fixes and jerry-rigging. However, he warns some containers should not be repurposed to haul water. His warning goes for those who don’t understand how plastic containers absorb substances and potential toxins that get released when containers are filled with water. Every year I get at least one report from a veterinarian … [Read more...]
10 penny-pinching tips for feeding cows this winter
Knowing the cows’ nutritional requirements during the phases of gestation makes a difference in how much cows need to eat, according to Mary E. Drewnoski, PhD. Corn stalks are okay but supplemental vitamins and minerals might be needed. She also shares how distillers’ grains can help contain costs. Source: Successful Farming, December 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Cow confirmation affects milk production, longevity
Data from almost 20 years and more than 1 million cows clearly shows that cows with more correct, functional conformation live longer and produce more milk. Breeding cows that last longer is increasingly important to dairy sustainability. Source: Feedstuffs, October 5, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]