Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 29, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the August 29th AHD Bulletin – The 5 levers of compliance. Link. Character and integrity. Link. Highlights from the 2024 KCAHC Animal Health Summit. Link. What did we miss at the VIS? Link. 5 silent revenue drains and ways to plug them. Link. … [Read more...]
AAFCO and FDA to end longstanding MOU signaling shift in animal feed regulation
The 17-year memorandum of understanding to provide standardization to the animal food industry is ending. It allows AAFCO to look at new and innovative solutions in the ingredient space, and to seek out additional partners that can provide strong, science-based guidance to our state officials. Meanwhile, the FDA is evaluating its animal food ingredient review authorities and … [Read more...]
Detecting and mitigating stray voltage
The need to stay grounded takes on a different meaning in the two articles shared here. Stray voltage is a hidden risk to production and safety in production settings. Testing for stray voltage is crucial to protecting the herd and livelihoods: Stray voltage can severely affect livestock, resulting in stress, reduced milk production, and higher illness incidents. Causes … [Read more...]
Eyeworm emergence in cats, dogs in the U.S.
Muscoid flies like the house fly and stable fly, along with drosophilid flies like fruit flies, can transmit eye worm nematodes in the genus Thelazia. Many eyeworm species have been identified in the United States in dogs, wildlife, horses and cattle. Heather D.S. Walden, MS, PhD, shares the discovery of Thelazia callipaeda infections in cats and explains the importance of … [Read more...]
Bird flu pushing egg prices higher
Reading this article, animal health pros might conclude the growth in backyard poultry production will continue. HPAI has reduced egg supplies that are now less robust than normal. Meanwhile, domestic sales and exports have jumped to levels not seen since the pandemic. Source: Agricultural Dive, September 3, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
What influences dappling in horses?
The child’s question was innocent, “Why does that horse have spots?” The answer requires some digging beyond genetics. Janet Jones, PhD, discusses dappling as partly genetic but adds some horses develop them with good health and nutrition. Sources: Dapples! Horse Network, August 21, 2024. Link. Jones also talks about growth in horses beyond 4 years of age. The … [Read more...]
Busting biofilm on tissues
Natalie Voss’ article addresses why endometritis is difficult to combat in broodmares. However, the discussion of biofilms on tissues is interesting. Of particular note, some drug treatment combinations are counterproductive, effectively canceling out the benefits of the individual drugs. Bacteria can’t “think” but can behave as though they have a herd mentality in a biofilm … [Read more...]
Do cats need fresh air?
All cats can benefit from a little fresh air. This article shares tips on safely getting cats the benefits from fresh air and outdoor environments. Source: Catster, July 2, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
The prevalence and diagnosis of feline heartworm infection
It is estimated that feline heartworm infection prevalence is five percent to 20 percent of the canine infection prevalence in the same area. The authors review the challenges of diagnosing feline heartworm infections, the differences in life cycle and clinical aspects of feline heartworm infection versus dog heartworm infection. Source: Today’s Veterinary Practice, … [Read more...]
Heartworm fact sheet urges pet owners to Think 12
A convenient fact sheet from the American Heartworm Society urges pet owners to test annually for heartworm and commit to year-round heartworm prevention. The document is suitable for social media and newsletters. Heartworm preventative compliance remains challenging and requires routine reinforcement of the reasons and benefits. Source: Think 12, American Heartworm Society. … [Read more...]
Allergy season, real or not?
Many things cause dogs to be pruritic that may not be a true allergy. Cliff Faver, DVM, reminds us that a pet can be allergic to anything, even hypoallergenic products. He suggests groomers can play a major role in minimizing or preventing conditions often considered allergies by focusing on repairing the skin barrier. A strong skin barrier is an amazing thing and often the … [Read more...]
Advocacy helps pet owners discover benefits of choosing pet health insurance (Part 5)
Sponsored Content This series on how veterinary teams position and share the benefits of pet insurance has been well received. In this edition, Roberta Jaime shares how pet insurance is integrated into discussions with pet owners at Aloha Veterinary Hospital. Our doctor takes it further by writing recommendations directly onto the ASPCA Pet Insurance pamphlets during … [Read more...]
Job security driving trends in vocational schooling
Commentary More Americans are building trade skills to take jobs where there is a shortage of skilled labor. This trend bodes well for veterinary technicians, pet care services workers, groomers and livestock workers. The key will be to support continuing education and certifications from accredited veterinary technology programs and from groups like AKC, IBPSA, NCBA, PACCC … [Read more...]
Pathway to CVPM certification (videos)
Samantha Millet, CVPM, Tiffany Consalvo, CVPM, and Christine M. Cesena, CVPM, share their challenges, perseverance, and benefits of becoming a Certified Veterinary Practice Manager. The link below begins with Millet and then links to Consalvo and Cesena in a series of informative personal experience videos of about two minutes each. Source: VHMA, YouTube, February 23, 2023. … [Read more...]
