Includes Complimentary Commercial Content Norbrook’s Eric Moore, DVM, shares four calf health problems for calves on pasture. His proactive assertions about preventing pinkeye, parasites, scours, and pneumonia are as applicable now as they were in the spring. Source: Successful Farming, December 28, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Producers in drought-affected areas are likely … [Read more...]
Black vultures killing calves in the Midwest and their territory is expanding
As if drought, poor quality forage, cattle diseases and parasites aren’t enough, some Midwest cow-calf producers are dealing with the black vulture, a federally protected bird that has a reputation for killing newborn livestock. The scavengers have expanded their range northward into Illinois, Indiana and Missouri over the past decade. Source: KCUR 89.3, NPR, August 21, … [Read more...]
We need a lot of blue to remain green
Paper: How advances in animal efficiency and management have affected beef cattle’s water intensity in the United States: 1991 compared to 2019. Benjamin Franklin once said, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” Animal health pros realize water quality affects animal health outcomes. So does water availability. While the beef industry has been focusing on … [Read more...]
Equine experts refute standard cooling out practices; restricting water to hot horses
Two experts challenge some standard practices asserting horses need to rehydrate promptly after exercise so their body's cooling mechanisms function effectively, especially if the horse is receiving the diuretic Lasix (furosemide). They also shared thoughts on hosing horses down and using cooling sheets. “A horse has to sweat; it's their basic mechanism to dissipate heat. . … [Read more...]
An integrated approach to older cat care
Includes added content referencing animal chiropractic Relating aging care approaches for humans to aging cats, Narda Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA, shares why integrative geriatrics using patient-centered, primarily non-pharmacological approaches makes sense for felines in their twilight years. The practice of integrative geriatrics is rooted in lifestyle interventions, … [Read more...]
One Health central to Senate Veterinary Medicine Caucus
ICYMI. The U.S. Senate has established a bipartisan Veterinary Medicine Caucus, aimed at educating lawmakers and their staffs about the challenges facing the profession and advancing legislation that benefits the veterinary community. The group will serve to represent the vital role veterinary medicine plays in research, public health, food safety and the … [Read more...]
The inside-out approach to customer centricity
Being customer-centric sounds easy but it is tough to execute well. These authors share five customer centricity models indicating there is more than one way to be customer-centric. The article is good perspective as strategies are modeled for 2024 and beyond. You can’t transform your customers’ experiences unless you align the organizational culture—especially the day-to-day … [Read more...]
Enter the “I protect pigs” biosecurity photo contest
This APHIS photo contest seeks to capture the essence of biosecurity in pig farming. Photographers’ photos can play a vital role in educating the world about the pig biosecurity protocols that keep our pork industry safe. Source: PORK, August 4, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Share this with youth groups and swine producers on social media, in newsletters and with local radio and … [Read more...]
Foreign animal disease outbreaks on minds of producers
More than 65 percent of persons interested in swine health and production are concerned about foreign animal disease getting into the U.S. hog population based on this snapshot of a National Hog Farmer reader poll. Qualitative measurements help animal health pros identify opportunities to support producers’ prevention efforts to keep animals and the food chain safe. Source: … [Read more...]
Virtual fencing, rotational grazing as a climate adaptation strategy
A lot of wire has been strung to create separate pastures and save grasses for grazing in the last few years of drought. The photo here is an example. Now, the advancements in virtual fencing can be used to contain animals within a desired area, exclude them from undesired areas, or move them to new landscapes without the need for physical fences. Morgan Lawrence shares how … [Read more...]
Marketing cull cows
Cull weight and cull cow price are significant elements of profitability for cow-calf producers. Other factors amount to decisions, decisions, decisions. Do we: Buy hay? Pray for rains so pastures hold out? Sell cull cows early? Find an alternative feed source? The cull cow market is variable from one year to the next, and producers need to be flexible and innovative.” - David … [Read more...]
Taking care of thirsty pollinators
Complimentary Commercial Content Without bees, our environment would be drastically different as 60 percent of the fruit and vegetables would disappear, as well as approximately 25,000 species of flowering plants. Each of us can create a bee-friendly habitat in our own yard or gardens to make a difference for bee populations on the local level.” The National Wildlife … [Read more...]
Insect control strategies for horse owners
Includes Commercial Content Owning and keeping horses healthy requires a significant commitment beyond time to train and ride. Alayne Blickle shares the importance of an integrated, multitiered insect control plan to combat flies, mosquitoes, midges and other insects that create nuisance and health issues for horses and their owners. Source: The Horse. Link. A successful … [Read more...]
Animal rights groups bring in more than $800M annually
Nearly one-third of animal rights extremist attacks documented in 2022 targeted farmers and food workers, putting them and animals in danger, according to reports from the Animal Agriculture Alliance.* The major animal rights extremist groups like PETA are effective fundraisers and acquire millions of dollars annually to support lobbying efforts, public relations campaigns and … [Read more...]
Health economist; increasing number of drugs in short supply (video)
No drugs at any price? Geoffrey Joyce, PhD, believes the escalating drug shortage problem illustrates a major shortcoming of capitalism. He says the problem boils down to the nature of the pharmaceutical industry and how differently the markets for brand and generic drugs operate. Current shortages include widely known drugs such as the antibiotic amoxicillin; the heart … [Read more...]
