A common statement from DVMs and clinic staff members is, “I don’t want to be a salesperson.” Yet, if one’s actions contribute to or create a transaction, that is technically a sale, a transfer of money and often title in exchange for a product or service.
David Brock reminds us that we can help them to open up and consider a change. Then we can help them learn and consider a new approach.
Source: Partners in Excellence, February 3, 2021. Link.
We can’t change people’s minds, only they can change their minds. . . The only thing we can do is determine if they are open to rethinking – David Brock
INSIGHTS: Yes, many animal health pros do not want to sell. BUT, we all want to be sure the best options for the animal and client are considered. AND, the client may be hearing this for the first time even though you’ve had the conversation 50 times this week.