What happens to water left sitting out
This article by Christina Manian, RDN, is worth reading for personal reasons and relates to water quality for animals. Fresh, clean water is foundational to animal health and often overlooked by animal owners <Link>. When water is left sitting out, uncovered for eight or more hours, the carbon dioxide in the air starts to mix with it. This chemical reaction will result … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – September 2, 2024
The role of UV technology in disease prevention, Pet Food Institute’s Dana Brooks, data security before AI, market fit, cash flow, FidoAlert and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, September 2, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Functional freeze explained
The responses known as, “fight” and, “flight” are self-explanatory. In addition, two more responses, “fawn” and, “freeze” are responses to stressors. Freezing is not often discussed but manifests in myriad ways. Rachel Gresh explains functional freeze and shares tips to deal with the less obvious state of emotion. It impacts sufferers mentally and physically but without showing … [Read more...]
New guidance for AMR gram-negative infections
Actions by our human counterparts affect how antimicrobials are considered in animal health and, therefore, become relevant for animal health pros. The Infectious Diseases Society of America recently updated guidance for treating antimicrobial-resistant gram-negative infections <Link>. The guidance updated recommendations for treating pathogens that cause various … [Read more...]
A priest, a drunk and a business leader meet and . . .
Regardless of your age or station in it, self-reflection is an important tool at any point in this journey we call life. Source: LinkedIn, August 28, 2024. Link. I’m good friends with the guy who looks back at me from the mirror. INSIGHTS: “One day at a time,” asserts Bill Treasurer, relating his own story of the good Bill, the bad Bill and the better Bill. … [Read more...]
Insights on how avian flu crosses the species barrier
A new study from the Cusack group at EMBL Grenoble and published in the journal Nature Communications, sheds light on the different mutations that the avian influenza virus can undergo to be able to replicate in mammalian cells. Significant biological differences between birds and mammals normally prevent avian influenza from spreading from birds to other species. To infect … [Read more...]
Wildlife decision tree helps clinic staff deal with wildlife properly
As humans encroach on wildlife habitats, the likelihood of human and wild animal interactions, planned or not, continues to increase. The AVMA resources shared here provide veterinary clinic teams with a unified approach, including the importance of safety. Be sure to view the decision tree algorithm and fill in local contact information as shown <Link>. The form is … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 29, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 22, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the August 22nd AHD Bulletin – The top 3 skills you need to succeed in an AI-driven world. Link. Seek to understand workflows before you pivot. Link. PRRS-resistant pigs - producer urges caution, transparency. Link. Logic, emotion affect decisions. Link. … [Read more...]
What did we miss at the VIS?
The 2024 Veterinary Innovation Summit, organized by the NAVC’s Veterinary Innovation Council, provides a platform for veterinary and industry professionals to explore new ideas and technologies. Past gatherings have opened eyes as companies work to ensure an innovative and resilient future for veterinary medicine. The networking and relational elements are also not to be … [Read more...]
Highlights from the 2024 KCAHC Animal Health Summit
Ending a busy 10 days in Kansas City, the 2024 Animal Health Summit hosted by the KC Animal Health Corridor provided the industry with information on sustainability in the consumers’ mind when buying meat, addressing access to veterinary care, including a pipeline of veterinary talent, where technology is going and what it can provide. Congratulations to Craig S. Wallace, … [Read more...]
AAHA Trends magazine is going ALL digital
After 40 years in print as one of the top veterinary practice management magazines in the industry, Trends is going fully digital, starting Jan. 1, 2025. The new platform will combine the existing newsletter, NEWStat and Trends articles and features. Source: AAHA NEWStat, August 06, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Viticus Group introduces new Premium Pass for 2025 WVC Annual Conference
The 97th WVC Annual Conference is scheduled for March 2-5, 2025, at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Registration opens on September 7th and includes a premium pass designed to provide an upscale, seamless and elevated conference experience from registration to event completion above and beyond the standard conference registration. Source: Viticus Group, August … [Read more...]
$7 million federal grant to fund K-State’s Biomanufacturing Core and Training Facility
Good news in the KC Animal Health Corridor! The newly funded building in Manhattan, Kansas is one of four the university plans to construct as part of its biomanufacturing training and education initiative. K-State officials said the Biomanufacturing Core and Training Facility will improve the university’s ability to perform cutting-edge research, as well as workforce … [Read more...]
Why equine disease reporting varies between states
Some equine diseases trigger alerts in some states but aren't reported at all in others, writes Leslie Barlow. She shares why disease reporting can be confusing including the alphabet soup of organizations involved in determining what to report or not. Barlow manages communications at the Equine Disease Communication Center. Source: The Paulick Report, August 20, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Reinforce the importance fall equine vaccinations, wellness checks
Commentary, Commercial Content In a recent survey of horse owners, Boehringer-Ingelheim found 92 percent of them said boosting vaccinations was important . . . BUT, only 55 percent followed through to administer the boosters. Labor Day weekend is a favorite time for horse owners to get out with their favorite mounts. Equine practices have an opportunity in the coming … [Read more...]
West Nile Virus now a permanent U.S. resident
Until late summer 1999, few American horse owners had heard of West Nile virus. The story of how it was found, spread, monitored and prevented is worth reviewing. Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc, writes the 25-year story of WNV in the U.S. in the feature linked here. Understanding the history informs our current situation as CDC data indicates 48 states and the District of Columbia … [Read more...]