This article includes a recommendation for cat clients to capture videos of their cats’ issue as part of a vet visit decision process and background for potential diagnosis. While telemedicine terms are not used, the “when in doubt, see a vet” guidance could include a virtual visit. Consider the opportunity to share this article along with some telemedicine information via social media and newsletters.
Cats sometimes make a coughing, wheezing sound, almost like it’s about to cough up a hairball or do the infamous scarf-and-barf move, but sometimes, nothing comes up. If you’ve ruled out hairballs, cat wheezing does warrant a trip to the vet says Sasha Gibbons, DVM.
Source: Catster, May 6, 2021. Link.
Since the cat is probably not continually wheezing try to capture your cat wheezing on video. It can be helpful to record an episode of wheezing to help a veterinarian determine the underlying cause. . . “ – Anna Larson, DVM