Providing a commentary on vaccine hesitancy, Lori Kogan, PhD, shares research-backed cognitive biases that can affect pet owners’ vaccine decisions. Beyond the analytics, she reminds animal health pros vaccine-reluctant pet owners are not stupid; they simply make poor choices based on their fears and biases. She recommends veterinary teams learn to adapt their vaccine messages to help increase vaccine compliance.
The key to mitigating several of these cognitive biases is to help people realize that they can make the future potentially less turbulent if they make small sacrifices and risks in the current moment.”
Source: ASPCA® Pet Health Insurance. Link.
INSIGHTS: Don’t miss the tables on the last page. Consider using this article in staff meetings to discuss how vaccines are positioned, client objections and the practices’ core versus non-core vaccine positioning. Role-playing two or three scenarios can be helpful and build staff confidence in handling common objections.