Soft tissue therapy is proving to be a powerful tool in the fight for animal wellness. It is increasingly becoming an important part of the conversation about how to care for horses and help them reach their full potential. Well-known for his viral TikTok videos, Christian Langeder explains how massage and other soft tissue treatments can help horses feel better physically … [Read more...]
HPAI vaccines tests show positive results in controlled experiment
An experimental vaccine from Ceva Animal Health and another from Boehringer Ingelheim proved effective against highly infectious bird flu in a first experiment conducted under a controlled environment at a Dutch veterinary research center. Both vaccines prevented clinical signs of highly pathogenic avian influenza infection and viral shedding among poultry. Field trials are … [Read more...]
5 unexpected rainy day dangers for dogs
Rainstorms can lead to unforeseen dangers and issues beyond wet paws and coats: low visibility, lightening and thunder; puddles including leptospirosis, girardia, possible toxins; mushrooms; toads and frogs; pneumonia. Source: Pet MD, March 1, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Are modified rabies PrEP recommendations for people backed by the latest findings?
Erica Tramuta-Drobnis, VMD, MPH, CPH, addresses the question, “Does scientific evidence support this decision, or is the basis made due to healthcare cost concerns, accessibility, and poor compliance?” in this article. Rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis recommendations were recently amended by the CDC. They replace the previous three-dose PrEP schedule with a two-dose … [Read more...]
DVM answers questions about FDA antibiotic prescription requirement
This article by Craig Payne, DVM, MS, is a good one to share with livestock producers, backyard poultry and goat owners, horse owners and beekeepers to explain the changes in how antibiotics can be accessed after June 11th. Payne answers a few questions producers may have about the latest antibiotic guidance from the FDA. The final phase of FDA’s implementation of the … [Read more...]
Ceva Animal Health research endowment seeks to better control zoonotic risks
Ceva Animal Health recently announced the creation of a unique endowment fund: the Ceva Wildlife Research Fund with the objective is to finance applied research to preserve the health of wild animals. Because disease control in wildlife and the tracing of the origin of outbreaks are particularly complex, this fund will, among other things, support research to address these … [Read more...]
Impacts of commingling preconditioned and auction-derived beef calves with BRD
Commentary Cattle science continues to study ways to decrease morbidity, mortality and reduce use of antiinfectives as cattle move around the country. The study referenced reinforces the value of preconditioning and addresses the effects of comingling auction-derived calves with the preconditioned ones. Preconditioning reduced BRD and antimicrobial use in the feedlot, in … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 16, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 9, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from March 9th AHD Bulletin – Pet owners feeling the sting of inflation. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. New York City rats can catch the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, study finds Source: CNN, March 9, … [Read more...]
Practical advice for assessing newborn calf vigor
Spring calving is well underway. March storms stress cattle and cattle producers alike. Logically, there is a focus on ensuring calves get a good start and that dams recover quickly to care for and feed calves. While an APGAR test for calves would give cattle producers a clue when to intervene in a newborn’s life, Barry Whitworth, DVM, shares practical advice from studies about … [Read more...]
Rebuild pastures in 2023 ahead of rebuilding herds
Sponsored Content Grazing lands have taken a beating. They need recovery. And that takes time. Source: BEEF, March 1, 2023. Link. Emphasizing the rebuilding of pastures during 2023 will pay off as market opportunities arise in the coming years. INSIGHTS: This is a good coffee shop topic for animal health pros working with beef producers and their veterinarians. It presents … [Read more...]
Understanding immediate and long-term effects of wildfires
Writing about the effects of 90 or more wildfires in the western U.S. during 2022, Corey Geiger reminds us how smoke and fine particulate matter stress cows and calves. Mature cows are impacted immediately which is seen in reduced milk production. Calves however may be affected for their production lives. . . . the preweaning period is critical in future performance . . . … [Read more...]
What veterinarians were talking about at AASV
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians annual meeting is an important event for swine practitioners and the swine industry. The swine health topics discussed at the March 7 meeting included biosecurity, African swine fever, traceability, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and more, writes Jennifer Shrike. She provides an overview of the information speakers … [Read more...]
Miniature goats in the city
The self-sufficiency movements are bringing more farm animals into backyards. Farm stores often have mini goats for sale alongside chicks, ducks and rabbits during the Easter season. Jenny Rose Ryan discusses some of the boundaries and opportunities for including miniature goats in the city. For those with a decent-sized city lot a bit of know-how about local zoning and … [Read more...]
Raising chickens comes with built-in health risks for them and their keepers
It’s time again for Easter chicks and to urge animal health pros to reinforce the zoonotic risks associated with them. The CDC warns, “Don’t kiss or snuggle backyard poultry, and don’t eat or drink around them. This can spread Salmonella germs to your mouth and make you sick <Link>.” As part of a series, Isabelle Louge, DVM, encourages owners to first find and contact … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 9, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 2, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from March 2nd AHD Bulletin – Vet Watch Insight Report. 8.5 percent YTD practice revenue growth, other improvements. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. 10 most popular articles of 2022 from HBR’s Working Knowledge … [Read more...]
