The most recent survey on the beef checkoff shows a higher percent of cattle producers approve of the program. often controversial, overall, beef producers are pleased with the performance of the checkoff, says Burt Rutherford, editor:
- 76% say the beef checkoff has contributed to a positive trend in beef demand
- 78% say the checkoff has value even when the economy is weak, 5% higher than last year
- 65% say the checkoff contributes to profitability of their operations
- 71% say the checkoff represents their interests, 4% higher than last year
- 61% believe the checkoff is well-managed
Source: Beef, February 14, 2018.
The beef checkoff hasn’t funded consumer-facing television and magazine ads for many years, shared Rutherford. Much of the spend work involves a strong social media presence, conducting research and rolling out the results to the health and food professionals. These persons need to know the many good things about beef that the checkoff can tell them.