Humphrey is a miniature Zebu Bull who is about 26.6 inches tall and weighs around 85 pounds. He lives at a farm outside of Kalona, Iowa, and has been the Guinness Book of Records world record holder for five years. Source: Power 96, June 19, 2023. Link. Also see: Interest in miniature cattle continues to surge, AHD, April 11, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Demand for Yaks growing
With producer grant funds from Southern Sustainable Research and Education, Yak production education and artificial insemination methods are being developed. Yaks require less forage, are easier to manage than bison, while providing a leaner meat and possibilities for fiber similar to cashmere.” Source: Acreage Life, July 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
The effect of day-only versus day-plus-night cooling of dairy cows
We shared cattle heat stress reminders in a recent post <Link>. The results of a recent study showed the benefits of enhanced day+night cooling versus day-only cooling of dairy cows. Over the duration of the study, enhanced day+night cooling cows produced more milk, had lower rumen temperatures and reduced panting compared with day-only cooling cows. When temperatures … [Read more...]
35th World Pork Expo draws more than 10,000 people
Reports from three swine publications indicate the 2023 World Pork Expo was a success. Authors cite camaraderie, concerns about personal and professional health and touch on the top issues covered in seminars and presentations. Prop 12, labor, input costs, biosecurity, market opportunities and new technologies were topics of high interest, as were world-class BBQ and … [Read more...]
Tighten the calving window
To achieve more uniform calves, producers can use tighter calving windows to maximize the number of pregnancies early in the breeding season. Getting most of the cows and heifers bred early in the breeding period improves herd performance. Investing time and resources to tighten the calving window is beneficial, regardless of the size of operation or the breed of … [Read more...]
How horses heat up and cool down varies considerably
To better understand how horses’ body temperatures increase during exercise, researchers used a smart thermometer horses swallow as a pill. They confirmed that horses cool down at different rates, suggesting generalized protocols for avoiding heat stroke might not be ideal for all horses. Source: The Horse, April 19, 2023. Link. The gastrointestinal pill has been a reliable … [Read more...]
New graduates may have no idea how to behave in the office
Some newer graduates didn’t learn the so-called soft skills they might have in the past by osmosis on the job, from mentors and by practicing on campus. Companies, universities and recruiters are coming up with ways to train new hires, provide advice and help them navigate the workplace. The missing piece for young professionals who have graduated since 2020 has been no real … [Read more...]
How brick-and-mortar retailers are paving new paths for pet owners
The borders between retail channels and markets are coming down as non-pet specialty retailers make deeper inroads into the pet market, writes Jennifer Boncy. 58 percent of all pet owners say they’re more likely to shop a store that offers both home improvement and pet products.” – Lowe’s research Source: Pet Product News, June 2023. Link. Farm and feed stores, and other … [Read more...]
Why it is so hard to ask for help
Many of us struggle to ask for help. Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, DBA, MBA shares reasons we are reluctant to ask for and accept help. He then offers ways to overcome the barriers: The fear of being vulnerable The need to be independent The fear of losing control The fear of rejection Over empathizing with others. A sense of victimhood Source: Harvard … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 15, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 8th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 1st AHD Bulletin – How to deal with an angry client. Link. Gen Z’s nonchalance infiltrates the workplace. Link. 2022 National Beef Quality Audit shows increase in quality and efficiency. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by … [Read more...]
Walmart to build a new case-ready beef facility in Olathe, Kansas
Set to open in 2025, the plant will create more than 600 new jobs and further Walmart’s commitment to creating an end-to-end Angus beef supply chain. Once opened, the new facility will package and distribute a selection of Angus cuts from Sustainable Beef, LLC in North Platte, Nebraska, to serve stores across the Midwest. Walmart announced an equity investment in Sustainable … [Read more...]
Steers provide income, but heifers can generate wealth
The U.S. beef cow herd is at the lowest level since 1962 <Link>. For cow-calf producers who understand and can leverage a heifer’s value potential, steers are great for providing income, but heifers can be used to generate wealth. Heifer calves provide more options and opportunities than a bull calf.” - Aaron Berger Source: BEEF, June 9, 2023. Link. Heifer calves … [Read more...]
Genetic tools have reversed cow fertility decline
Kristen Gaddis, PhD, dispels a myth and shares the results of applied genetics in the selection of dairy cows in U.S. herds over the last two or more decades. Dairy geneticists, producers, veterinarians and other advisers have all rallied to improve the fertility of U.S. dairy cows. Continued emphasis to enhance reproduction makes sense from the perspective of animal … [Read more...]
Dewormer classes for small ruminants
The Maryland Extension Small Ruminant Program offers a variety of resources for the growing number of people raising goats and sheep. The links shared here provide infographics on dewormers and include various brands. Source: Maryland Extension Small Ruminant Program, Facebook. Link. Dewormer classes for small ruminants. <Link-1>, <Link-2>. INSIGHTS: … [Read more...]
A one-health review on brucellosis in the United States
Commentary For this post, we focused on the risks associated with B. canis. The review presents Brucellosis sp., a potential storm cloud on the horizon. Our culture of saving non-endangered animals, transferring animals across the country, increasing backyard interactions with wildlife and the public’s ignorance of zoonotic risks make this review important reading for animal … [Read more...]