Properly test water sources before turnout
Producers need to check water sources for total dissolved solids and levels of sulfates, pH and nitrates before turning cattle out this spring. Routine testing is advised as water quality fluctuates throughout the growing season. Drifting snow and topsoil during winter also affect water quality. Low-quality water can reduce animal health and productivity, while high-quality … [Read more...]
Vaccines need a boost, especially for calves
Commentary Seen through animal health pros’ eyes, Abby Bauer’s article is basic. However, seen through a younger producer’s first experiences, it is a reminder and a reinforcement of the importance of vaccine booster timing especially since producers often do their own vaccinations. Boosters should be administered one to two months after the initial vaccination to build … [Read more...]
Animal health efforts DO reduce need for antibiotics
Animal health and nutrition companies are constantly working on ways to improve animal health and provide antibiotic-free alternatives for use in animal feed. Global sales of antibiotics for veterinary use are down nearly one-third since 2011, according to the World Organization for Animal Health with some major livestock-producing countries in Europe, as well as the United … [Read more...]
Camel cloning is big business in Dubai
Fascinating! Nisar Ahmad Wani, scientific director at the Reproductive Biotechnology Centre in Dubai, first cloned a camel in 2009. Now he and his team research and develop new cloning techniques and maintain cell banks to produce dozens of cloned dromedary camel calves each year. Source: CNN, March 1, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Reminder – 101 days to get producers GFI 263 compliant
Livestock producers must establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship if they expect to treat livestock after June 11, 2023, when commonly used over-the-counter antimicrobials will require a prescription from a veterinarian as part of a valid VCPR. GFI #263 is slated for final implementation on June 11, 2023. Labels of the remaining over-the-counter antibiotics for … [Read more...]
Researchers discover overlooked antimicrobial resistance gene is involved in antimicrobial resistance in livestock disease treatments
Veterinarians rely on macrolides to treat livestock diseases such as bovine respiratory disease. University of Sakatechewan researchers discovered the gene can break the ring structure of the antibiotic through hydrolysis which destroys the antibiotic's structure. Inactivation is concerning because it reduces the effective amount of antibiotics that are being delivered during … [Read more...]
New sustainable bedding inhibits environmental mastitis-causing organisms
Complimentary Commercial Content ARM & HAMMER’s™ patented CERTILLUS™ Eco Dairy Bedding was developed to safely and effectively control pathogens in recycled manure solids. The product safely and effectively uses beneficial bacteria to reduce pathogen loads in bedding, reduce bulk tank SCC and ultimately reduce incidences of mastitis. It also reduces some of the risks … [Read more...]
Identifying American foulbrood in honeybee colonies
American foulbrood is considered the most devastating honeybee disease, asserted Britteny R. Kyle, DVM, MSc, during her WVC session. She shared multiple factors that lead to colony collapse and a simple matchstick method of diagnosing AFB and what to do if it is discovered in a colony. She noted many states have regulations in place for exactly how to deal with AFB. Source: … [Read more...]
A perspective on equine neglect cases
It’s always someone’s fault. . . still there are a few different root causes in neglect scenarios, and they're not always simple. Natalie Voss shares a neglect case story reminding us of a broader responsibility to be aware of possible risks to animals when humans age, become disabled or relocate. Source: Paulick Report, February 23, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Beware the busyness culture
An industry colleague shared this article by Adam Waytz who challenges busyness versus productivity. It also offers ways to break away from this fixation. Activity is not achievement, and the sooner companies recognize that, the better off they and their employees will be.” Source: Harvard Business Review, March-April 2023. Link. Five approaches are offered to help overcome … [Read more...]
National Employee Appreciation Day is Friday March 3rd
Employee Appreciation Day provides an opportunity to acknowledge the work, efforts and dedication of team members. It is also a time for co-workers to share some gratitude for their colleagues. Share a kind word with a co-worker who is dependable, supportive as well as those who go above and beyond.” Appreciation days are also a good time to review employee assistance … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 23, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 16, 2023. Link. Most read posts from February 9th AHD Bulletin – Cost of Care Wheel is now 24/7 digital resource. Link. Work is NOT your family. Link. New test strip quickly detects periodontal disease before it is visible. Link. Dos and don’ts of recognition. Link. Place keeper: … [Read more...]
5 key principles for composting farm waste
Spring weather will soon thaw frozen manure piles leaving producers with decisions about handling the manure effectively. Beyond a simple pile of manure, composting should be thought of as the biological decomposition of organic matter under controlled conditions, says Brian Dougherty. He explains the nuances of getting moisture, oxygen level, particle size, … [Read more...]
5 key issues for the U.S. pork industry
The National Pork Producers Council latest pork industry economic update summarizes five key pork industry market indicators through January 2023: Consumer pork demand Projected growth Labor shortages Production costs Ripple effect Source: National Hog Farmer, February 14, 2023. Link. . . . data on hog farm employment specifically shows that average wages … [Read more...]
For cows, time is money
Too simple? Maybe. Yet, Rick Grant reminds us of the importance of giving cows time to rest and eat. Cows need to spend about 70% of their day eating and resting. . . We have to get that right and allow cows to do cow things.” Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, February 20, 2023. Link. If cows are eating four to five hours a day and resting 12 to 14 hours, that does not leave much … [Read more...]