It is NOT time to panic. Experts are studying the potential for H5N1 to mutate and reassort with seasonal influenza. They indicate humans and pigs could both serve as mixing vessels for a bird flu–seasonal flu hybrid.
The article by Tanya Lewis provides a situation analysis, food for thought and reinforces the importance of:
- seasonal flu vaccination for farm workers
- monitoring and biosecurity where animals are confined
Source: Scientific American, October 31, 2024. Link.
Related: HPAI cases in California commercial poultry operations rising, Feedstuffs, November 4, 2024. Link.
Biosecurity remains the best weapon against the spread of H5N1. Farms should practice good biosecurity even if the virus has not been detected in their state or vicinity. H5N1 can be transmitted on equipment, people, or other items that move from farm to farm, including between dairies and poultry facilities.” – USDA
Also see: Complacency, the biggest challenge to get farmers to take biosecurity seriously, Source: American Agriculturist, November 6, 2024. Link. “Protocol drift is real . . . it’s a thing we know happens.”