Cattle First, a documentary about the Johnsons, a six-generation ranching family who owns the Flying Diamond Cattle ranch in Colorado, premiered during the recent 2020 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio. The Johnson’s story focuses on the importance – and benefits – of putting animals first and the importance of being transparent about how beef is produced. Watch the film at Link.
Source: Drovers, February 10, 2020. Link. Maybe it’s a reflection of the ranching ethos or attitude that we’re quiet, reserved people and we didn’t know people wanted to know what’s going on. But we’re actually very proud of how we do things.”
INSIGHTS: Hats off to Boehringer Ingelheim and the Johnsons for an amazing contribution to help those outside the cattle business understand how it works. This is a great resource for animal health pros, teachers, youth group leaders and ranchers.