Why the FDA tightened rules around antimicrobial medications for animals
New regulations about the use of antimicrobial drugs for animals are now in place requiring animal owners to obtain prescriptions from veterinarians to get the drugs. William Flynn, DVM, MS, discussed the concerted effort across all sectors where antimicrobials are being used on NPR’s Weekend Edition. Source: NPR, June 10, 2023. Link. (4:02) INSIGHTS: A few animal owners … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 8, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 1st, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 1st AHD Bulletin – The June deadline is here! Link Building trust. Link. Puppy break! 30 dog breeds that have the cutest puppies. Link Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
New product tour at World Pork Expo to use Shark Tank virtual format (slideshow)
During the Global Hog Industry Virtual Conference, a panel of pork industry experts review products, keeping in mind how each would benefit producers and the industry. Respective company representatives present a two-minute video or sales pitch to the panel of judges, after which the judges ask questions about the product in the style of TV's Shark Tank. Online voting for … [Read more...]
2022 National Beef Quality Audit shows increase in quality and efficiency
Findings from the 2022 NBQA indicate producers are working to meet the demand for quality and efficiency while maintaining the need to keep safety a top priority. Conducted every five years, the latest results show that over time, attributes have been added to NBQA standards such as food safety, sustainability, animal welfare and the connection between producers and … [Read more...]
Cattle heat stress reminders
There are only 13 days until summer. But, even now cattle heat stress is a major consideration for dairy and beef producers. It can negatively affect milk production and overall herd health. Once cattle start to pant, some heat stress has occurred. Understanding heat stress, preparing for it and looking at options to alleviate it will help keep production steady as summer … [Read more...]
Steak is getting more expensive. Here’s why.
Hamburgers and steaks, already near record-level prices, are set to get more expensive, writes Patrick Thomas, who shares the consequences of a shrinking cow herd and rising supply chain costs. When you’re talking about the ultimate price of beef to a consumer, the whole supply chain is under inflationary pressures. Every step along the way is more expensive.” - Tom Windish, … [Read more...]
Understanding proud flesh
As a horse’s wound begins to heal, pinkish granulation tissue fills in the gaps between soft tissues. Granulation tissue normally stops forming as the skin edges grow together to close the wound. But when healing doesn’t go according to plan, the granulation tissue becomes exuberant. It keeps growing until it bulges above skin level keeping newly formed skin from growing over … [Read more...]
How to keep pets safe from wildfire smoke
Smoke from Canadian wildfires is blanketing the east coast and parts of the southern United States. Jerry Klein, DVM, and Lori M. Teller, DVM, DABVP, CVJ, provide guidance for pet owners in this article. The guidance that goes for humans also applies to pets: When the air is intensely polluted, limit the time your pet is outside.” Source: New York Times, June 7, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Gen Z’s nonchalance infiltrates the workplace
Often depicted as difficult to work with, Zoomers are making it clear that their sole purpose in the workplace is to get in, do the job and get out. Rather than forming emotional attachments to their roles, they prioritize a work-life balance over everything. Young workers are not lazy, entitled or keen on slacking off. They're simply choosing to reject some of the practices … [Read more...]
Healthcare costs exceed $31K for family of four
Healthcare costs for a typical American family of four reached $31,065 this year, according to the new 2023 Milliman Medical Index, which measures healthcare costs for individuals and families receiving coverage from an employer-sponsored preferred provider plan. Costs for the average person reached $7,221. Resuming their steady climb, healthcare costs increased 5.6 percent … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 1, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, May 25th, 2023. Link. Most read post from May 25th AHD Bulletin – Don’t be afraid to ask the sensitive questions. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. ========================================== Biosecurity doesn’t have to be a big-ticket item Source: … [Read more...]
World Pork Expo starts June 7th
The World Pork Expo returns to the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa, June 7-9. Presented by the National Pork Producers Council, this year's Expo will give attendees a packed schedule of events, including an expansive tradeshow, educational seminars and networking events. As we celebrate 35 years of the show the World Pork Expo will continue offering opportunities to … [Read more...]
How a farrier cares for pigs (video)
We ran across this pig farrier video during our curation. We dug deeper into the pet pig topic having never heard of a pig farrier. “Who knew, right?” We discovered there is a North American Pet Pig Association whose website is full of resources to educate pet pig owners. The USDA estimates 250,000 to 1 million potbellied pigs are kept as pets <Link>. These pets are … [Read more...]
Recap of 2023 Animal Care & Handling Conference
Conference sessions touched on everything from advances in stunning methods to concerns for animal transportation to regulatory updates during the recent conference held in Kansas City, Missouri May 25th – 26th. Source: Meat+Poultry, May 30, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Monitoring information on high/low stocking densities in livestock transport trailers should interest … [Read more...]
Sheep as urban lawn mowers touted to improve environmental and human health (video)
Besides keeping lawns neatly trimmed, sheep have proven to be a powerful mood boost for students, staff, faculty and visitors on the campus of the University of California at Davis. Sheepmowers provide environmentally-friendly and cost-effective landscape maintenance, while also reducing stress and promoting human mental health and well-being” Source: Medium, May 24, 2023. … [Read more...]