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Move over Dr. Google! Search is old hat . . . VERA has answers
VERA which stands for Virtual Engagement and Relationship Agent is powered by AI, ChatGPT and AskVet’s database of over 1.5 million digitized conversations between veterinarians and pet parents. Developed to use natural language, the vetbot objectives are:
- to help pet parents get immediate, personalized answers to their health, wellness, behavior and training questions
- to help pet brands engage with their consumers and sellers to lessen the burden of customer care and training.
Experience VERA at
Source: AskVet via GlobeNewsWire, February 7, 2023. Link. Since 2017, AskVet has been using AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP) to create personalized and relevant answers to pet parent questions. Now, with ChatGPT’s new capability that adds “memory and context” to conversations, AskVet’s vetbot has risen to a ground-breaking level of accuracy and relevancy, allowing VERA to have context-driven, back-and-forth dialogue.
INSIGHTS: VERA has the potential to make noticeable differences in the veterinary-client-patient relationship when animal owners seek to confirm VERA’s virtual feedback when solving issues with their pet.
NOTE: We tested VERA with three questions. Each interaction was quick, concise and ended with a recommendation to see the pet’s veterinarian or contact poison control. Here is the transcript from one of those questions <Link>.