LaRae Quy was an FBI undercover and counterintelligence agent for 24 years. She is the author of “Secrets of a Strong Mind” and “Mental Toughness for Women Leaders: 52 Tips To Recognize and Utilize Your Greatest Strengths.” She says, “It’s no secret that business and life are not as simple as they were, either. Executives, business owners and entrepreneurs need to take a bold stand and make tough decisions to overcome strong competition and market upheavals.” This article is appropriate following National Veterinary Technician Week.
Source: SmartBrief, October 19, 2016.
Here are four ways to be bold and make tough decisions:
- Be bold and courageous
- Be bold and move toward your fear
- Be bold and stay in front
- Be bold and embrace anxiety
INSIGHTS: To find out if you are mentally tough, get LaRue Quy’s free 45-question Mental Toughness Assessment.