Kate Eldredge, LVT, shares five steps to remove ticks from an animal. Note her reference about saving the tick for identification or testing.
- Remove the tick
- Clean the bite area
- Check for more ticks
- Review your preventatives
- Schedule blood work to check for tick-borne diseases
Source: Whole Dog Journal, March 2018.
It’s hard to say which is worse: running your hand over a dog and brushing against an attached tick, or seeing a tick skitter across the dog’s face. Either way, the unwelcome arachnid must go.
INSIGHTS: This article is timely and great to use on social media, websites and newsletters. It is also a good time to review various preventatives. AHD Sponsor Ceva Animal Health’s Vectra 3D® repels by creating a ‘hot foot’ reaction. Fleas, ticks and other parasites come into contact with a dog’s coat or skin and become exposed to Vectra 3D®. They retreat back up hair shafts without biting, and soon die. Plus, mosquitoes sense the active ingredients of Vectra 3D®, and 80 percent of the time, avoid dogs without landing.1
1Information from Vectra 3D® website