Diligence, teamwork, research, technology and collaboration are required to maintain biosecurity on farm and within the collective U.S. swine populations. Kevin Shultz distilled the frequently cacophonous elements of biosecurity efforts in this article. It truly takes a team willing to be cooperative, even though they are often competitive. Together, biosecurity remains a key priority to maintain healthy, safe production of pigs and pork.
Source: National Hog Farmer, November 9, 2017.
Biosecurity is an ever-turning chain, with researchers, veterinarians, producers, production teams and swine technicians each playing a vital role in making sure the chain is well-oiled, and operating smoothly to keep the U.S. swine herd healthy.
INSIGHTS: As animal health pros, this article represents the one area where we are guardians of not only animals, but food safety and potential zoonoses. Don’t sit quietly at the next gathering. Share how much time, effort and financial support it takes to keep our animal populations healthy and safe.