Discourse on rewarding A performers while hoping for Bs
James Heskett lobs a topic for consideration in this article. He expresses the hypocrisies that occur when leaders hope for collaboration and teamwork for the benefit of the organization but provide incentives for individual performance. . . . we speak of the desirability of good long-term business performance, but almost all incentives, especially those imposed by markets, … [Read more...]
Highlights from the Agricultural Media Summit
The Agricultural Media Summit took place July 30th through August 2nd in Palm Springs, Calif. The nation’s largest gathering for ag media is a joint meeting of Agricultural Communicators Network, Livestock Publications Council and Ag Media Council. A few highlights from the event mirror the challenges animal health pros face. First, the panel discussion, “How Different … [Read more...]
Yellow’s exit predicted to raise overall shipping rates
Commentary The cost of fulfillment is a considerable factor in what veterinary clinics and retailers pay at the point of sale especially when measured as a percent of net income versus gross sales. In recent weeks we have urged animal health pros to consider improving replenishment planning, adjust inventory levels and to better understand how the cost of moving products … [Read more...]
Climate connections
Across our planet, animals and the diseases they carry are shifting to accommodate a globe on the fritz, writes Zoya Teirstein. She shares concerns about a warming planet, pathogens and diseases. Source: AP, Grist, July 18, 2023. Link. Across the planet, animals — and the diseases they carry — are shifting to accommodate a globe on the fritz. And they’re not alone: Ticks, … [Read more...]
Pet benefits a desired trend in employee retention
Nearly half of Gen Z and millennials would be more likely to stay at an employer that offered pet benefits according to a survey by Nationwide. The benefits they want include: 40 percent: Pet insurance 29 percent: Paid time off to care for a pet 27 percent: A pet-friendly office 14 percent: Leave to care for a new pet, sometimes called “paw-ternity” Source: … [Read more...]
Predatory journals: caution required, says veterinarian
Commentary Lisa A. Fortier DVM, PhD, DACVS, warns veterinary and readers about predatory journals and publishers noting hundreds of thousands of articles with questionable or nonexistent peer reviews are dumped into the scholarly market. NOTE: Knowledge is power but knowledge without action can be useless <Link>. The reality Dr. Fortier shares is a primary reason … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 10, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 3, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from August 3rd AHD Bulletin – Weight stigma infiltrates work. Link. Addressing relentless licking by dogs. Link. Covetrus® expands GreatPetCare™. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Speaking of feral hogs. Watch this!
A trucker shared his experience with a large sounder of feral hogs south of Altus, Oklahoma! Drivers beware. Source: KWTV - NEWS 9 via Facebook, August 8, 2023. Link. (0:19) … [Read more...]
Summer bugs cost farmers and ranchers
Bug populations reach their high points this time of year. Cassandra Olds, PhD, shares the economic costs of various pests, current control methods, pesticide resistance and reminds us that sanitation is key. Summer flies, grubs, bots, deer flies, ticks, plus mosquitoes can create all sorts of problems for livestock producers. Source: Successful Farming, July 29, 2023. … [Read more...]
Heat, humidity kill hundreds of U.S. cattle during world’s hottest month
Hundreds of cattle died from extreme heat and humidity in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska in late July. Kansas State University updated an online weather tool, Kansas Mesonet, in June to use National Weather Service forecasts to predict comfort levels for cattle a week ahead of time because day-of weather warnings are too late. They just couldn't handle the extra stress of the heat … [Read more...]
Bug spray with DEET is NOT safe for dogs (video)
When dogs are exposed to DEET whether it is through their skin or if they ingest it by licking their fur or licking where you’ve applied the spray, it can cause wobbly walking, shakes, seizure, diarrhea and vomiting.” - Cristine Hayes, DVM, DABT, DABVT Source: News19, August 3, 2023. Link. DEET is so dangerous for pets, the ASPCA recommends removing pets from the area when … [Read more...]
Yes, animal chiropractic is a thing
Commentary Having a conversation* with Dr. O (William Ormston, DVM) is mind-expanding. He is a veterinarian with a passion for exploring, learning, teaching and sharing the benefits of animal chiropractic, a branch of physical medicine. We are pleased to share this recent article. For a four-legged animal to move correctly, it requires every bone, muscle, ligament, tendon … [Read more...]
Kudos for Texas A&M University Veterinary Emergency Team’s pop-up vet clinic results
A free pet clinic manned by a staff of about 80 was part of the annual Operation Border Health Preparedness in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. It is a sparsely populated area and one of the more economically-distressed regions where high unemployment rates and low per capita income make the expense of pet care hard to meet. One thousand, twenty-two house pets, mostly dogs, … [Read more...]
Work-life balance is the wrong goal
To James Kerr’s way of thinking, life is never in “balance.” Sometimes work needs to take top priority, sometimes family does and sometimes we need to take the top spot for ourselves on the importance list. He favors work and life integration. Work and life integration involves finding ways to harmonize and blend your work responsibilities with your personal life in a way that … [Read more...]
Viticus Group announces time-sensitive WVC Annual Conference early registration price
Complimentary Commercial Content Early registrants for the 2024 WVC Annual Conference can take advantage of a limited time $96 registration price. Registration sales open on September 6th. The 96th WVC Annual Conference will be held February 18th through February 21st, 2024 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Source: Viticus, WVC press release, … [Read more...]