Animal health professionals must stay current on the disease risks from lyme, heartworm, Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma spp. Client education in regions where disease risk has been low is critical to disease prevention.
Source: JAVMA, June 15, 2016.
A forecast published this spring warns that ticks transmitting Lyme disease have expanded their range, increasing the disease risk for dogs in the Midwest. The Companion Animal Parasite Council predicts an expansion in parasitic range and forecasts that a higher than usual number of dogs will become infected in 2016 with heartworms, Ehrlichia spp, and Anaplasma spp.
INSIGHTS: Representatives who sell tick, flea and mosquito prevention products can use this article as a leave-behind or as a detailer with practices or retailers who may be reluctant to acknowledge the need for prevention because of low incidence in the past.
A reminder from AHD sponsor CEVA Animal Health:
Prevention is easier on dogs and owners than treatment. That’s why it’s important to prevent parasites. Vectra 3D® repels by creating a ‘hot foot’ reaction. Fleas, ticks and other parasites come into contact with your dog’s coat or skin, and become exposed to Vectra 3D®. They retreat back up hair shafts without biting, and soon die. And mosquitoes sense the active ingredients of Vectra 3D®, and 80 percent of the time, avoid dogs without landing.