Harvest season is running behind for more than half of U.S. corn producers < link >. For those who run cows, the rain delays offer an opportunity to conduct body condition scores (BCS) on cows before turning them out on stalks. The best time for BCS work is concurrent with weaning calves. Use this information to understand BCS, manage input costs and urge producers to do it now.
Management decisions involving cow nutrition at weaning are important to achieve the best cow body condition at calving and later post-calving reproductive success. Body condition scoring (BCS) aids in nutrition management and enhances reproductive performance of the cow herd.
Source: Ohioline. Link. Because feed costs can account for 50 percent of the total cow/calf budget, producers can lower costs without sacrificing reproductive performance when sorting cows on the BCS system. Separating cows on the basis of thin, moderate and fat body conditions using BCS scores will better match feedstuff quality with the nutritional requirements of each cow group.
Also see: Cost management more important than revenue in profitability, Progressive Farmer, October 28, 2019. Link.